OVER 6000000 of white nationalists! MAGA


feeling whitepilled as fuck

based black man, shat i lay brothers



Thanks for the drone footage racists, we now know how you move. #Resist


this guy in the front has nice nips

>There the almost 200 white nationalists, neo-Confederates, and alt-right activists, heard chanting 'white lives matter' and 'Jews will not replace us


4u :3


the fire rises

how come if a nigger is uppity about his race he's considered some sort of king or god.
but any proud white person is just a "devil racist"

Nice Murdoch Murdoch shirt that guy got

You just earned your Divide 'n Slide bonus payout! $0.04 have been deposited into your MM Account!


Man, Twitter is fucking depressing. I don't support the Ethno ideology, but I like that you're all making them freak the fuck out. If I said I didn't get a certain satisfaction out of seeing these retarded faggots shit themselves because of a group of people holding torches, I'd be lying.

at least I'm not a Janitor, it's not for Freeā„¢

>I don't support the Ethno ideology
0% of us did last year. You'll be with it eventually, the push to remove the white race is real. They do not want white men starting successful families with white women. Their future must be brown.


Really annoying picture. First word is written in German, second is English, and the picture is a German. It's nonsensical.

I dont know why this is such a big deal.Don't get me wrong i am happy for you guys that you finally waking up but rallies and marches like that is very common in Greece and Europe and its no big deal

I know there are people who want whites gone, but I interpret the situation differently. I think it's foolish to draw on racial lines (as that's the battle lines they want to draw). It's should be drawn on principle and ideology, because races aren't homogeneous monoliths.

hopefully you'll scare the neo-marxist fuckers who validated this whole mess into submission and they'll go to Canada or some shit.

That said, if white people ever start being rounded up, I've been shooting since I was a kid and I've had a little training. You can bet your ass I'm not going to let fellow countrymen get gobbled up by authoritarian bullshit, regardless what side it's on.

Just try not to go too far. You'd be surprised at how hard it is to arrest the momentum of a movement when you need to.

>'white lives matter'



Because, unironically, they want to destroy the white race in the U.S. and U.K./North West Europe. It's not a meme;

Look at the criticisms of the march;

>They were chanting "White Lives Matter" and "You Will Not Genocide Us"!

>All these white men gathered in one spot and they were PROUD of themselves, what the fuck is this!?

For a peaceful, benign, fucking march with a thousand blokes.


Remember when /leftypol/ used creative shilling tactics? Now they've only got
>muh faceeeeee

I'm disappointed.

Found the mongrel

Crack a niggers head open with a maglite

Join a movement, or start your own.
There are far more of us than you realize.

When did young girls start anything new? They always come on established things.

Mostly Irish, quarter Native American and a smattering of german, dutch and Scottish. My family has been American since the beginning, though. They killed redcoats on American soil. If thats a problem for you, I'm afraid you're going to have to fucking deal with it.

very whitepilled indeed.

>"The protesters' decision to use flaming torches seemed to be a deliberate one, to bring back the imagery of KKK violence and cross burning"

Either that or it was fucking midnight

In an ideal world, perhaps, everyone could totally move beyond race and we would live in a totally 'colorblind' society. But it has been 60 years since the immigration and civil rights reforms of the 1960s, and in light of the last 60 years, it suffices to say that other racial groups have no abandoned identity politics or racial consciousness.
Again, in an ideal world, maybe no one would see their own race or the interests of their own race as significant. For the last several decades, whites surely haven't. But when other racial groups have no reciprocated after more than half a century, our answer is clear: stand together, or be forgotten.

Why are liberals so much better at protesting? Is it because they know they have a truly moral cause, motivated by love and equality?

When its blacks and faggots marching it is a march for equality human rights but when its white then its suddenly a march of nationalists racists etc. Sick and tired

I know, which is why I try not to give white ethnos a hard time. Of all collectivist movements, I empathize with White Ethno-nationalists the most, but I'm not going to call a spade a spanner because everyone else does.

I'm going to continue to judge based on individual merit, not on skin color. If any white ethnos have a problem with that, then they're no better than the movements who legitimized all this.

>"mostly irish"
>killed redcoats

I'm more genetically related to the founders of your country than you yourself.

Communism killed hundreds of millions of people.



Americuck, you do realise tgat the British had more kills, least deaths, and less soldiers than the colonial Anglos correct?
The revolutionary war was more of a political, ideological war.
Only teenagers with no knowledge of the actual war itself believe that the colonials beat the British in actual physical warfare (even though the colonials had better arms than the British themselves)

Yeah that's exactly what I thought, 54%.
No argument whatsoever.

