So what does Sup Forums actually want? Do you wan't to live in a fascist whites only state? Or are you just here for the bantz?
So what does Sup Forums actually want? Do you wan't to live in a fascist whites only state...
Sup Forums are stupid
i want to be left alone.
>i want to be left alone
the chances of you being a rural and suburban retard virgin are quite high. You're already alone.
im just here for the mid lane banter
rabble rabble rabble
I habe aids
>the occasional gem hidden amongst all the shit on Sup Forums
only why i browse desu
I just come here to see the meltdown the left is going through. It's pretty good comedy sometimes.
I want WW3 and i want kikes wiped out
I like coming here for banter but in all reality I'm still very conservative. I'm down with race mixing with asians, dont completely hate blacks but I really do despise jews and mudslimes.
I'm only half white, but I sympathize with the current right-wing movements and will help them out in whatever little ways I can even if it's just memes and shitposting. I probably won't actively partake in it, though. I'm honestly just really curious to see where this all ends up.
Allow people to live amongst their own kind if they choose. Framing this as an unreasonable desire is ridiculous.
I think this feminist-diversity-equality shit has gone too far and needs to stop. Anyone who doesn't fall in line with the PC doctrine is branded a racist and nazi.
We need to harmonize between feminine (emotional) and masculine (logical). We are too far into feminine so the scales are not in balance.
wrong i live a bit outside of Baltimore. blow me leaf.
/r/the_donald is the other way lol
Block people from our communities, schools, and businesses due to their race and religion.
I'll take the white neighborhood, thanks. You can have ... whatever.
We'll be happier when we can live safely among our own kind and choose to interact with other races and cultures only for trade in goods and services without being forced to cohabitate with their foreign ideas and strange customs.
I want the jews to literally be eradicated from this Earth.
People will probably call you T_D, but I honestly started out coming here regularly because of all the insanity that the establishment left was pushing. White nationalism probably isn't for me because of reasons I stated earlier, but there's no denying that western civilization is headed towards an Orwellian nightmare and it has to stop.
I don't think anyone would mind extermination of all blacks, Jews, and Muslims, but although people may want that there's no quick path to it. It'll happen eventually.
>Nation pride over race pride
>2 genders, sexual preferences irrelevant sans pedophilia
>Unrestricted gun rights
>extreme vetting of incoming immigrants
>Science over feelings
>The mentality of working your way to the top over free handouts
>The dankest of memes
Am I asking for too much?
Define "allow" and "own people". Is the government forcing you to be friends with blacks? Marry Mexicans? Live next door to Asians? No. They're not. You still have complete freedom of association, you paranoid, alt-right faggot.
>Greatest society of all time.
>Dank memes
Sir, indeed you do ask for too much of this world.
>Do you wan't to live in a fascist whites only state?
Of course, haven't you been paying attention?
I want to be able to live in a neighborhood where only x kind of people may live. Who gives a shit what the categorization is, just the principle. The market should be allowed to enforce this - realtors in the area won't sell to non-x's, presumably in return for some kind of premium. I'm not trying to start the race war by living in a community of 1,000 ONLY white people and not be bothered.
I'm a chaos god. When one side fucks up, the other will check them. Sup Forums being autistic as it is, makes the alt right appear to be a bunch of rude dickheads. Their ideas will never take off too hard without being crushed. I dont pick sides, I simply play the game and fuck with whoever is the most fun to troll at the moment. It's for these reasons I will work with both Sup Forums, and Tumblr's SJWs.
>watching 2 sides who hate each other try to kill each-other.... IT TURNS ME ON SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want eugenics and America to survive!
The Alt-Kike has stolen all of our memes. They have stolen the culture we created. Now they have turned it into Alt-Anti-Fa (as in alternative to fascism or anti-fascism).
It's time to steal some of their Hillary inspired power back!
We need to flood all the websites covering this with info:
>Zionists DID 9/11!
Use their gollams against them!
Don't let Tricky Licky Dicky Spencer turn these proud white boys into gay zionists!
>Do you wan't to live in a fascist whites only state?