What goes on here? Will there be another war?
People in that area don't fuck around. One thing is sure and that is "refugees" will not be well treated in that region.
Refugees wouldn't go there anyway, they would rather go to a welfare state like Germany or Sweden
A fine example of an Aussie.
I hope so
Yeah but eventually that welfare spring is going to run dry and several countries on the eastern block have made it abundantly clear they are not screwing around any longer with that issue.
Point being, that right there could spark a conflict eventually in a major way.
Ultra-Nationalist region
It's the pinnacle of human evolution, millions of years to create the superior aboriginal genetics
More important question is who will come out on top(i.e willing to risk more casualties on the field of battle)?
Thread theme
Longest period of peace in recorded history of Balkan was 49 years. last war was in 1999. so I would place another war to begin some time about now.
Question is who has NATO on their side you mean
M8 the reason you are so poor is because of those fakin wars
They're also poor because of ottoman occupation which put them in the dark ages till 1900
It was a rhetorical question, serbia wins obviously(others aren't even real countries desu)
In keeping with the theme.
Bosnia will become Afghanistan of Europe in next 20 years.
Bosnia won't exist in 20 years
The ottoman occupation was fucking horrible, but it actually raised the standard of living there when the wars weren't happening. In the 1700s I believe serbia had a higher standard of living than most eastern european countries (I might be completely off here, but I know the ottoman empire had one of the top standards of living on par with other empires)
Croat diaspora reporting in
Part of that is true, but not entirely. Parts of Croatia still use the railways that the Ottomans layed out for us. We haven't upgraded them in 100 years
Most of our infrastructure is shit and outdated.
0 immigrants, that's what's going on here
Even so, if there were less wars and less ottoman occupation, the population of Croatia and Serbia each would be well atleast 40 million + the countries would be more developed
That's because no sane man, woman, or child would want to immigrate TO Albania.
Why would anyone want to go to Albania? That's like shooting yourself in the foot with a shotgun
There were multiple stories of Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Serbian "civilian death squads" roaming the forests near their borders in search of migrants coming in. And this, only in the past 3-5 months.
The Hungarians and Romanians are the only ones so far that have definitely actually killed/tortured/caught these migrants, as the bodies are starting to show up.
This will spread through the balkans and soon every country will have its own designated death squads hunting migrants thru their lands.
prediction: by 2020 we will see our first impalement in either Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, or Poland.
Mark my words.
Mate, the shelings fucked up the Balkans
Balkans is place where tectonic plates collide.
Not literal ones like in Japan, but religious, cultural, racial, ideological... It is like that for several thousands of years.
Also this. Constantinople was the center of the world when it comes to culture, science, spirituality, trade and art before the muslim invasion.
Dont embarrass yourselves, you clearly have no idea about countries here.
Muslims need to be removed from the premises
We can only hope
You mean the Habsburgs, our railways are from A-H.
are you fucking stupid?
whats the 2nd best balkan country? The best one is obviously croatia
>the fantasy world of your ignorant burger
stick to discussing the states please retard
Most of the Balkans are against 3 things: Muslims, Gay, and Jew.
Why not unite under the things you hate, burn Albania together and create Greater BALKANIA?
The maps are going to be different in a Few years
Yes if the eu don't fuck off with their hatred of white peoples and Christianity.
Don't Romania and Greece have the biggest GDP per capita out of the whole Balkans?
Also, Romania is the biggest by a factor of 3x, why croatia?
Life's all right
t. chilling in the mountains
because croatia is best vacation spot
lmao...do I smell angry diaspora? :) you balkan people come to my continent and I don't mind, but I can't even give my opinion?
Also, that's not fantasy, google it.
they have all that coast, otherwise they are bottom of the pack in balkans area
yes but better than greece though?
Countries in Balkans with gdp/capita higher than 10k :
The other ones teeter between 1900 and 6000. It's sort of obvious which states are the "best" there.
