Why is nihilism such a common trait among faggots and feminists?
Why is nihilism such a common trait among faggots and feminists?
They read Nietzsche with what amounts to a first grade education and think they're doctors of philosophy.
Oh, I don't know user. I've been in a pretty good state of nihilism for a bit now.
>Hitler lost the war
>Everything is now crap
I don't know why fags/fems would be nihilistic, they got the fag marriage they wanted and feminists got their crappy suffrage.
Because they are atheists. Without God morality is just a social construct, human existence is accidental, there is no objective meaning, everything is allowed.
no survival reflexes?
they'll never be happy until a man tells them they're happy.
Nihilism is the death of the LAST MAN
To prepare for the NEW MAN
Asians could do this without us but the lack the hero ethic of the Aryan. They are too BORG like. Hence Ghost in a Shell.
Perfection is not the goal. Excellence is the goal. As Nietzsche said it is not the end result but the highest that we judge humanity -- paraphrased
Why are you fighting it?
We do not conceive negative nihilism as the same thing.
Nietzsche was in no way a fucking feminist. Even mock it a few time.
Burgers are the worst Nietzsche readers of all, they can't figure it out. Not kidding it's pathetic kys.
It helps them justify letting the white race go extinct
Because its easy.
>Burgers are the worst Nietzsche readers of all, they can't figure it out. Not kidding it's pathetic kys.
Weird alt-kike agents attacking America a lot these days.
Americans have been re-meming Nietzsche while you have been apologizing for your daugher's rape.
Let's not D/C here.
I'll go with Nietzsche. To disprove the usual ameriturd burger.
If you have no capacity to acquire more in terms of dominance, aka a faggot or a woman, you can only be resentful toward life if you're being told that's what you should be, you can only learn to not give a fuck about life (the will of thrive, to dominate and to be more) in hope to feel better about your state of being, you learn to be less, you learn to contempt and to be resentful toward the strong.
See. Your poster is the problem.
I can't figure out why but it's always the burgers.
Maybe your books I couldn't tell
Zarathustra in English did seem kind of vague compared to the french version I had.
Decent explanation, as far as my experience with them goes.
Nietzsche is an excellent read for anyone who hasn't had a chance to read Will to Power yet. When I took it to heart I went the longest without a porno relapse I've gone in a while, just by his "men are meant to be miserable" rule. It was nice, a flatline without euphoria kind of place.
Shame I couldn't make it stick.
It's easier to go down than up.
It's easier to destroy something than build it.
They'd rather live in decadence free of any expectations, responsibilities and duties cause it's easier.
Same as just living your room messy.
The Alt-Kike has stolen all of our memes. They have stolen the culture we created. Now they have turned it into Alt-Anti-Fa (as in alternative to fascism or anti-fascism).
It's time to steal some of their Hillary inspired power back!
We need to flood all the websites covering this with info:
>Zionists DID 9/11!
Use their gollams against them!
Don't let Tricky Licky Dicky Spencer turn these proud white boys into gay zionists!
They realize modern society is fucked and they have incredibly low self esteem due to lacking a sense of self and reason for living.
This is why it's very easy for them to end up devoting their lives to bitching on tumblr and being SJWs. They have no guidance in life or sense of community aside from their own depression/self destruction. That's why they try so hard to pander to "oppressed" individuals because that's the only way they can feel any kind of warmth in their dead hearts, even though it ends up hurting them in the long run. They only serve themselves and their own complexes and insecurities.
Your dopamine levels are already fucked up.
Try masturbating after doing something productive, your brain will associate completing work with pleasure.
After a while you'll receive the same stimulus (although much lesser) without the need for masturbation.
The black pill is the truth
Nietzsche believed in madness. He loved the greek mythology for this, the god dyonisios or whatever its spelled. The human impulsions and the lack of need to justify them because that's what a human is. He believed that free will was the free will to do something great, to have higher goal to feel free in achieving them with the will to have more. It doesn't care destroys and create. The only nihilism that I can think of coming from Nietzsche is the belief in the stronger, implying that at one point it will be your end and that there will be something you. But that it should be fought over.
Tell your feminist friends that they don't know wtf they're talking about. He wrote so that the pleb couldn't follow. It requires you to think.
Again amerifats totally oblivious to what they read it's sad.
>Try masturbating after doing something productive, your brain will associate completing work with pleasure.
>After a while you'll receive the same stimulus (although much lesser) without the need for masturbation.
Does this actually work? Can I substitute, say, eating some chocolate instead to create the same dopamine effect? I've hit a point where I can spend hours and hours going over porn, massive time waster.
something new*
Yes, however if you just keep viewing porn hours after masturbating your dopamine "roof" must be really high. Which would mean a big amount of chocolate everytime you want to masturbate.
I suggest you buy some of that stevia sweetener and drink a spoonful, its much more concentrated and has no fats or processed sugars.
Something i forgot to mention.
Even if you get your normal dopamine dose through sugars, your body will still crave porn.
Replace the porn with a spoonful ( or however you feel is enough) of that stevia sweetener everytime you want to watch porn.
After 20 days start lowering the dose. So you lose dependancy.
I own Beyond Good and Evil. I am guilty of being the clueless teenage burger who just didn't get it that everyone in this thread is dogging on. Can you guys give me some insights into BGaE? What was it I failed to learn? Is it worth reading again?
In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premises in their consideration of morality. Specifically, he accuses them of founding grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that the good man is the opposite of the evil man, rather than just a different expression of the same basic impulses that find more direct expression in the evil man. The work moves into the realm "beyond good and evil" in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favour of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectival nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern individual.
If you ever come to Kansas, you have one free beer on me my bolivian friend. If shit hits the fan in a negative way I will escape to your country like the nazis did to argentinia.Thanks for teaching me this, I'll consider rereading it. He basically was trying to change the "us vs them/opposite dualism/ either, or" perception and argue that the goodman and the badman are the exact same man, just circumstantially different through a subjective lens?
False. While understanding the obvious need for moral guidance under a religious framework for most, I don't believe a theistic aspect is absolutely essential for some. If we are to have a secular society, it must be guided by philosophy, the concept of universally accepted behavior and moral principal.
He scrapped the idea of "duality of men" saying good and evil are subjective. To the worm a bird is the monster and to the bird the cat is the monster.
good and evil are not subjective
our creator handed down absolute morality
then he showed up in a human form to "refine the path" so to speak
there are only two religions
>Life has no meaning
>Instead of giving it one and being a decent human being, I now have an excuse to be a degenerate cuck 'cause "It doesn't matter"
Because deep down, they know what they're doing is wrong. Think about it, a person who is right doesn't go around telling others how right they are.
> there are only two religions
Also, I really recommend to read "On the genealogy of morality". It's by far one of the best of Nietzsche's work.
>Master-slave morality
>forgiving is for cucks to weak to be able to avenge themselves and is seen as a vertue instead of weakness
Nice digits, will read.
Because user thinks he'll survive well in a world unlike this one.
You're born in the "slave" world, and you'll die in it.
Because Neitzche is extremely quotable.
That’s it.
Beyond that most people understand society through consuming mass media and thats about it. Very easy to be nihilistic when you spend most of your time staring at a screen. Especially with the crazy shit thats on most of the screens