Why are white people the only people on Earth that doesn't have automatic and natural tribal reflexes?
Every other race/group defend their own Identity/group against the "other", but when whites do it even real whites screetch in autism about muh Nazi and such.
Explain to me
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because hitler fucked us over for eternity until whites go extinct
>because jews fucked us over for eternity until whites go extinct
Just dump the fucking set already.
because white people are the true degenerates and are finally coming to the last stop in their evolutionary track.
hitler did us a fucking favor by gassing over 6,000,000 kikes. Sure, maybe I don't want a German World Order but it got rid of a whole bunch of them, not exterminated however. Which is why the Arabs and Muslims are finishing what he started.
except whites were doing fine before hitler went full retard and made all whites have to be apologetic for the next 70 years
but yeah muh jews muh jews muh jews, couldn't possibly be white people fucking themselves over by going too extreme left or too extreme right
honestly it's a little sad, and it's why i'm trying to suck as much white cock as i can, before y'all get exterminated.
Jews aren't targeting the other groups with that tactic because they're beating the other groups with other tactics.
George Soros escaped the oven.
God only knows how many crazy Jews aren't around today thanks to Hitler.
Hitler didn't kill them, he stupidly spread them all over the world.
>Every other race/group defend their own Identity/group against the "other"
that is not true user. latin people want to breed with white people to look more european.
most of us don't give a fuck about our identity, we just want to be like the western people.
successful brainwashing through public schools
next you're gonna tell me bush didn't warn the jews that Osama was going to fucking exterminate them.
fucking cuck saved their asses at the expense of our economy
A very broad reaching brainwashing that has convinced white people not to care about themselves or their ethnic kinsmen.
But being a dindu nuffin negro isn't autism. Ok... Kys.
Whites have so much power that we don't value it or each other. We don't know what it's like to be threatened and feel our instincts kick in, to actually feel connected to our people as the only thing we have. We're also so intelligent that we can anthropomorphize non-whites as if they're like us, so we end up taking care of them like pets to the detriment of our own people who we have so much freedom and power that we can destroy of our own will.
The only thing that can destroy us is ourselves. All it will take for us to be great again is the restoration of our basic instincts and positive recognition of our identity, something so many subhumans and animals already have.
why would I do that? I'm saying that before hitler made whitey look like pure evil, whites were doing fine and were mostly redpilled about the JQ and race, ever since then we can't utter the slightest grievance about jews or anyone except other whites, which leads to more infighting and commies who hate their own race.
tell me things weren't better before hitler. everyone likes to romanticize him but the fact is he failed, and made the rest of the white world have no defense from the jews
white females breed with negro males because negro males carry primal instincts and are better suited for combat and war.
meanwhile white males are jerking off to anime wasting their "superior" inteligence
cant wait till the "interracial" generation
>Why are white people the only people on Earth that doesn't have automatic and natural tribal reflexes?
Because many of us are K-selected and prefer individualism to shitty collectivism.
Track the sales of angora rabbits. The nazis ran angora breeding rings in the work camps. Find who stood to profit from eliminating supply.
because "white people" aren't a monolith you retard
germanics have their tribalism or a lack of thereof, anglos have their, slavs have their
then you put them all together, see them fighting and start asking stupid questions like that
also we systematized the fuck out of tribalism, nowadays it's called "ethno nationalism"
well, you are right, things WERE better before hitler. Sincerely doubt we would have reached the level of faggotry we have in todays society if he succeeded or never even tried.
Marxism explains why some white turn against their own skin.
Out colleges are Marxist camps.
You are a fucking retard. The Jews that control all the leaders saw to Hitler's radicalization personally. Jewish corporate airfields developed by Nazis and Americans and everyone else were studied by Zionists, led to all modern Israel "science" they hoard in their sandcastle
until a horde of negros cuck you and take all your possessions. enjoy yourself
we do it's just being repressed due to half a century of propaganda, tribalism is human nature
Honestly, it's a really good question. I think it's because they are hardwired to value Independence.
you're proving my point, jews took advantage of the "holocaust" and basically have an excuse to go 200% turbokike now and if you criticize it then you are le anti semite, you proved my point, why am I the retard?
>implying Hitler was extreme right
He was a moderate with right leaning ideals. The Jew media has fucked your head to the point of thinking extreme leftism (non white immigration to white countries, racial equality) is centrism.
All of the white people who felt this way died in many European wars. Now the majority of white people are low-test cucks. RIP whitey
kys statist subhuman. back to your r-selected parasite nest with you.
Lauren Southern's Hot older sister!!
Yum yum
>Those people
>looking anything like US latinos
Maybe in Argentina, but the 99% of latinos here look like pic related
hitler was a bona fide commie. he just was a nationalist commie.
enjoy not passing down your genes while i impregnate your women. later beta trash
Dolphin shorts > Spandex leggings
contrary to you r-selected parasite I don't have the urge to continually breed and create large counts of offspring at any cost.
white women fuck niggers because niggers tend to be more muscular and try for them harder than white guys do.