>you balkan people come to my continent
hahahaha some random bum hick so its yours? jeez
Ignore all the other reasons, its the iq :)
croats are actually proud western journalists and tourists write about how easy croatian women are lmao
>mfw my family made a nice little house in the mountain village my father was from
they have low sepf esteem, every croat girl I've met would take your cock in her ass just to make you in a better mood
Croatia borders look diseased.
every woman is easy my serbian friend
My family tracks its people down to the first settlers in 1690. With portraits, letters, and guns passed down through the generations. We killed the savages fair and square, don't complain, you angry diaspora. Or what are you? an indian supremacist? fuck off lmao
JESUS CHRIST, what the fuck happens in Albania and Montenegro??? that's mongoloid level
Balkans are turkroach-rapebabies. Not european at all.
Changing it would ruin this, core reason why herzegovina should fuck off.
>what the fuck happens in Albania and Montenegro
Bottom of the pack would be serbia
>literally poorest in the region
>army is non-existent with rusted out tanks from the 80s
>gay prime minister
>begging nato and eu to become members
>has a 10,000 strong population of sand niggers in Belgrade that try to get across the Croatian border every week but are stopped
>can't even take back a little piece of land they say is theirs (kosovo)
>literally no friends in the region
>occupied by ottomans for 400 years
Do the villagers offer you rachiu and homemade wine? Cuz the surely do here
That's what western cucks think until they get here
"Ohh it's so fucking beautiful!"
"Such beautiful women"
"So many beautiful beaches"
Keep hating us, you little cucks. We are the last European country with balls...keep on playing video games while your women get taken
German talking about racial purity in 2017 , fucking christ you guys are beyond help.
Pic related doesn't happen in 99% of Balkans, and dont cry about gypsies and albanian muslims lmao. Yet it happens in deutschlandistan.
Even my grandmother (that once supported her father's ideas of pro hitler in ww2) says germany isn't european anymore. And she's fucking 72.
thats fine but you still control exactly 0% (if you look voting side you have a third of a millionth of a percent) control over who will and won't be entering into your country friendo
We know you have serbian origins but you dont need to try and give actual serbians a bad name.
There is not a single turkish haplogroup present in countries above it. Telling you this assuming you actually believe there would be "mass rape" 24/7 to actually alter the countries above turkey. Germany tho has biggest turkish population out of turkey. I am sure you are not familiar with people that inhabited balkans before all the countries existed as we know them now. Give research a go if intrested.
More like
>ew mom why is that old man licking a cats penis
>don't worry my daughter, it's an Albanian tradition
>I'm scared mom, can we leave?
but at least serbia isn't shaped like a 30 km wide noodle that you can cut into five pieces during attack operations. Also any war in the region wouldn't financially cripple serbia but croatia's 13 mil tourists would go flocking and bye bye to your '''country'''
Out of my way subhuman
My fathers brother makes one of the best plum brandy in Serbia, grapes usually do not make it past the winter up there.
But yes the villagers are all extremely good and generous people. Drinking with them after hard day of work reminds me of some different times.
Your broken english makes it hard for me to understand. Control 0% of what? you mean democracy?
Are you retarded? Trump got voted in by fucking MEMES, and hes banning the muslims, starting RAISE, increasing borderguards by 20k, building a fucking wall, making the economy prosperous, and nuking the norks.
And in Canada, your cuck president is busy nuking his own people with refugees, his 250 genders, and wrongthink laws.
Pic related.
>shaped like a 30 km wide noodle that you can cut into five pieces during attack operations
right, so why couldn't Serbia take it?
>inb4 muh nato
Cant even find a good Croatian girl in the villages anymore, all have become turbo folk sluts.
Over cooked on the bottom, crispy as fuck and it looks like ghandis flip flop
You want to talk about an area that has been fucked over many times over by the world powers that be look no further than that area.
Christ... how many times has that region had to bare the brunt of stupid decisions by globalists or world powers? That is one area that legitimately is well beyond the point of "don't fuck with us" and if those "refugees" were even semi intelligent they would avoid that region like the damn plague because the people there are not fucking around when it comes to that "issue".
What villages, wtf are you talking about while living in USA?
That's more like a Greek tradition. Stop immigrating to Australia
I was referring to your comment about the continent being "yours" and how you personally "let" balkan people in. Your desires or wishes are of no consequence.
As far as the Canada part no argument there, the us btfo my cuck country.