Are the bikers still showing up?

>Daily mail "Jews will not replace Us" kek

Why do they have to do that. turn You into jew

Everyone keeps saying white nationalist
But no one says where they got that from
Is a wn group involved? Is the leader a wn?
Is it just white people who feel disenfranchised and the media equates it with white nationalism?

>Having to cobble all these images together to make it seem like there was a substantial crowd

There's like 300 people in that shot alone though

Every American who graduated high school and actually remembers the material material is aware of this. We won the war only because of extensive help of the French and the privateers we employed at sea. Without the outside aid of an established military power we would have lost terribly.
Though British subversion is worth noting. Brits along with the Spanish were paying Natives to fight and stir up trouble before the war even began. Same deal with paying slaves to destroy property and kill.

War is a messy thing, and I wholly reject the notion of boiling it down to simply winning or losing. Everyone needs to remember exactly how terrible large scale conflict is.

We excelled at guerilla warefare and created an insurgency that made warfare on the continent too expensive and then ultimately the French navy showed up and you guys left for good.

We won the war faggot, nobody cares if we met you on the open field.

That's the point, it's fucking nothing.

all of the right wing activists/their groups have been suppressed and murdered since the 50s. this is really the first time burgers are getting white nationalist optics with rallies in decades that have yet to be subverted.

>the police standing across the street, not caring at all

LOLOLOL. Libcucks will not be protected. Libcucks WILL be crushed.

There were well over 1000 people out with torches tonight, and this isn't even the event people showed up for.

Did I say any of that wasn't true? I said my family was here from the beginning and that they fought in the revolutionary war. None of that contradicts what you've said.

Also, pic related. Hard to believe all those thousands of people died from all the non-physical fighting.


56% white the picture

I'm seeing some fine looking young dads in this crowd.

>42,000 british navymen deserted

Lol. Brits confirmed for top cucks.

You're assuming I have the same attachment to race that you do and that claiming irrelevancy of racial ties to the founding fathers is somehow insulting to me.

The link to the founding fathers is one of ideology, not blood, silly bong.

greece is a pretty irrelevant though. the battle for white survival is fought in the empire - not on some irrelevant auxiliary colony outskirts

differently: who the fuck cares what happens in Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium when Rome itself is under attack

Spencer and the alt-right self identifies with white nationalism.


>That said, if white people ever start being rounded up, I've been shooting since I was a kid and I've had a little training.

They know that. They know it would take overt action. That's why they are taking a more subtle approach, it's easier to gaslight anyone who feels uneasy. White people are law-abiding and generally obedient to authority and established social norms.

We're going about our lives, drinking poisoned water, waiting for gunshots. We're going to die with a whimper, not a bang.

This was meant for you.

>0% of us did last year
Speak for yourself.

Many tribes and tribal lands were protectorates of the British, mainly because of trading.

Also I hope that is an American behind this post, most american posters here are utter tits.
>implying the French made us "fuck off for good"
Do you not know how many sea battles we BTFO the French in?
Weak shit, man.
Try harder.
In a foreign land what do you expect?
>70k dead Americans
They couldn't come back to us if they deserted, they'd be executed.
Guess where they went?
That's right bucko, to create the genetic stock of your nation.

In your own words, Americans descend from cucks.

No, soencers "alt right" is a meme he tried to get going
He's unrelated to the actual alt right movement
But at any rate, is this his event? Or are people just drinking the coolaid and thinking alt right means nazi?

>be a mutt
>and a civic nationalist
HAHHAAHA who'd have guessed?
Only an idiot would deny that race plays an immensely big part in culture

>70k dead Americans
I like how you picked the maximum estimation instead of the range.

>42,000 deserted
Still...better corpses than cowards, I suppose.

Regardless, none of this really matters.

>Being this much of a Yuropoor
"Heh, you may have won and are still a free country where you dont get your house raided for your twitter comments, but atleast we formed better looking lines to shoot at you from."

Yes, I'm American.

I wouldn't call your deserters cucks though. Young men demoralized by fear and unconventional tactics can't be expected to face down a horrible death without thinking about fleeing. Their drive to fight was being ordered to, or having faith in the crown. The colonists were fighting for a stronger ideological victory. More so the pirates fighting for us were a crueler sort. Every British sailor knew well what would happen to them if they were caught by a pirate. History if filled with horror stories of it. Those very same terrible pirates were our own improvised naval PMC, and they mostly had free reign to do what they wanted without punishment.

do it better. oh you can't. because turks and arabs would kill you. fucking germans.


