Nazis are a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them if they ever get into power

Nazis are a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them if they ever get into power.

Sup Forums will ignore this thread because they can't tolerate different viewpoints.

wow thank you for your insightful opinion

All I want is a society where women feel comfortable following the biological imperative instead of weaponizing women against themselves AND men as a tool of the oligarchy. Wise up, bucko.

There is literally nothing wrong with being nazi

Good thing im a straight white male of German decent then.


No Germans are decent. You're all spectacular at worst.

I can't tell if this is an insult or not

>nazis are a murderous death cult who will kill anyone not like them if they get into power
>nazis can't tolerate different viewpoints

I guess you either pick the white death cult who will accept you or the non-white commie death cult who will execute you. Tough choice.

Sup Forums is infected with leftist retards with divergent viewpoints. This isn't 2009 desu.

>Sup Forums will ignore this thread because they can't tolerate different viewpoints.

Sup Forums will ignore this thread because it is shit, you should be ashamed OP

>he's afraid of being called Racist
>he's afraid of being called a Nazi
>he uses the enemies words

This, what other choice is there?

Lol, Nazi's are the poster child of genociding anyone with different opinions.

If literally the extent of leftist righteous indignation is call you mean names, consider yourself lucky.

Neo-Nazi's are such fragile fucking snowflakes I swear.

The third path

Be right wing and nationalist but don't bow down to nazis

yeah fuck having coherent beliefs and values


We just want to be taken seriously, we're not violent!
>burns down church
Oh my! H-how did that happen.

Ain't no such thing as a moderate Nazi, they're all hoping and preparing for a race war. Peace isn't in a Nazi's vocabulary, and when they get to power they start dividing other whites into castes.

The most retarded murderous ideology humanity has ever created.

>a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them

sounds like a day at msm

>Muslims are a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them if they ever get into power.

Fixed that for you.

Pure praise.

I didn't see any churches burned down tonight.
What nazism are you talking about? The nazism that steven spielberg has shown you? Or are you talking about National Socialism?

I mean we can talk about """nazism""" but I don't see how it's related to the alternative right.

You're goddamn right.

>The most retarded murderous ideology humanity has ever created.
But Nazism isn't communism

Well.shit if you dont convert to sn ideology at fear of death you are the cultist.

I dumped memes and 50s culture on a vegan liberal girl from last summer til now.

>>Women fucked up, we had it made. I want a family that looks like me.

Red pilling normies is going to catch fire and burn down ((their)) system. Be systematic and drive home the winning. Don't be an autistic faggot.

This is a non Jewish white chick that was dating an Asian guy. ((Was))

What's stopping someone from flying a drone over them tomorrow and dumping a bunch of gasoline on them and their torches?

no sense lying about it, all white people deep down care the most about their own kind, all this virtue signaling from the left at least the whites that are lefties, just feel guilty about having these feelings and play pretend liberal because what they really don't want to accept is how much they hate the other races.

>Nazis are a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them if they ever get into power.
That is FACTUALLY incorrect.

Also, these people are NOT national socialist, that it is just incorrect. If you wan't a term "white ethno nationalists" is a far more accurate description.

Nazis and Saudis are best friends. Both love to execute apostates.

Nazi's have to mindkill themselves every single day to be able to sleep at night and even consider themselves compassionate human beings. It's an ideology solely for sociopaths, people who are unable to feel empathy for other humans any more.

Sup Forums will ignore this thread because its a shill post

Why are you calling these people nazis?
That is factually incorrect.

It is about as correct as calling all of the far left communists, it makes no god damn sense.

I love that Sup Forums has this perfectly built in mechanism for protecting themselves from wrongthink.

You already got 32 posts in this thread, what are you complaining about?

Naw, they're Nazis, not even in a "Everyone is a Nazi", you'd have to be severely mentally retarded to not think people with Nazi pins, throwing Hitler salutes, chanting historic Nazi chants aren't Neo-Nazis.

>little bitchboy got butt-triggered
i love it.

Reminder that national socialism is literally the most truth-based and pro-science political view in existence.

