Is this show the embodiment of the rot in the west? It embraces the "Nothing means anything maaaan...

Is this show the embodiment of the rot in the west? It embraces the "Nothing means anything maaaan, just do what you want" attitude that degenerates desperately want people to embrace. Childish, nihilistic nonsense that leads to a defeatist attitude to the masses can be easily controlled.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Nothing means anything maaaan, just do what you want
Except the characters are constantly getting in trouble and almost dying because of it.

Saw an episode that illustrates your point perfectly.

Summer (granddaughter of Rick): "I'm off, going to slaughter people, see you later."
Rick: "Have fun. Stay hydrated."

For some reason that's supposed to be funny.

I don't think the writers realize that.

It's literally the plot of the current season.

Just stop watching tv, did so shortly after the first Obama election in 09 and now can't watch it for a few minutes before being like wtf is this brainwashing propaganda crap. Only select animu, vidya, and indie films and music for me, mostly spend time on informative media though.


What's wrong with it? I never watched it before I know literally nothing about it do they travel in time and stuff? Is it like a kids version of doctor who?

Watched 1 episode to see what the buzz was about. It was the Pickle Rick episode. Didn't even laugh or even smile once because of the so called jokes.

its basically a show that focuses on two main premises.

1. nothing matters, the universe is like infinite and!
2. marriage sucks and the only reason people do it is because they think they're supposed to!

Thats the premise of all the "jokes" in the show.

TheĆ½ travel between dimensions. The reason they do this is not to solve mysteries or to rescue worlds, but to make cheap jokes about stuffing alien turnips up your butt etc.

What the hell I thought it's a kids show is it not? It's on nickelodeon isn't it?

Glad to see someone else thinks so; I watched one episode of it and was thinking, "What is this nihilistic shit?" Not one laugh was had.

Its essentially Family Guy for edge lord nerds.

The irony is neo-liberals hate nihilists. Trust me I know...i am one. Get fucking banned everywhere. If there is one meaning to my existence its to slit a mod's throat.

Ok maybe two...fucking cum inside the pussy of a reportfag's wife, make him watch, and force him to raise my baby like an authentic cuckold bird.

Neo-liberals hate nihilism because it's not something you can shame into silence or hegemonize with bullshit slogans. No amount of free shit and tranny porn is gonna undo my immense frustration with society and undo my observation that life is limited and insufferable. Shit sucks way too much for me to care about if women make five cents less an hour. They're cunts and whores anyway.

Okay, wow I checked IMDB, it says in one episode a girl asks Morty to touch her boobs!
One girl says she wants an abortion
There's violent scenes with gore and blood
They use strong language
And they show alcohol usage!
I thought this was for children what is this? Why does nickelodeon play this?

I think it's too sombre for a kids' show. On the other hand grown ups wouldn't watch it either. So it's probably for adolescents and the people who don't mature.

Wow, this "nihilist" sure CARED a lot about typing a response.


Before I consider any real discussion with you, OP, please tell me: Are you older than 30?

Some topics you can't discuss with teens and tweens who lack any life experience.



Isn't nihilist just another word for prenetious cunt?

The whole point of the show is taht rick being a super genius is a depressed alcoholic with suicidal tendencies. In the grand schemes of things he doesn't "matter", but when he's with his family and loves one things do. That's the whole point: things that are personal to you matter and it's what you should love.

Ouch you got me faggot. Im gonna be impeached from the nihilism presidency...excommunicated from the nihilism Vatican. Fired from my nihilism job.

Oh wait no im not. Go OD on heroin and die

Which means you can dictate the importance of elements of your experience.
Which just leads back to, "what's important?"
"Nothing means anything", doesn't eradicate meaning, it just lets you refocus on different aspects of your experience. Or you'd just suicide.

Seems too angry to be nihilism. Doesn't smell right.

shit tier millennial humor
no deeper meaning
rick and Morty is even LESS funny than archer.
and that shouldn't be possible

People keep talking about how nihilism is childish and shit, but how exactly do you overcome it? How do you "grow out" of nihilism? I doesn't seem like such an easy task.

Watched it once I think, looked like just another cartoon trying too hard to appeal to teens/manchildren and just ending up being a pretentious, vapid, boring piece of shit. Sort of like Adventure Time.

