He has a point you know

He has a point you know..

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He's completely right.
Bash the fash

Why are you putting his surname in parenthesis?

Immigrants work really hard and barely expect any pay.

White people are fucking lazy as as shit and wanna be paid $20 an hour for to do fucking yard work.


Take a committed, spirited patriotic person who loves, cares and wants the best for their home and fellow citizens.

Replace him/her with a disease ridden illiterate with limited appropriate social and language skills who believes in a hateful ideology, making them prone to violence. And will unlikely ever work but will pump out a whole heap of puppies.

What could go wrong.


But even white people are against what's happening in Charlotesville

Pic related

conversely if you replaced every nigger with a white immigrant and every liberal with a conservative and every femnazi or faggot with a big titty slut and every retard with a genius and every poor guy with a rich guy, this would be a fictional place.

Why are they racists again? I don't get it. I thought the march was for the right.

All I hope is some moron doesn't start brandishing a fucking swastika.

Last thing we need is more idiot leftists thinking the Confederates were proto-Nazis, which is the current attitude today.


>white people

Take a committed, sensible poster who just wants to participate in a constructive and informative conversation.

Replace him with a poster from a country that is so irrelevant that he has to double down on his shitposting to appear as cool as his larger neighbor.

What could go wrong.

I'm actually confused, why are they "White supremacists"?
I don't see the link here.

((( Pavlovitz )))

because white people are real racist.

Says the cunt

>He has a point
How can you tell? He's wearing a hat.


Yea, it's where his brain used to be.

>oy vey
>muh swastika

>All I hope is some moron doesn't start brandishing a fucking swastika.

Too late


Right, my mistake.
Carry on.

Yes, muh swastika. That shit should not be associated with the South.

If it does happen, I guarantee you the guy is either a fat nothing or a plant

>(((white people)))

>number 45
What is he, Voldemort now?

american nazis are israel's greatest ally.

Jews are our greatest allies though.

leftist plants

>greeting cesar is now being literally hitler

Could be a Spencerite or a plant.

After all, what's the difference right?

the jews created the nazis after all.

Oi vei

I'm whiter than the Jew


He's a white christian

Where are they getting Trump in this picture? Personally I think the salute is a little cringe, but I'm fine with it because it terrifies the commies.

> trust me, I'm white

Because ebul notzies came out of the woodwork since blumpf won

It doesn't terrify the left. It looks as pathetic as some effeminate commie ANTIFA bastard. Rather, it emboldens the original narrative of both Trump supporters and Confederates being Nazis and proto-Nazis

Here is a quote I found about this protest:
>“The first and foremost reason we’re having this rally is for that park and for that statue. It’s about white genocide. It’s about the replace of our people culturally and ethnically, and that statue is the focal point of everything,” Kessler said.

Completely ridiculous messaging. What's going on in Charlottesville is the removal of Southern history. No different from South Africa removing statues of Cecil Rhodes.

Moreover, Robert E. Lee was not a white supremacist. I don't even see this being part of the protestor's narrative.

>if you genocide all of my race things will be better
these people need to be forcibly prevented from breeding.

and look, a fucking retarded cunt who thinks that jesus was a hippy mongrel that gladly got killed because love and shit.

He's a white christian tho.


they sure look like it


Gas the Fasc.

Ironically, both those who wish to remove this statue and those protesting its removal are BOTH engaging in a warping and perverting
of Southern history

>pic related

> worshiping Yahweh in the Jeebus way can alter your ancestry

That's not wrong. A bunch of unfuckable and/or unlovable nobodies with tiki torches

I magically managed to not browse Sup Forums for a few days.
What the fuck is going on, is it happening?

Yeah, German, Italian, Polish...immigrants.

>replace half with albanians
>replace other half with serbs
>put Casey in the middle of them

Leftists "march" after donald trump wins and they burn down buildings. We March and we're the nazis? Keep pushing that slander it's exactly what helped us win.