>The leftist telling Sup Forums they can't handle different viewpoints

We're reaching levels of psychological projection that shouldn't even be possible

Yea it only takes pointing out how Sup Forums is a right wing safe space that is constantly trying to inoculate itself from different opinions to get you fuckers to actually engage.

>Naw, they're Nazis
That is not correct, it is the wrong term.

They do NOT believe the same things as nazis do. You are just showing that you neither know what nazis believes were, nor what the alt right believes in.

Of course there is a significant overlap and some of the people there might actually be nazis, but the alt right and nazis are NOT the same thing.

God bless Jefferson Davis and Lee! Long live the south! Long live the white race!


But that literally disproves your point. Sup Forums is obviously willing to engage with you, you can not both claim that Sup Forums is an echochamber and is simultaneously engaging with people who have other opinions.

These things are mutually exclusive.

>Of course there is a significant overlap and some of the people there might actually be nazis, but the alt right and nazis are NOT the same thing.
This DESU. "The alt-right" isn't homogeneous; it's something NatSocs can use to have a friendlier face, but we're a minority inside it.

>Sup Forums will ignore this thread because they can't tolerate different viewpoints.
the entire world is full of cowards and con men.

japan never lost WW2. america snuck into the philipines, hawiia (japanese controlled), korea(also japanese property) killed and raped in the philipines assassinated leaders in korea and set up some fake bullshit after it had already surrendered

then had the nerve to show the japanese U.N ambassador what the troops had done in pics and a short film. then beat him up and cut off his head.they kept the skull for the longest time. the west declared itself ruler of the world and lived a lie for decades

but now japan issued a challenge. and the west is still losing. even when it has the home field advantage. your neo nazis die in underground shelters flooded with water and you foot soldiers go missing or kill themselves

the west wont last 10 more years thanks to contaminated meat and contaminated water. who cares about some minor detail when even africa wouldnt stand up for itself and the middle east was to short sighted to see they were next. fuck every one

Again, this sounds like you're reading a script written for Holocaust fiction like Schindlers list.

The alternative right wants European Americans to be racially conscious like many other ethnic groups in the United States. The result of Africans in the US being racially conscious are institutions like the NAACP and The Nation of Islam. The Jewish people have the ADL.

The point being, White people have a right to exist in their own communities, freedom of association for all groups. If whites want their own communities how is this bad?

They have swastika pins, unless you think the jews are magically photoshopping swastikas and editing history Nazi chants into all the photos and evidence of this event.

Which in retrospect is probably something Sup Forums actually thinks.

You think this is my first time here? You seem to think I'm some strawman leftist. Sup Forums is ridiculously sheltered and exclusionary to any different viewpoints. It's so right wing it's falling off the flat earth.

Maybe a moderate vaccine with do Sup Forumstards some good.

wait.. that's a Rockwell quote? I've heard Jordan Peterson say it

I'm sorry that swastikas make you scared, but I don't see how that mean's we're building aushwitz 2.0 in our parent's backyards.

More of an Iron Guard guy myself


>one guy had a swastika pin
Fixed, dishonest sack of human shit.
>Which in retrospect is probably something Sup Forums actually thinks.
At least make your strawmans funny so they have a modicum of value.
> Sup Forums is ridiculously sheltered and exclusionary to any different viewpoints
Sup Forums is a free speech political discussion board. that's it. the reason why certain ideologies have prominence here is because they are the most rooted in factual evidence, and thus win the most arguments. you can't downvote anyone here, redditor.

Oh, so basically they're just like blacks and hispanics.

>They're not Nazi's what gives you that idea?
>They swastikas they're wearing.
>Lol triggered much libs

Typical Sup Forumsster discourse

Lol you ignore the anount of innocent germans killed by us and the americans, to be perfectly honest, the nazi's were childs play compared to the atrocities we've committed in the past, also the communists were far worse too.

Cool strawman, who are you quoting?

If you honestly want to divorce white nationalism from all the Nazi ethnic hatred, genocidal tendencies, then maybe you shouldn't have rows of these fuckers showing up to your rallies throwing nazi salutes, wearing swastikas, and chanting blood & soil.

Fucking hell, the funny part is that some might actually believe this, but most Nazi's are too stupid they give up the game and start pushing their facist tendencies whenever they get the chance.

