Navy: Only woman in SEAL training pipeline drops out
Not all people are cut out for elite fighting units. Most guys wouldn't last a day.
I bet this is what she said to herself when she packed up her tampons and quit lmao
The BUDS attrition rate is like 80%. So it would be rather remarkable if she had made it.
I heard about a third of them are killed in action throughout their careers. Not a long lifespan.
No idea what you're laughing at.
That woman achieved more in a month than you will in two decades.
Speaking of useless females, when is Mattis going to raise the female physical standards to equal men’s? That would get rid of 99% of them. Good riddance.
Who the hell even authorized a woman to join the special forces, don't male recruits drop out all the fucking time because they can't handle it ? And they thought a woman would be fine ? What a joke.
I wonder how much of that month was spent actually training and how much was spent in the infirmary.
Female physical standard should be higher than males tbqh
If she had made it through BUDS then I wouldn't have any problem with calling her a SEAL.
I just checked the navy site.
It's six percent that pass seal school. No one in this thread would pass, myself included.
A third of all SEALS are KIA? Not even fucking close, my dude. Source up or shut the fuck up.
Read the article again she wasn't in buds she dropped out of the selection process to see if she could even try out for seal training
Uhh, duuuuuh?
Im 6ft and 175lbs. I bench 275 and squat 385, I run a 10k in 31 minutes.
I'm above the physical abilities of any female that isnt a top 5 competitor in the Olympics.
The SEALs woukd chew me up and spit me out for breakfast.
The problem is OBVIOUSLY the training regiment built under the oppressive patriarchy which only incentivizes toxic masculine traits while not valuing superior feminine traits.
We need to revision this silly training regiment and introduce diversity quotas to incentivize women into joining, according to a study from the university of Missouri the efficiency of the navy SEAL would improve by 125%.
How long until someone makes the accusation that the instructors in charge deliberately sabotaged her by making the training to hard for her?
Tfw there's bound to be someone who unironically thinks this
The military doesnt even make the females do real push ups, bro.
No fucking shit.
I said I HEARD not I KNOW. Learn to read you sperg.
>6ft and 175lb
You are way too fucking small for your size
BUDS is literally the boot camp for a Navy SEAL, you don't get the trident until you pass the rest of the training which takes place over another 12-18 months.
Or running under 4:00 for that matter.
Even the jumping height is lower, going through the selection process with female participants is like watching an unfunny comedy.
I know bitches in the military get a bad, but if all feminists were signing up for boot camps and beong tested at the same level as men (and that remained a constant) I'm sure it'd just be a matter of time before things go back to normal, at least in that department.
she didn't even make it to buds. she dropped out of pre selection which is just to make sure you're fit and healthy enough to go to BUDS. She was still almost 2 years from becoming a real navy seal.
To put it in other words it's like saying someone who dropped out of infantry school was almost a ranger.