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Yes we are, faggot
>gets 2 guys out of 1000 doing a roman salute
Yeah, get a picture of at least 100 doing it at the same time and I might take you seriously.
Who says we're not nazis?
When you call someone a Nazi, their going to be a lot more receptive to the ideology. The left is digging their own graves.
Everyone is an fbi plant according to you leftypol fags
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a natsoc board.
>association fallacy
what was he?
Stupid cunt. This picture gives the (((media))) all the ammo they need.
We are and always were. Because National Socialism means loving your own country, people and culture.
Something you kikes would never have to fear if you had simply not tried to degenerate our race into oblivion. Face the consequences you created.
So it's only ok when commies do it, but god forbid someone thinks a different way
Who paid for all the goddamned tiki torches?
Its a BYOB deal with the tiki torches. I guess its an alt right meme of implicit whiteness...?
>caring about what a bunch of hook-nosed cretins think
They pushed the envelope too far by calling normie Trumpfags "nazis", they are the (((boy))) that cried wolf.
george soros, this is a psyop to make us look bad.
flibbidy blibbidy
I can't get over the fucking garden torches. Seriously?
>falling for cabal propaganda
Those nazis will never suspect tiki torches mwahahaha
>being this blue-pilled on the chans
In case you haven't noticed, it's not a fair fight. Every major political, cultural and media institution is stacked against us and our movement. The same can't be said of our ideological opponents. They have all the backing. That's why we have to be better than them. Our standards have to be higher. Our behaviour must be impeccable. We can't give (((them))) an inch, because they'll take a mile.
We didn't start out as Nazis. We didn't even care about politics
But then you came for our videogames
>4 roman slautes out of 500 people
Try harder
My point exactly.
Sup Forums is under attack right now and no one is seeing it.
The Alt-Right includes Nazis, yes.
tiki torches and polo shirts aren't exactly that bad of an outfit if you're representing suburban American white people desu
It's a European salute and it was used by America till 1942.
The madmen did it
They really pulled it off
Keep the energy up lads
Tomorrow is the day
Because leftypol would call Nazi LARPers in an "alt-right" event plants. Makes sense not.
Again, who paid for them?
Everyone just happened to have the same torch laying around in their garage?
Except you're awful nazis. Il Duce, god bless him, would laugh at you for your unaesthetic qualities.
literally name a white nationalist group that wasn't infiltrated 100 times over
southerners are so fucking stupid
It's about white pride not authoritarianism and antisemitism
>Again, who paid for them?
I'm not telling
>the same "undercover" afa faggot used in every photoshoot
I'm pretty sure we don't care what libtards think
you are not going to replace us
Some of us are Nazis, though. I'm not, but I'm fine with allying with them. It's what we should have done a long time ago.
I can't do it anymore. I can't support this movement. Fighting back against the SJWs was one thing. But promoting actual white supremacy?
You don't know what you're doing. This is evil.
It's satire.
why is that pussy wearing sunglasses at night?
hitler would be so ashamed that white americans are stealing his ideology and iconic salute, the germans were supposed to be the ones doing this, not us.
he would be so pissed to se this
Time to pick a side, the right is united now :^)
or are we?
Good. Leave, faggot. Go back to daddy sargon.
Did you see how many torches they have?
The fire rises. FPBP
Define white supremacy
Is Tila Taquilla still larping as skinhead?
their panzerkampfwagen is a prius with some sparklers
bet ya 100 bucks he's the same guy blasting Sup Forums with all this bullshit.
honeypot stinks. Spread the word.
> 50 chud-neets show up to a nazi rally
meanwhile, I snapped a few photos discreetly...
I hope Kim nukes your city
Because he's a liberal plant. He wants to be identified less than anyone there. I wouldn't be surprised if he dyed his hair.
Faggot larpers trying to undermine us common folk who think against the mainstream. You're one of those "unite the altright faggots i bet
Seriously though I'm glad the alt right is doing this. Maybe now that theyre so openly and explicitly retarded and identitarian people wont just label anyone who isnt a progressive faggot as alt right
You guys can have your right wing socjus club of misfits and losers
>white supremacy and white nationalism are the same things
I don't want to conquer anyone I want to be left the fuck alone.
You're more than welcome to stay with the blacks and mexicans and marxists if it pleases you just give me my goddamn ethnostate and LEAVE US ALONE.
>Again, who paid for them?
>Everyone just happened to have the same torch laying around in their garage?
they pay money to go to these shitty conferences every year
I know Amren is basically racist middle class white people
not sure about the NPI or the other groups
and the photo I saw had several different brands
it's not like it would be terribly difficult to buy a bunch anyway
I think Spencer is controlled op though
Implying there is anything wrong with being a Nazi
>t. PR cuck
Buy the concessions of the enemy somewhere else
Most normies don't care. This only triggers kikes and commies.
I'm not a national-socialist, but we need to finish normalizing the third Reich and Hitler so kikes finally stop breaking our balls about it.
Me too senpai
>Everyone just happened to have the same torch laying around in their garage?
No, the organizers have been telling people for months to just go out and buy tiki torches. They're less dangerous and more accessible than home-made torches, plus they smell nice and repel mosquitoes.
pics of the panzer?
Agreed. Stupid fucking 15 - 20 year olds. EVERY FUCKING time we talk about race issues you have to go way off the deep end and invoke hitler.
Ever fucking heard of President Eisenhower and operation wetback???
Dumb asses. We're not 1930s nazi germany.
Assuming there aren't at least a few actual Nazis at a right wing rally is just being ignorant. That being said, I can see the outline of your photoshop pretty easily.
> I want to be left alone
> and have my entire country to myself and my fellow white people
> but that isn't white supremacy
Wasted digits
Fucking cuck
go prep the bull already
They're leftist plants
I wish Rockwell was with us now to see how far our movement has come.
This is the best part desu
>I think Spencer is controlled op though
This whole thing was.
who cares as long as kick out the commies
The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding
I think the main thing to emphasize is that these groups have been around for decades and haven't accomplished much of anything.
their model is to all get together and have a membership drive and all make themselves visible, which is almost the total opposite of the formless anonymous chan internet horde
Nice Quints
Anti-communists perpetuating Cultural Marxism. Divide and conquer. These people are idiots going about it the wrong way. A few people giving nazi salutes on camera destroys any public support you could have had. Retarded.
And Pierce
I'm gonna need a source on this.
>have my entire country to myself
Yeah, what's the deal with those people who want their own countries for themselves?
>Sup Forums is under attack right now and no one is seeing it.
the silent majority of lurkers see it, they know
>hurr durr Nazis invented the Roman salute
Lol just give your white kid to a black man already, fucking cuck
it's been have pick-nicks -> go to rally -> get v& over and over again since the 50s
it's always southerners too
What's even the endgame of these people?
They want to separate or something?