They shouldn't have fucked with our video games
Nazis are just lar-
You did us proud America.
There is a black guy near the sign... Must be Italian
"People who go on marches are larpers, I'm the REAL white nationalist"
>shitposts on Sup Forums for 7 hours
Wait -
Are these NatSoc or Alt Right?
Would black Alt Right members have been accepted and carried torches?
HA. so true
There was black Nazis.
The blacks are amongst the protesters, not the people from the procession.
>march peacefully
>get attacked by the so called anti fascists
Really makes you think
There was Jews who fought for the Nazis. People of pretty much all races who fought for the Nazis, granted not a lot, but some.
There wasn't like a purity test for holding a torch.
They shouldn't have stripped us of our future.
>Create a world of escapism with video games as the peak of ignoring the world so that people don't notice what is happening.
>Mess with that escapism so that those people notice what is going on
Right on, very cool.
But that sounds more like Civic Nationalism.
I don't know who to believe.
twitter is boiling. From lol that fags with chinese made torches, to Trump is hitler.
>Students against white supremacy
There is much more to come tomorrow Dad
You guys shouldn't have done this.
This is just the beginning.
You are going to see some crazy shit happening really fast now to try to contain this.
False flags and who knows what else. Prepare your anus!
lol there is some truth to this.
*proceeds to gas anita*
Do us proud. Make HIM proud.
pretty much
forgot pic
The feminists thought they could get away with this.
The tikki torch stuff is super gay, but it's pretty funny that it looks like only a dozen people are 'willing to stand against white supremacy'.
C-cultural appropriation!
Shekelberg, get my lawyer, now!
Pretty much.
>user disagrees with pretty much everything happening to society
>but user also has video games so he just flees into escapism
>but, oy vey, user still disagrees with what is happening in society, even if he is passive
>that cannot stand, his mind must be changed!
>[fourth reich approaching in the distance]
What did they honestly think would happen?
I never actually stopped to think that the only reason I'm this far down the rabbit hole is because they fucked with vidya.
I guess creating an entire medium dedicated as an outlet for male aggression and competitive nature (the primary demographic of which being young men who a few centuries ago would have been fighting age and who amongst them are many who don't care much for social shaming) before proceeding to shit all over it wasn't especially wise.
great march guys, next time let's do it in anita sarkeesian's neighborhood
no they really should not
now we memed Trump into office, and slowly but surely, we will replace liberalism cancer with healthy societies
we will get rid of bullshit and go back to traditional virtues
That was one of the ten antifa that showed up to counter-protest.
This was their leader:
He is actually trying the opposite. Respect every people to live their ways in freedom and liberty, even the Africans. Didn't you learn about Johann Herder in school?
I wish children didn't make me hard as steel but I did not choose this fate
Elin are not children at all. They have extreme sex characteristics such as wide hips and curves.
that's not a child it's a cartoon you sick fuck
that's very funny but even if all immigrants leave SJWs will remain so you're not getting your sexy cat girls anyway
Someone give me a quick rundown?
All i see is some guys with torches standing around a monument.
Why are there 20 threads about it?
The whole point is to get them to stop messing with games.
fuck you, we are getting sexy catgirls IRL, Trump is in the process of making anime real and domesticated catgirls for companionship purposes will be available sooner than later
>you will see the Fourth Reich in your lifetime.
that picture looks super comfy
Because we give huge amounts of attention to antifa and alt-right even though its like a couple hundred people in a country of hundreds of millions.
It's similar to the BLM attention. We love this shit as entertainment. Everyone will get hyped and adrenaline from watching the street fights tomorrow.
some white people protested something for the first time since the 1960s
What was this about anyways?
alt right is in the low millions
even gamergate was over 300k
>we will replace liberalism cancer with healthy societies of people who get hard to pictures of children in thongs
Civil rights for whites, cultural fascism rises
alt-right is a nebulous term
If you mean richard spencer's alt right?
or just alternative right and not cuckservative?
kys niggro
>pictures of children in thongs
I have no idea what you fap to, but stop
>even though its like a couple hundred people in a country of hundreds of millions.
the majority has never been relevant. it's always smaller groups who duke it out between each other and eventually the majority just decides to side with the winning faction.
They're lolis not children, bro, they are fictional cartoons.
Damn, sounds pretty boring.
I mean meme spewing shitposters
I literally said this exact thing to someone. That all I want to do is relax and play vidya, but nooo, I'm forced to go full on 4th reich.
thongs look like shit
Normal V shape looks way better. Never been a fan of thongs at all unless it's just the straps showing above the waist
is alt-right allied with hotep?