You're not a nihilist, you're just really fucking edgy.

why would you solve mysteries or rescue worlds in an infinite number of dimensions?

>But how exactly do you overcome it? How do you "grow out" of nihilism?

Take the Green Pill, friendo

Fuck you, Archer is hilarious.

Nihilism is just a different way of expressing absurdism or existentialism. I just say nihilist cause it makes normies pussies turn to sandpaper

But really read up on shit like Jean-Paul Satre and the concept of bad faith.

Nietzche is pretty low tier admittedly

The show is based on Back to the Future but plays out more like an edgy Doctor Who.

>nihilism is childish

its not

basically losers who fail over and over begin creating shared delusions

what they are actually saying to you is "please join and reinforce our shared delusion"

then they will advertise things that their particular delusion has to offer you

Archer is unfunny because Archer isn't actually comedy. Archer is one of those "laugh now to show everyone around you that you understood that reference" shows.

This season's getting a lot of shit because it's focusing on character emotional feelsies more than the stupid scifi hijinks.

Literally who cares about reddit and morty aside from, well, redditors?

It's just sex jokes all the time

>You have have access to infinite dimensions morty, so what you do here doesn't matter

> so what you do here doesn't matter

>what you do... doesn't matter

Wow kid. What is 'quote mining'. Dont bother looking it up, you're never going to get into university anyway.

To do something meaningful. Stories used to be told to inspire people, not to amuse them with prepubescent humor.

Irony and sarcasm are the lowest forms of wit and are intellectually dishonest. Here it is straight from America's last true intellectual:

Nice philosophy thread about your cartoon. This is the politically incorrect board.

Honestly, the best parts of Rick & Morty are Justin Roiland's adlibs, and the best episodes are the Interdimensional Cable ones that don't have much of a plot. Dan Harmon has the ability to make quality jokes, but most of the time he just comes across as a depressed slob who's also got seperation anxiety from mommy leaving/whatever unlucky woman slept with and then left him.

it started funny, but theres nothing new they can do with the characters. no idea why they kept those annoying side characters around in the first place

>not Family guy

You live in a country thatll jail you for saying anyting less than a quadrillion kikes died. I dont wanna hear it.

>what people too dumb and/or stoned for real science do when they still want to pretend to be intellectual

I think it's more just a simple show pretending to be more. The jews obviously clinged to it when it got popular. But Dan Harmon has pretty based ideas on religion. Could all be on Justin Roland though.
>TL;DR not everything is a straight up psy-op guys. Don't let the anger and knowledge of NWO let your rationality slip

based doggo

I wonder this about Rick and Morty: do the people who enjoy this show actually believe in it? Do they believe multiverses are real, there is no god, life is meaningless, etc, and that's why they like the show? Or do they not actually believe in any of the "science" or "philosophy" but just believe that understanding the references gives them "nerd cred?"

I feel like this is critical to understanding the fanbase, but I don't know if even the fanbase knows the answer to this.

Venture bros. does the same shtick better.

If they beleive in Multiverse, they literally can't be atheists and nihilists, because in the infinite number of infinite universes God exists and has a plan for everything.

Also there have been episodes about how a world run by women would never work, making fun of cucks etc. So theres at least some of /ourwriters/

dan harmon is a real smart guy but a massive lefty. roiland is a literal pol caricature jew who hates white men and can only make toilet jokes


Yes, but they should've just stopped at Season 4.

They need to make an episode about why atheism is wrong and you'll die in Hell if you don't accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour


if thats all youre getting from the show then youre only paying enough attention to see the facade that the storytelling is dismantling. they did a great job with this one, only by reading these comments am i realizing that maybe things need to be made more explicit for the plebs. unfortunate, i always liked it because the message was gritty and a little veiled. oh well

Interdimensional Cable 2 was the absolute worst episode.
Terrible adlibs and a B plot of LOL PENIS

Thats not how that works

Also there arent parallel universes just infinite big bangs

Rick and Morty is cancer.

Not to mention the constant yelling-dialogue of the two main characters is insufferable.

It's on Adult Swim and it's definitely not for kids.

shut up already you dumb faggot. One google search tells you this shit plays on adult swim.

"The fanbase" isn't a singular entity. I'm sure there are different people out there who ascribe to both.