>Muslims are a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them if they ever get into power.
>leftists will ignore this thread because they can't tolerate different viewpoints.

my dude

>When Antifa forgets to change their memeflag from their psyop

Sucking dick so hard must have denied you vital air to the brain, hun.

I have this flag on all my posts, you can literally see my ID on Sup Forums.

Go back to Infowars, newfag retard.

>Afraid of being prideful of your nation
God forbid.Like, oh em gee ;^)

What is a nazi to you besides a super scary boogyman? When antifa go on the prowl you see the flags of the soviet union flying so am I to assume they're going to throw me into a gulag any time soon? No because he is simply holding a flag with a symbol. You're upset because one person in the march was brandishing a symbol from deposed German socialist party 80 years ago.

>You think this is my first time here? You seem to think I'm some strawman leftist. Sup Forums is ridiculously sheltered and exclusionary to any different viewpoints. It's so right wing it's falling off the flat earth
Hooo man
This is rich
Are you triggered, bitchboi?

The fact that you can even post here and offer appoint viewpoints is absolute undeniable proof that this isn't a safespace for any political ideology. Notice how safe-spaces and havens can only exist with overt censorship and that left-wing ideologies can only thrive without opposition? The reason Sup Forums is so right wing is because right-wing ideas are grounded in the absolute laws of nature and can never be changed, despite how much fairytale princess dust you faggots want to sprinkle all over the world

Keep crying bitch nigger, you're just assblasted that your perfectly crafted utopious ideology is crumbling before your very eyes because it only exists in theories and crumbles beneath the weight of reality

Most veterans aren't Nazis. Just thought you should know that.

Maybe one can be prideful of my nation without calling for ethnic genocide.

Maybe such a thing is possible, shocking I know.

If you hate Sup Forums so much why do you even come here? What's even the point of this thread other than for you to blog about your personal views on National Socialism, how is this constructive to any sort of discussion beyond "haha u dum, u want kill ppl, swastika man at rally made me upset, dum pol man"

>Sup Forums isn't a safe space

Half the thread is literally GET OUT LEFTIST REEEEEE

>They have swastika pins
A small number of them have, as I said some of the ARE nazis, but that is minority.

>You think this is my first time here? You seem to think I'm some strawman leftist
You are projecting here.

>Sup Forums is ridiculously sheltered and exclusionary to any different viewpoints.
As I demonstrated that is wrong. This thread alone is proof enough that Sup Forums is willing to engage with people who disagree with Sup Forums.

> It's so right wing it's falling off the flat earth.
>Maybe a moderate vaccine with do Sup Forumstards some good.

Who called for ethnic genocide?
I understand you're calling for some sort of milquetoast civic nationalism but I don't see your point beyond making snarky quips and "gotcha" type posts.

You are now complaining that you are being disagreed with, that is ridiculous.

Spoiler, just because someone disagrees with you that does not mean that he is living in an echo chamber, it just means that he believes in something.

No this isn't a safe space, we expect people to discuss things here beyond "haha u dum me smart"
Go to if you want to talk argue like an inane child.

>autistic screeching
i thought I was the one trying to divert discussion lol

That was out of control

We will not be replaced

Till tomorrow

>Nazis are a murderous death cult
What is worse about them, they are socialists like Hitler.

>Nazis are a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them if they ever get into power.
Nah probably not. I'm willing to bet they won't even kill 6 million Jwes

I don't understand the point of this thread.

>literally no one killed at this rally
really makes you thing

Good man

The only death cults are the anti white ones in control

Not even strawmanning, the core ideology of white nationalism is establishing a white ethnostate. Starts innocently enough "Why can China have an ethnic state."

Nearly all beliefs attached to this ideology are just sterilizations and rebranding of National Socialism. And fails to concede that the only way to establish a white ethnostate is through segregation and genocide.

There is no way to take a black or mexican family who have been Americans for 100+ years and force them to leave without concentration camps. Death is the net result of this ideology, but most Nazis try to butter it up for impressionable white kids who lack an identity by luring them in and pretending "it's not at all like Nazism we promise".

It also ignores the fact that US isn't even a white nation, and if you follow white nationalism to it's absurd conclusion, than all whites should re-immigrate back to europe and return the US to the Indians/Mexicans

m8, calm down. It's just F U N.