That pissed me off. I want my real Tera Elin
Whites had a rally to assert that they have a right to exist. Lefties and SJWs are in meltdown, this will probably get significant publicity because of that on its own.
It's nowt to a slav but this is big for a western country.
I have got GBs of them. I am a very sad person.
I'm pretty sure the point is to keep the door closed and step back on gibsmedats and stop supporting mental illness as a culture
The anti-establishment right is larger than the establishment right in terms of supporters.
The alt right just gets the attention. Only a fraction of those are actually Richard Spencer types.
I'd like you to meet my friend Zyklon
who the fuck are you? richard spencer is a random nobody
do you know anything about this place, do you know where you are?
>f you mean richard spencer's alt right?
it is about recapturing the term 'Conservative' and returning it to its rightful glory; as opposed to the NeoCohen version.
on balance, jews have weaponized whites and non-whites alike against White males; so...wtf? they want us dead anyway. why not go down fighting?
>rednecks getting out of there trailer parks to anything
Fake and gay
There have been decensor mods since the jump
Oh wow - we got a real edgemasta here
BTW Zyklon was used to delouse people. Since I am clean I don't need delousing. So thank you for the offer.
why weren't you there to stop them? you're letting our multicultural paradise go down the shitter!
>White lives matter
Can get behind it
>Beating the shit out of ANTIFA
I'd be disappointed if you didn't
>"Jews will not divide us" / Nazi Saluting
This is where they fucked up. Patriotism and standing up for yourself is well and good, it inspired people with those thought to get behind your movement but in this day and age, expressing any positive words for Nazis earns you a big black mark where you're lumped with "THE GREAT ENEMY" and "never take them seriously". The nazi elements shot them in the foot, now even patriots won't want to side with them. It's going too far, you built something good, then you ruined it by going too extreme.
>they want us dead anyway
That is pretty much the crucial point of it all. It doesn't even matter if they just hate us or if they are afraid that we might change our mind and wipe them out or whatever - for various reasons they think the world would be a better place if we were gone.
Which means there can never be any compromise with them and any kind of concession is a waste of time since it will never be enough for them.
I honestly have full reason to believe that gamergate was the catalyst that sparked trumps election and the alt-right in general. Video games led to white men carrying torches in the streets yelling about their freedom. Holy fuck.
yeah it was used to delouse all of Germany
No, they really shouldn't have.
Vidya was the one thing left that was really ours, but they just couldn't even let us have that little refuge.
Look how "You will not replace us" got changed into "Jews will not replace us".
Triggered faggots on the march.
You aren't making sense. Try again. The term altright used to be a general term for alternative right. Richard spencer with the help of MSM took over the term for himself.
The american establishment is coopted by globalists/neolibs/neocons. Yes. Why not go down fighting? Because the most effective way to fight isn't by looking bad carrying tiki torches around.
keep larping I'm sure stacy will fuck you if you whiny more you hick
are there any good videos from the rally?
whats happening in OP pic?Gib context.
you are retarded
the alt right has existed here since /news/
All we wanted to do was enjoy ourselves. Why did they have to make us do this.
Gamergate is just a symptom of other things though. AKA tons of people with useless degrees that couldn't get jobs in the 2007-2010 period at all.
>The nazi elements shot them in the foot, now even patriots won't want to side with them. It's going too far, you built something good, then you ruined it by going too extreme.
You will never have a right wing protest without these kind of people. Even if you'd somehow manage to filter all the unironic Nazi worshipers out, the establishment would just plant some fake ones. And the media coverage will always heavily focus on these kind of actions.
People really need to start realizing that the MSM will never ever cover right wing protests in a positive light and stop worrying so much about them.
Burning books, when?
"patriotism" is defined as financing, fighting and dying in endless wars for a patch of land steeped in war criminals; while doing fuck all for your own nation.
Oathqueefers are on the same side as AntiFa
You can't understand that the term alt-right had a nebulous definition. You say /news/ owned it but that doesn't matter. The perception now is that Richard Spencer is the ruler of the alt right.
Hence, everyone who used to use the term has changed. I don't like labels so I don't give a fuck.
But each person who actually shows up to one of these things represents some greater number of people who actually hold these beliefs in the wider society. You know politicians can gauge what to focus their campaign on simply based on the types of mail they get? It's just that simple statistical principle. This type of thing never would have happened 5 years ago.
The Truth that Jews are the ones who have controleld the anti white anti white male agends in democratic party, schools, TV, you name it everything.
If you can't handle the TRUTH THE ALT RIGHT DON'T NEED YA!