What are they complaining about?

There has NEVER been a better time or place, in the HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE, to be gay than in the Western World 2017 (unless gayy lmaos have it better on xarxon 12.3). EVER. A time machine to the past would be terrible for gays, in any year even just 1 year ago it was worse. Same goes for a plane ticket outside of the Western World.

While they push for full acceptance, can they not just step back and appreciate what us white folk have allowed them to have? Fuckin sick of hearing how bad I am as a person for literally being accepting of them.

The gay rights issue really skyrocketed to the forefront like not even 15 years ago. Can they not look at a history book and see how long it took blacks and be thankful? Same for Trannies, that issue seemingly became the most important thing on planet earth not even 4 years ago and they are already entitled as shit.

How can these far-left pussies keep demanding large-scale social change faster and faster, for groups that are exceedingly smaller and smaller, and some might say stranger and stranger, while the population gets larger and larger? It's simply not feasible to expect the psyche of the human race to adapt this quickly.

Other urls found in this thread:


Pride and rainbow flag wavers do not represent homosexuals as a whole. Check out a gay dating app and you'll find maybe 1% of users are like that

> Check out a gay dating app

How many Trannies use gay dating apps? Is there a tranny dating app?

I'd like to add that Trannies co-opting the gay movement was the sneakiest social tactic in the information era. What a farce. I literally don't have a problem with a gay man leading my country right now, but a mentally Ill man? Sickos.

They are ALREADY trying to push gender fluidity and identity in ELEMENTARY curriculum here in Canada. Jesus fuck, they did pretty good with this set up. If you oppose them? You are a terrible person and you will be doxxed or whatever and your employer will have no choice but to fire you.

I sometimes think the internet should just be eliminated. Everyone could go back to living in their own bubbles rather than being concerned that Johnny Bumfuck in rural Idaho isn't up to date with the latest social norms.




I have no problem with people who like cock, so long as they keep theirs away from me.
People that want to hack it off, pump themselves up with hormones and think it changes anything but their suicide statistics can fuck right off. The people that enable impressionable children to do it too need to be fucking crucified.


i'm not complaining about anything, life is fucking dope. thanks western society.

they used to say that about homos, too, leaf. it just takes some education and getting used to.

Trannies saying they deserve to fuck straight men has done a world of hurt for our image.

>what are they complaining about?

theyre fucking attention whores. its all they want. their whole agenda is just shoving their bullshit down our throats.

Then you'll love reading this!


Archived it

Leave the eu, hurry up.

I'm currently conducting an experiment. Remember those faggots who say that sexuality isn't a choice but rather something that you're born with? Guess what. I'm going to disprove that claim. I am 24 years old and have had several fulfilling relationships with women. Never popped a boner in the shower at gym or school when looking at male bodies so I know that I am 100% hetero. Now what am I gonna do you ask? I have been fapping to men and gay porn only for about 2 months now and at first I couldn't get it up at all. After one week I was able to get a semi-hardon and with week two I was able to jerk off satisfactorily. One month in I had problems getting it up to women and although I was concerned at first, I knew that I had to continue.

Once I had achieved a steady state of gayness in my mind I thought that I would take it to the next step. A buttplug. I bought a set of three- that's small. medium and big. Once I had gotten used to the small one I moved on to the medium one and logically the largest one followed. Now that my anus had stretched enough I bought myself a dildo and from then on only orgasmed through the use of anal penetration. 1 month and a half in I could not get it up to women anymore and began thinking about sucking cock and setting up an ad on craigslist. Once done, I checked regularly and had gotten a response pretty quickly and set up a date, time and place. Obviously the first meeting was in public, but he seemed nice enough and so we got ourselves a hotel room. Once the deed was done and he had gone home I sat there thinking about what I had just done.

Here I am now, unable to get aroused by women and constantly thinking about cock. I plan on continuing for a whole year before attempting to rewire my brain into thinking women are arousing. I am planning on getting a boyfriend during the time to simulate a proper relationship and will break up with him shortly before my one year is over. Sexuality is a life choice.

I posted this in a thread earlier today by the way. It's not copypasta.

You are gay. You know you are gay.

Thanks. Don't want to give any ad revenue to the state media.

Your genes could be different from others, you can't apply your situation to everyone (like lesbians)

Also what if you don't change back, what if you were bi to begin with, is this a mutation ability, are you really driven by your attraction to men or are you being driven to prove gays wrong?

If it is a choice, then my decision is valid. This is a Strohman discussion. Why choose hetero?

Of course a German would post gayer shit than the LGB crew.

On / pol / always dearest! They are sexier than you.