>skin color

There is a significant degree of
biodiversity among all primate populations which affect intelligence, behavior, and physical characteristics; "skin color" is one of the most inconsequential and meaningless of them. Skin color changes if you sit in the sun for 3 minutes.

Pretending that the fundamental division between different hominid sub-species Is "skin-color" is a ridiculous fallacy. Biology is, of course, the foundational element of all biological organisms/ compared to genetics, things like "ideology" that you're taking about are irrelevant frivolities. It wasn't the leftists that united hominids around their genetic in-groups, it was nature.

I'm sorry. I'm 3% Jewish. Sometimes those 3% overtake and I feel like shitposting even if it's against my long term goals.

See how dangerous Jewishness is? Only 3% (other 97% being european) can make you a turncoat.

Nigga there were way more than 200. Have you even seen the drone footage?
And tomorrow there will be EVEN MORE.

>Only an idiot would deny that race plays an immensely big part in culture

For your sake, you should hope not, friend.

The next Hitler will be american.
And then the world will nuke your cultureless degenerate wrestling-tier idiocracy.
Looking forward.

I'm only going to assume the maximum since they outnumbered the British and were fighting in their own homelands.

A source for the 70k claim is right here
"Howard H. Peckham, ed., The Toll of Independence: Engagements and Battle Casualties of the American Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974)."
>Still...better corpses than cowards, I suppose.
*still better the genetic stock of your nation than corpses
Kek @ neobrazil strawmanning because he knows I'm right

T. won in 1812

For your sake also.

We all want white people to have their own nations, so yeah, in a literal sense we are white nationalists. We dont necessarily need to use that term though if it doesn't yield strategic results. Sometimes it's good to own slurs, but other times there is no need to take on the baggage.


yes :(

There were more people than that, and this wasn't even a scheduled event. This was just some of the people who arrived a day early.

>implying I'm not just using the same terminology that ethnos use.

Very well. I won't judge people on the shape of their skulls, but by the caliber of their character. Is that better?

Even if there are 800, it's still shit. When anti-capitalists march, they march in the hundreds of thousands. When you get 500 people, you call it a revolution. Pathetic cunts.

But Sup Forums is a National Socialist board. Maybe go back to r*ddit

So, I'm going to have to go find some bullshit article talking about British women running off to marry ISIS members or something? Is this really what we're going to waste our time doing?

This is the shit that makes my patience with you fuckers wear thin and why I can't take your movement seriously.

>a fucking leaf

76k dead brits, confirmed. 40k british deserters. America won, cuck.

I can only imagine all the panic and kvetching at the lefty/pol/ discord right now. Kek

Look, when people say "you will not replace us" and "white lives matter" it doesn't mean we want a strict, white nation state.

Minorities have always been here and will be here in the future, (just in smaller numbers) as long as they accept that it is a country with European roots, and assimilate.

Is this the real deal? What comes next?


>Implying socialism isn't designed to be a stepping stone to communism

Character is a matter of behavior, and behavior is genetically rooted, just as Goodek Retrievers and Beagles have different behavior. A hominid who is pure homo-sapien will not have the same character as a different hominid subspecies who is hybrid homo-sapien/neanderthal, or one who is 5% Denisovan, such as an Australian Aboriginal. One conversation with someone will tell you more about them than their full genetic profile, and obviously there will always be rare outliers at either end. But when you talk about the scale of millions and tens of millions of people, things like the average IQs of population groups or genetic lineages promoting different behaviors matter a great deal. On the grand scale of averages, the ones that matter for natiojsnand countries, different subspecies of humanity show different behaviors, regardless of geographic location or ideology.



Okay Schlomo. More like 1,000

Interestingly, I think it could feasibly work in European states. It couldn't work in the U.S., though. Ethnic diversity has been steeped into the fabric of the U.S.

The problem is that they've conflated culture and ethnicity to the point where any place that is multi-ethnic is mandated to be multi-cultural, which is illogical.

NatSoc is the antithesis of Communism.
Communism destroys culture and replaces it with the state completely. Look at how Commies in Russia demonized Christianity, tried in create their own calendar, and did a host of other things just to be different from the west.

NatSoc elevates culture. All forms of government stemming from a Fascist worldview have the culture of the people central to their ideology. A people with a strong culture and sense of self could never be subverted into accepting multiculturalism, they'd never accept the divisive class warfare rhetoric of oppression.