The creators themselves aren't really endorsing Rick's nihilism, and they themselves don't take it as deeply as some of the fans do. Even in the most recent episode Rick tells Morty to stop searching for hidden meanings in his actions.

>Literally who cares about reddit and morty aside from, well, redditors?

Pewdiepie likes Rick and Morty, sadly.

You smart fuckers should write a show. With all that raw talent the path to glory lies at your feet.

Wait? No talent, no ability? Ohhh. sorry

*Burp* Justin *Glarf* Roiland is a *fart* comical genius *BRAAAP*

I never heard of adult swim before we don't have it here I guess
Like I said I never heard of adult swim before

it's supposed to be comedy
it just failed at actually being funny

T. Christian that has no idea how to comedy

lol triggered Reddit and Memey fan

>t. lowbrow retard that thinks sex and poop jokes are funny

I want to write cartoons one day sweetie. No one's hiring.

I say it all the time, the key... is to know when to drop the little pills mate.

t. Butthurt Cuck & Morty fan

I think you mean autism.

"Be happy with yourself" and "Just be yourself" are nihilistic euphemisms to the core. A devoted individual will never let himself settle for being a lesser being and will always strive for greatness rather than complicity.

Roilands adlibs and the songs are the worst parts of Rick & Morty. Just saying random things because you're drunk isn't very clever or funny.

therapist was ok

A fucking leaf.


Its true SJW cunts hate this show because the scientist is a white male and not an empowered woman of color. But really the reality is no one likes this show.

>give yourself without counting or calculating

Can a High-IQ rick and morty fan explain to this brainlet what that part of the quote meant?

Considering how much of a miserable human being Rick is, I find your statement highly questionable.

Evola is a self-help author for wannabe neo-nazis, I wouldn't take anything he says seriously.

>The irony is neo-liberals hate nihilists
Stopped reading there, tons of liberals are nihilists.

Rick is a ptsd riddles alcoholic with a massive self loathing complex. His ideology and way of viewing life all stem from his emotional damage. The idiots at reddit may admire that but I think the writers know that, while its played for comedy, its also rather pitiable.

>Reddit talks about this show so it must be leftist trash
What really makes the show shine is seeing the hints of rick's internal struggle- he plays nihilistic, but if you watch the show you know he's a fucking wreck somewhere inside, and each episode comes closer to his boiling point. And it's not defeatist- potentially the only thing keeping rick going is him besting everybody- intergalactic scam artists, the space government, every other dimension's rick, the devil- and he rubs it in hard. I see where a lot of people don't see the appeal, either thinking it's dumb humor or it's trying super hard to be deep. It's really about subtleties, and i understand where people don't care for that.

Do things for others without thought of personal gain.

I think these anons have it right. The characters of Rick and Morty blatantly embrace a nihilistic worldview, or in some cases antitheism/misotheism, and act accordingly. It's plain as day from the consequences and general happiness of the characters that the show is not endorsing that worldview. Also, for all his talk, Rick is presented as having at least some loyalty to his family, even if he likes to hide it with egotistical I-only-did-that-to-benefit-myself rhetoric.

The humor is admittedly fairly low brow most of the time, but the accusation of being mihilsitic leftist brain washing falls flat.


I should really get in the habit of proofreading.

no he isn't , he is explicitly not aimed at nazis , just as spengler isn't

evola and spengler can't be understood if you don't master the German language

The only recurring arc in this show involves alternate versions of Rick hunting him down because he has the gall to care about his family instead of being a hedonist, and you edgelords are so desperate to be in opposition to anything popular that you'll still willfully get it wrong.

The msm has their biggest consumers in older people (30years+)
It will take quite a while before they die out. To change their behavioral pattern that were adopted since childhood is very hard.

Pickle Rick was a critically important episode. It revealed the very "nothing means anything maaaaaan" nihilism that Rick embodied as a fucking sham, the therapist absolutely blew him and Beth the fuck out. As someone who was a raised by a narcissistic mother with the same inferiority complex towards her father as Beth, they demonstrated the cancerous family dynamic to a fucking T. I hope it wakes some redditors up.

Listen old fag
This shit was produced by and for millenials.
No amount of discussion will change what you have enforced throught years of behaviour.

>including the typo

Almost as bad as that Bernie counter signal