>niggers are better for combat
That's why whites took over the entire Africa with ease?
You aren't organizing white people..
You are making various scam artists and whores money while attacking a white man.
i dont think that extreme leftism is centrism, your example is what I meant by white people taking leftism too far. to say that hitler wasn't far right authoritarian is to say concentration camps didn't exist. they did, the whole 6 million gassed meme is a lie but hitler did round up people from his own country and imprison them for being jewish/ anything he didn't like. that's what you DONT do
>be hitler
>see a little degeneracy
>other countries have to step in and say stop it
>go full retard and invade russia and fail miserably
>for decades if not centuries to come, white people can't have legitimate grievances about jews because then you are like hitler
>meanwhile degeneracy is 100x worse than it was before ww2
>but when whites do it even real whites screetch in autism about muh Nazi and such.
white pride is fine. as long as there aren't a bunch of edgy neo-nazis larping for a racewar
We do. It's called the middle class.
What political ideology was TDR? He rounded up Japanese-Americans and put them in concentration camps too. Concentration camps are pretty centrist. Like I said; you're ideals of centrism are skewed left.
Intermarriage and feminism are accomplishing what Hitler could not.
>No tribal instincts
> 300 Spartans slaughtered 10k persians just to protect their own
> Literally started crusades and 2 wolrd wars
good riddance
and I counter that with: you can't have concentration camps nowadays because of hitler. are you retarded or just ignoring my point cuz muh hitler was sooo based
greek spartans modern day white males.
and it was 300 spartans and around 2k infantry from gathered smaller states, do some reading
>Implying whites were fine before Hitler.
We just weren't as far along in the process. I'm not even 100 pages into Mein Keimpf yet, and he's already described them doing exactly the same shit they're doing now.
>Control all media
>Lies and smear campaigns
>Control government and foreign policy
>Destroy nationalism while creating massive financial desparity between the native population and themselves
>Crash the fucking economy
The list goes on. He couldn't get anymore spot with his diagnosis, to where I honestly believe he'd have to have been seeing it to get it so accurate
2k infantry was the first days of the battle. Total loses of Persians were around 30k
But then Leonidas sent the rest of the Greeks home to avoid more casualties
whites took over africa because negroes are mentally inferior to whites. Why do you think we fucking enslaved them over slaughtering them like the bafoons they are?
white guys touch themselves, negroes with priviledge take your women without hesitation. They know what they are doing and you are fucking letting them.
but i dont give a fuck, im not german/european white so you can have fun with your 2d traps while negroes are impregnating women
why do y'all keep ignoring the fact that if hitler either
a) hadn't failed
b) didn't start shit
we would be able to openly criticize jews and other races without being labeled an ebil nazi and be completely ostracized? someone in the thread mentioned teddy roosevelt. teddy wrote about how niggers are basically subhuman, and people were fine with it. can you imagine a president doing that today?
well im here if you want it
neither will you have the urge once your race is exterminated.
keep being a reserved cuck
Where does he say anything about subhuman niggers? Can I get a link?
african game trails by theodore roosevelt
read it
"The dark-skinned races that live in the land vary widely. Some are warlike, cattle-owning nomads; some till the soil and live in thatched huts shaped like beehives; some are fisher-folk; some are ape-like naked savages, who dwell in the woods and prey on creatures not much wilder or lower than themselves."
But why only whites think like that? When other races commit attrocities, they still keep a high esteem of themselves and therefore are still tribal and nationalist.
Europeans are too evolved and too enlightened to still be prisoners to animalistic social attitudes of our animalistic forefathers. That is why we are not tribalistic. Rest of the world is still pretty backward, they have a lot to catch up to.
because only whites can be taken seriously when it comes to challenging the jews, none of the other races are capable/ willing. maybe asians too but even they don't seem to give a fuck at this point
lmao everyones treated me like shit doesnt matter what race, i hope you all die, you are on your own
White people will be long gone by then. In this world you either nut up and defend your people or you die out and get replaced. Nobody's gonna pull any punches for you.
But tribalism is a strength, unlike letting mass immigration from other backward races invade your land and treat your daughters like rape dolls (Rotherham). Ethno-nationalism keeps a people strong.
Maybe if we cared about our own, you would have been well treated.
Those are all indigenous people
>natural tribal reflexes
Tribal reflex does not exist. What you mean is just a social construct caused by the human behavior which can easily be modified. White people have the construct different from black. And it enabled them to achieve more.
Propaganda, subversion and indoctrination - all facets of the same thing - can have terrible effects on a population.
idk why you telling white people to all of a sudden start giving a shit about each other, no ones given a shit about anything in this country besides money and pussy, everyone has always been on their own, community died a long time ago
Libertashit are truly worse than aids-muslims.