But he's not Jewish. Obviously I don't have confirmation of that but I can't imagine any Jewish mother in her right mind giving her son the name "John", probably the most Christian name in existence. It would be like a Muslim mother calling her son "Constantine".

I should add: Hebrew names like "Yochanan" are common but those people never, ever use the English version of "John" because it's so heavily Christianized.

Niggers want $15 to make my French fries. What's your point?

kys race traitor

This (((propaganda))) never stops.

A bunch of effiminate excuses for men are continuing the narrative that Southerners were proto-Nazis, and are currently emboldening the left to remove this statue of Robert E. Lee.

Luckily jews don't have a long history of changing their names to hide their jewish ancestry.

Oh wait...


All this over a bunch of people making a protest to preserve their race from a bunch of white-guilters and SJW.

You are full of shit, tons of Jews are named John. Even some of the Jewiest Jews that ever Jewed.

He says he's not jewish in his past tweets, also says he's christian.

The timing is hilarious

This. He's not jewish.

>Twitter auto fills in "KKK"

REALLY gets my nogging jogging

>A lot on the alt-right actually loath Trump
>But they're the same, you guys
Seriously, it's really just frustrating how willfully ill-informed these people are. Pic related.

lel wtf is this


Right. Because that is working out so well in Europe. Damn, you liberals are so fucking stupid.

You must be really new to the JIDF if you're posting such stupid shit. You have to shit-post better and harder if you really want a reaction.



It Happened. The Fire rises.

Maybe so in Israel, where your people actually care about your heritage. Not so in the rest of the world, especially the Anglo countries, where the kikes are both bad jews and bad citizens

No, they have a Hebrew name like "Yochanan" which is the original Hebrew version of "John". But none of them ever used the Anglicized "John" to refer to themselves (maybe the media did, but they and other Jews certainly didn't).

>plays up discussions and knowledge
>admitting to getting their shit pushed in
>still labels them "pseudo intellectuals"

I'm an American Jew who moved to Israel you dumb fucking goy.

that's fucking awesome

I agree, replace them with white christian southafricans.

You're a fucking retard I went to school with a kid named Matt and he's Jewish as fuck

Sure thing yachub

His point is wrong and retarded.

I thought the left was against the bourgeois? Why do they want them to have cheaper labor?

The Media is the Jews. That guy literally is media, and he calls himself John and it's what's on his birth certificate, just like Jon Leibewitz/Stewart. I'm sure in private they keep his yid name, but the point is they do it to hide, just like they faked conversion to Christianity. Either you are just at the back end of the Jew bell curve or you're lying.


You all do realize that this will embolden the left, don't you?

>Not even 8,000 likes
This is why the left lost the election. That entitled and closed minded arrogance and harassing the electoral college.

Aren't those in the rally immigrants, or was it maybe a navajo fire festival i just witnessed?

>Those glorious chants
Glorious bastards these burgers, the fire rises.

Do they really think can they keep their hatred burning for whites and whites wouldn't start calling them out?

Whites have no culture. The tiki torche nazi larping demonstrated that today


Liberals are completely unable to argue aginst anything. Trump wants to build a wall? RACIST SEXIST RAPING NAZI. Google employee thinks sexism isnt the only reason there are so many men in tech? HE SAYS WOMEN ARE BIOLOGICALLY UNFIT TO WORK. Protest of anti-white sentiment around the country? RACIST WHITE NATIONALIST NAZI TERRORISTS

They left is unable to argue against the right. Instead, their mind creates actual hallucinations and they start literally shaking.

Well then you should know how wrong you are, shouldn't you? In my experience, all of the Israelis I know have had Hebrew-as-fuck names, while especially the Americans are all Johns and Josephs and Gabriels and shit, with just a few odd Avis thrown in, and all with those 'Germanized' or 'Policized' Ashkenazi surnames.

>Ethnic Jew

"Hey! let's replace those wimpy right wing extremists by terrifying arab right wing extremists!"
