TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump presser w/UN Amb Haley/SoS T-Rex 8/11/17
>Pres Trump @Workforce/Apprenticeship discussion 8/11/17
>EdSec Devos/SecLabor Acosta press conf on Workforce 8/11/17
>VP Pence @10 Pt Coalition IN 8/11/17
>VP Pence @Official Governor's Portrait Unveiling 8/11/17
>Pres Trump (w/VP/Cabinet) Security Press Brief 8/10/17
>Pres Trump (w/VP Pence) Press Brief 8/10/17
>WH Video - Meet the Cabinet #2 VA Sec Shulkin 8/10/17
>Int Dept Sec Zinke visits NM & NV 8/10/17
>State Dept Press Brief (Heather) 8/10/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Go to bed.
>Jeremy Clarkson, May and Hammond were magical money printers cant believe they thought the show would continue like nothing happened.
Its an absolute tragedy and I just can't wrap my head around it. I wouldn't have predicted that BBC could possibly bare to cancel such a show. Its watched EVERYWHERE.
Hey /ptg/ how can we keep America a white majority nation?
I was thinking of this
1.Increase European/Anglo immigration with the Raise act
2.End Birthright Citizenship
3.Deport all Illegals
4.Make it affordable for families to have children
5.Slash Welfare
Those seem like more possible goals in my eyes.
only if you come with me ;-)
don't even try to defend this, because you can't and will just make a fool out of yourself
It's the BBC, they love refugees. Not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.
all i see is signs all i see is dollar signs
You are completely cutting out one of the most effective things: Abortion. Tens of millions of nonwhites have been aborted in America in half a century. It is absolutely essential.
No homo, unless you're cute.
I'm trying to build my MAGA hat shoop collection. Does anybody have more?
Stay awake.
pay all white people to stay home and fuck all day
Manufacturing actually. What is keeping us alive above other is the fact we have oil, gas and pitch. Our agricultural sector can't compete with south Americans who have continent tier amount of land so doubling down on becoming a business/manufacturing hub would force the rest of the Caribbean to do business with us to be relevant in the Caribbean. Unfortunately we got cocky and developed shit attitudes tourism wise that's becoming harder to shake (terrible customer service if you're a local). Tobago has no choice be to be as polite and clean as possible since they're surviving on Trinidad's budget.
What did Clarkson even say that spurred this firing
>Keep the insured gravy train which can never get old or fail
>Throw away the gravy train over nothing
don't forget in addition to deporting illegals that we must stop illegal immigration.
He punched a producer.
i'm pretty cute, are you cute too?
It was political horseshit. They hated Clarkson and then he apparently got heated with someone one time, after that they completely killed the show by throwing him under the bus and installing a PC host crew that the BBC management liked. They always hated all the Top Gear hosts because they hated the BBC bullshit.
No fucking way
Not really.
this tbqh
make abortion and birth control for nonwhites paid for by the state.
Jeremy fucked up, the BBC may not have liked him but they didn't do anything to him because of SJWs...when you start punching people, something's clearly gone wrong.
He was going through a divorce, possible affair, and his mother dying. He snapped. And the show was treading water anyway. And it's not like he's gone anywhere, he's got a huge budget at amazon and he's building up Drivetribe. It's all working out.
He'd be in jail if he did anything serious, and he isn't. There was some big to-do about something or another and things got heated. That doesn't mean you have to kill the show.
IIRC it was during a long ass day of filming and he wanted to stop for lunch and the producer wouldn't let them or some shit. It's been a while and my memory is shit.
S T I L L E T O S make me have impure thoughts.
If you could repeal that old 1960s immigration act. (Forgot name of it) That would help immensely
Its not really working out, the show got killed and most viewers that were watching Top Gear did not go over to watch shit on Amazon. I get that he snapped but you didn't have to terminate the show over that.
Oh I figured he said some shit publicly. I knew the BBC had to be reluctant to keep them on with all the BBC bashing but I figured it would've had to be something public for them to get rid of maybe the most popular show in the world.
Said producer was also one of (((them))) and needless to say, extremely kind to SJW views
imagine my shock
>Talks like a 9 year old.