This. The reason I only told a few friends I was Bisexual wasn't because 'muh homophobia', it was because the LGBTQ..... community are mentally fucked. I don't want the fact I like guys to define my life, and I don't want to be associated with degenerate cunts.

If you are a fag.

Lel, no. They got a taste of getting to pull the victim card and now they'll never voluntarily let go of it again. So they'll eventually just push too far and lose everything again.

Are you me?

Ohhh ... YES!


We're easily manipulated. I've been to Pride parades, a lot of gays got in too deep in the sexual liberation movement, which ruined any chance of being respectable.

The people that were there to make a political point were drowned out by Socialist Worker and different far-left groups that show up to convince us that we're weak and need protection (a basic summary of what they really think of us.) And gay 'culture' perpetuated by literal money laundering.

>parade organizers in bed with charities (mostly NGOs), theatrical plays and arts studios
>every business along the route wants to show their support, but the unspoken rule is before you change your sign rainbow, you have to make a contribution
>this money gets sent to people in bed with the organizers

I forget her name, but one of the chairwomen of Stonewall UK was literally working with the IRA at one point, or some armed group that planted bombs. She refuses to talk about it.

It's virtue signaling.

>company changes their cookies/phones/seatbelts/anything to rainbow
>posts picture on their facebook
>someone says they've lost their support as a customer
>company copy-pastes a pre-recorded rebuttal, receiving praise without actually doing anything

But OP's point isn't true. There are many issues facing gays in society.

>west does business with Turkey, who is becoming an Islamofascist dictatorship that I can actually see enacting execution as a punishment for gays in the next decade
>NATO refuses to act on Russia (I say Russia, although I support them and their policy on gays... Kadyrov and his Chechen gang are basically separate from them)
>Media ignores atrocities in places like Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, etc - while continuing to do business

Look at this pic. Obama shaking hands with the president of the Gambia. Same guy who said he would "personally behead all gays in my country."

there are three men on that photo. the most many is the one is a yellow dress

M8 I was talking about the Western World not any of those shit countries. It's literally in the OP.

I know, the west supports these countries though. Most of the gays I know are saying the same things, but the leftist media is suppressing what the majority opinion is because it doesn't fit their "gays must be left-wing" narrative

>Clinton Foundation took donations from the Saudis
>Hillary made a huge uranium deal with the Russians (and by proxy the Chechens), and then pocketed the money
>Obama supported a dictator, shaking hands with the guy saying he'd personally murder gays

But the western media chooses to push an agenda of "We're oppressed at home!" which most gays hardly believe, desu

M8 Stop being a faggot. My point was that a fag in 2017, in the Western World, is experiencing the best gay life that ever existed. You have absolutely no obligation to go to fucking turkey who gives a shit about turkey.

My point is that western governments are giving weapons and money and international aid (that gets pocketed by the corrupt government 90% of the time) to countries that want us dead and are actually killing us.

I'm an American who places my country and God before everything else. Gays have it amazingly well in the US, I'm saying that you have the wrong impression of gays, thinking we hate the west. The media uses us as pawns, literally every homo I've met outside of rallies and Pride is patriotic as fuck. The west is amazing to us, but politicians do corrupt deals to line their pockets at our expense, figuring if they don't see it then it isn't as bad.

The left has co-opted the "gay rights" movement and is now pushing for pedophilia. The LGBTBBQ shit doesn't even represent gays anymore as far as I can tell.

>best life
>importing hundreds of thousand of people who hate gays as feminists and BLM rises to shit on gay whites
Fuck this retarded country

I'm gay and LGBT culture is the most pathetic thing about Western civilization. All they fucking do is complain about every little thing they possibly can and enforce blatant degeneracy onto the population with their pride events. So much that it's made me think that LGBT culture is a Jewish psy-op used to destroy the high culture with phony gayness.

Fucking this. Cannot stand trannies. They deserve a gassing first before anyone else. Holy fucking shit every last one of them is mentally ill of some sorts.

WRONG ! the ancient greece people were 99% gay all day and all night. only fucking women when it came time to reproduce. I could only imagine that gays would feel right at home there.

Blame americans. LGBT in the western world is only, or at least mainly, degenerate in america. In all other civilized countries and cultures they act like normal, everyday people.

Americans can only think in extremes.

Honestly, there are 8 billion people in the world. I think we just gotta let the dudes who think they're chicks live in sorrow and die. Let them poo in whatever bathroom they want but the fact that at any given time 20% of the headlines are about 0.2% of the population is a waste of resources.

Only parts of America

It was a joke all along. As soon as they got equality, they'll take it all, indoctrinate your kids and shame you while doing it. Its backfiring big time. Although we'll probably never take gay's rights away, nor do we care too much, the effect is crystalizing and hardening right-wing identity.