No one is flipping cars, burning shops, shooting cops.

It's like Cosplay. A bit of Nazi LARPing.

White Folk Kangz.

Stop taking it seriously. Go back to doing whatever it is you're doing on twitter and reddit and mind your own business.


>than all whites should re-immigrate back to europe and return the US to the Indians/Mexicans
>he doesn't unironically believe this
It's the only way you can be consistent about ethnic nationalism.

>people disagree with what I write
>waah why they don't agree with me
>even thoug I'm not banned or my thread deleted this must be a safe space!

Why cant free individuals raise their hand too high? Thats all they did.

I am a National Socialist and I work tirelessly every single day to advance my movement here in Canada.

I have no plans on murdering anyone except the Marxists if I ever get the chance.

It's just mucking around m8. It's like wearing a Che T-Shirt to a student protest. Stop getting triggered by jokes.

Pretty much this

>tiki torches again
What are they going to do, load their minivans up with soccer balls and pelt liberals with them?

That is just wrong.
"white nationalism" and "National Socialism" are not the same thing, nor does one thing directly lead to another.

>And fails to concede that the only way to establish a white ethnostate is through segregation and genocide.
Segregation is obviously the method of choice here and the most obvious way to create a white ethno state.

>here is no way to take a black or mexican family who have been Americans for 100+ years and force them to leave without concentration camps.
If they are in concentration camps they will not leave...
One would actually need to transport them out of the country for them to leave, that obviously is NOT impossible and can certainly be accomplished with minimal violence.
Just retracting the passports of all non-whites should be enough to create an enthno state within a few decades.

>It also ignores the fact that US isn't even a white nation
You are mentally ill. The US is a ntion formed by European immigrants. You might as well argue that Britain is not a white nation...

As I said in
The Altright wants freedom to associate, I know you saw a dude with a swastika lapel and that was spooky but you need to understand, the core of this movement is freedom of association, if white people want to self segregate why can't they? Are you assuming that if white people try and build up a white only community/country somewhere in the uninhabited land in the midwest we'll ultimately call for the genocide and deportation of people of color in the US?

Hi, stupid strawman retard guy
>fails to concede that the only way to establish a white ethnostate is through segregation and genocide.
More dishonesty. Non-whites can simply be payed to leave. Most will. A white ethnostate would be a relatively small portion of the US landmass anyway. Everyone can be here.
>Death is the net result of this ideology
Another dishonest strawman.
>It also ignores the fact that US isn't even a white nation
The US was founded entirely by whites. Its cultural/legal structure was entirely Western.

>if you follow white nationalism to it's absurd conclusion, than all whites should re-immigrate back to europe and return the US to the Indians/Mexicans
Any white nationalist who's not a hypocrite recognizes that native americans deserve their reservations, but over 95% of the native population was killed by disease, so much of the continent would go to waste anyway. Many whites would love to return to Europe once the muslim invaders are removed, though.

Too many shill threads of the same subject and mods ain't doing shot so sage lads

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>Nazis would burn down a church
Your ignorance of history and lack of understanding of basic political ideology is truly astounding
Only a liberal could be legitimately this fucking retarded

>Nazis are a murderous death cult who will kill everyone not like them if they ever get into power.

100% correct. Just like communists, they are authoritarian shitheads who want to enslave us all.


Yeah, okay, you sure proved that just like the last 30 times it's happened and you middling centrist retarded pretendos showed up on here saying how YOU'VE RUINED IT FOR EVERYONE even though the next event there were even more people every single time.

More people are going far right even knowing there are mega racists and "nazis" over here, they don't care anymore.

>want to enslave us
Not if you are white.

So ironic you would post using that flag.
What a faggot.

Bullshit. Just like how commies call everyone they don't like a capitalist, Nazis call everyone they don't like a jew. They will kill you for "wrongthink" just as fast as a fucking commie shithead.

A nation formed by whites invading and killing/genociding/outbreeding the native population.

Said the only way to be internally consistent as a white nationalist is to re-immigrate back to europe. Which will never happen because no european nation will accept 10k white immigrants, let alone 10 million.