>Behaves like a 9 year old.
>Reheats a Cold War conflict by improvising some blowhard lines.
Good jewb, america.
>high heels
Jesus Christ they're fucking shoes
oh thats too bad. but it seems like your cute on the inside at least!
2 of these men became president
One didn't!
Can YOU spot the odd man out?
I think the Raise act will replace that, It's set to increase European immigration by 70%. The rest would be pajeets.
You'd be surprised how much women care about this meaningless stuff.
Gomer Pyle on the left?
He's not dead yet. Slow and steady!
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
and who gives a fuck, they're doing literally the same show but now on Amazon, It's even better now.
Correct! But his name is Jeb, please be nice to him.
Is this the thread where we all love Lain?
Feminists hate the very concept of high heels. Mainly because their fat asses can't wear high heels, lest the shoes break under their weight.
Of course.
Oh wow it seems he really did
Another late night er...morning, I guess vintage/Americana delivery.
>Mixing lain and Sup Forums faggotry
What the hell? I love capital punishment now!
WHy is it always a baby?
Why do """political cartoonists""" hate babies so much?
>girl comforting a depressed sad man
>not just walking out when seeing the tears
My suspension of disbelief only goes so far
I don't doubt it in the slightest user. When you take something like shoes and look so deep into it that it is horrifying, then you know you're one dumb sonof a bitch
Thank you! I need a better sleep schedule again. IIRC you really love planes, what do you think about these beauties?
It's an easy way to minimize a person you feel threatened by, or communicate that visually
>ywn get BTFO this hard live on stage
Why even be slow and steady?
Oh, and this is fucking great stuff.
What is your favorite Trump picture?
>My mother is the strongest woman I know
>She should be running
Jeb was no match
You wouldn't have stopped at the Succubus falling in love with him first?
Probably this
omg the nazi larper shills are going to have a field day pushing this autism. I don't see how this helps us at all
I loved watching Jeb get bullied.
which e-celeb was voted off of youtube?
really makes me think
Behold the people who are successfully resisting Trump
I got too many but this one is one of my top favorites
That's a great one.
It's funny because probably most of those people are business owners or hold a degree, at least. While on the other hand, the Antifas are unemployed and living on welfare.
It's only one pic?
I catch myself feeling sorry for him sometimes then have to remind myself that if he'd had his way, he would have essentially bought the Republican nomination and been another fucking Bush. Bush v. Clinton
how about them fucking apples
so fuck jeb
I loved it too
I think the very concept of someone falling in love with someone on Sup Forums is what got him. Then again, stranger things have happened...
Surely we can save the white race from our computers
They aren't hiding their faces like some cowards
>Bush v. Clinton
This was absolute nightmare scenario
Not sure how much of a love it is rather than a theme I found a lot of my Americana pics following, but they do still fascinate me plenty. And I think they're sleek and sexy as hell. I actually saw a pretty powerful video of one doing a joint flyby over SK with some fighters from their air force as some kind of demonstration of solidarity or something. That being said, there's still only one planefu for me.
I can't go dumping tons of fresh pics every night when new ones with quality are becoming scarcer for me to find.
I wonder if Jeb ever noticed that the reason Trump went after him so hard was because he was actually the biggest threat
You'd think that might give him some peace of mind, but still jesus christ he got torn apart.
I will always maintain that no matter what happens with Trump's presidency, it was worth it to dismantle the Bush and Clinton dynasties.
The pussy hat march was literally 1000x this and achieved zilch.
I don't like it either, but it's not really anything to obsess over, that's actually what they want. The 'alt-right' manifesto Spencer put out is the blandest shit ever. He doesn't really want to create a political movement, he wants to stage 'alt right vs antifa' battles for the TV cameras.
>That being said, there's still only one planefu for me.
Of course. Got to love both.
Vintage-wise it's this one.
Rick Wiles Warning: The Alarms Are Ringing Again
Is this Fall shaping up to be an amplified twin of the tumultuous season in 2001? Alarm bells ringing as the standoff with North Korea increasingly resembles the beginnings to a new World War.