I will gladly answer non-inflammatory Qs
Ask a Somali ex-Muslim anything
Do you think Muslim women who see the hijab as empowering have a point?
Are you a refuge? why did you leave?
Is it true that Somalia is largely anarchistic?
What is your IQ? Also how intelligent would you estimate the average Somalian is?
Do you worship K'naan?
Wave your flag.
Why are your people the lowest of the low?
Literally only 1 in 4 of you invaders in my country has a job. The rest sustain themselves on gibs
I've only taken one in my freshman year and ended up getting 107-110, idk what it is now though.
The average *Somali IQ in Somalia was never truly tested, the study done by Lynn was actually calculated based off of obscure studies in Kenya (80) and Ethiopia (63) therefore leaving Somalia an intermediate number of 68. Though now given the weak government and lack of education I believe it's currently below 80.
Al-Shabab pretty much controls a a good portion of Somalia so in a way yeah
No, I left Islam....
There's predominantly Eritrean refugees in Denmark
So you're saying they flee Eritrea, get somalian citizenship and then flee to Denmark? Or that they simply claim to be somalian rather than eritrean?
We have about 10000 of you lot. 24% of the men are employed and 10% of the women.
When do you plan on returning to Somalia?
I meant as in Somalis are really only a problem in Sweden, Canada (Toronto) and certain regions of the U.S. (Mn, Columbus, etc.). Denmark is barely relevant.
They don't really tend to kaffirs so never
#1 reason to leave Islam: i want to be white
When are you going back?
Nevermind. Are you going to pursue white women here?
Nope, already with an east african girl
Is it a Muslim thing to not wear deodorant or a Somalian thing? The dishwasher at my jobs always smells like shit.
How do magnets work?
ok, np then.
Good luck.
how did you get away from abandonning islam? How your parents and friends reacted?
Why do you think your opinions or experience are worth anything?
why the fuck dont you guys take your boat back to the fucking shit hole you're comming from?
Why do you all look like pic related?
Do any female members of your family have intact genitals?
How challenging is going through life with a sub 70 IQ?
How can we get all your stinking, welfare dependent people to go back home?
Do you understand that you are a pawn in the mass migration social engineering attack against the west?
Did you tell your family? How did they react?
Inbred useless paki
I haven't told them yet, Somali society is the most demonizing of the kaffir
Not a paki but i rather be a paki/indian/chink than a nigger
>im the newfag now
Did you know your flag is the same as the US Confederate flag? How funny is that? Also, stay out of my country. You're garbage people
A turkroach then huh? Still gang raping germans as usual?
where do you live?
How many people have you raped?
How can we get tons of Somalis into Israel?
Their attitude to the hijab is as of the bra for white women.
There three states in Somalia. They are not anarchistic, more like minarchistic and tribalistic.
Do you think islam will be overcome like christianity? What do you think is the problem with muslims? Is it 10 kids and retarded parents where mom never left the house and dad is a taxi driver so they don't really know how to raise children and only know one book? What is it ? Also I salute you on your decision
Do you believe in magic/shamqns/etc? Do you have any talismans? Have you ever seen a witch doctor or taken part to a ritual?
Have you ever hunted with a spear?
Do people in Somalia still dress in leaves and wear tribal tattoos? Or have you figured out textiles?
Give a link to the Somalian community online. I do not mean immigrants, but people residing in Somalia now. And how many of them can speak english?
You're confusing us for other Africans. We're the aye-aye matey+allahu akbar combo
Hijabs are pretty sexy. They're about the only thing I like about isl*m
There's already a big falasha mura population there they have to deal with
Islam is cancer.
Hijabs are not sexy.
What do you think of your cunt. Please concretely explain me
why haven't you killed yourself yet?
post proof with time stamp
post tits with time stamp if girl
gtfo you larping faggot!
1. why does somali hair line start so high
2. when are you going back
3. if you haven't gone back and everyone in your nigger family ends up lynched by whites who've had enough (nothing personal kid) then whose fault was that you and your family died?
Have you told anyone of your decision to leave islam? If so, what was their reaction?
>idk what it is now though.
It doesn't change throughout life.
>Still gang raping germans as usual?
Nope but thats hilarious coming from a nigger from somalia of all places
Is your head shaped like a light-bulb?
How long were you in the west before you became heinously obese? 6 months? 12 months?