>he doesn't know about the Croatian refugee village where they take the BBC (Big Bosnian Cock)
Was born here buddy
>y couldn't Serbia take it
Serbia was never even officially was at war with croatia, it only supplied rockets and small arms to the locals that were rebelling there, and those guys (RSK) neither could or wanted to take over the whole country
>Inb4 vukomeme
that was a complete farce as milosevic even said as much, it was only used to secure political support against his rivals and opponents in belgrade
st louis?
doesn't matter, serbia lost the war and is now a shithole which your parents immigrated from and is being destroyed from the inside out while you LARP from Canada about how your people and country are top ubermensch and better than anyone else
>We know you have serbian origins but you dont need to try and give actual serbians a bad name.
>giving (You) to diasporafags
Not sure if advanced bait or just mental.
My baba always told me marry a girl from a village who cooks and cleans, but they don't exist anymore.
>marry Croatian girl
>doesnt cook or clean but spends your money
>posts her new life in America or Germany on Instagram to make her friends in Croatia jealous
Maybe Bosnian girls are still decent?
the bosnian mecca
The only two countries that are based in that region is Albania and Serbia because they are the only non-cucked countries left. Only a Serb and an Albanian would go so far as to kill for literally nothing, they are white niggers. That's why they will be the least white niggers left in Europe and even then will they continue fighting gangwars between one another.
I know this because the most savage deranged fucks from Yugoslavia were serbs and albanians. Least interested in blending in and only caring about money and fighting. Grade A monkey behavior.
Res of the Balkans is doomed.
Pic unrelated.
>My baba always told me marry a girl from a village who cooks and cleans, but they don't exist anymore.
i bet they do, but if you take them straight into degeneracy center like america then no wonder why they take such transformation
diaspora is as degenerate as it can get
lmao a few days ago on the Bulgarian/Serbian border i have seen some many PURE germans going back to germany
when will germany turn into roach land v2?
12 hours ago i mentioned in another thread, i was shocked if you go to non coastal small towns (10k population max) you can easly find a woman who wants to live a simple life, family and so on. I was doubtful aswell, so no worries.
Its worth pointing they should calm down and not talk for others. Balkan diaspora is cancer.
>what is habbening will always ha
Wait in 5-10 years when China builds the silk road from greece to budapest, the asia route that connects turkey to germany is finished, serbia enters all of the international organizations that legitimate nations are a part of, and enters EU. Things can change rapidly when momentum is sustained and progress is maintained.
The faster it happens the faster others will wake up. People here in the bigger cities believe we live in some degenerate enjoyable world. I think if you see interviews with people from ultra, you can take that as example of what i mean.
>China builds the silk road from greece to budapest
>china building anything
>china building anything that actually helps the local people
>expecting other peoples work and wealth to uplift your nation
holy fuck, yeah keep waiting man. And Putin is going to come around soon and make serbia great again, what a pipe dream. Quit LARPing
So there is hope! Puno hvala :)
What serbro said, if you take her somewhere else, you will basicly infect her with virus. I intend to move to village or something if i am able to continue to do my job from home. That is once i find the right woman i wanna have family with. Life in a city is depressing.
When was the last time you went back? I went to Novi Sad last year and they are building at least five large buildings for future office space/work places, new bridges and tourist attractions, lots of other new stuff. I am not larping go back one summer and you'll see its probably changing/booming in Croatia aswell.
I agree. A man needs to be closer to nature and have strong relationships with his neighbors. None of that is possible in the city.
i want to move to some village to and life a comfy life around nature
The Triple K Mafia has arrived!
Join Moon Central in the fight against niggers, kikes, leftists, spics, mudslimes, faggots, turkroaches and weeaboo degenerates!
Requirements: High level of hate towards niggers & jews, 100% European ancestry, high power level
(See #introductions)
1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigga tonight
>i saw a few new buildings
Discussing the balkans based on obeservations from a short summer vacation last year sounds pretty funny to me. And no, wars are not going to happen in the region anytime soon, at least as long as everyone is kissing american and/or european ass. Even Serbia seems headed in this direction lately. On the topic of immigrants - none of them want to stay here because it's the europoor shithole region. They're all headed to SJW countries like Germany and Sweden.