>this mexican/black thing thinks it's white
who is going to break the news to her?
>this mexican/black thing thinks it's white
who is going to break the news to her?
Sorry user.
Oh look, another shill thread. Keep it up, goy.
i dont give a fuck anymore
Hi Brittany
U got some nice nigger titties lol
Me on the left.
Latinos look at themselves as whites. That's why Democrats' strategy of minority coalition will fail.
The super light skin with negroid features makes her look uncanny
More human looking than a nigger, but still not quite right.
I want to break my dick off in her.
Half asian half white. Just like Keanu Reeves.
Close enough.
Fuck off, she's /ourgal/
M...mom....moommyyyy....miilllkkkyyyyy...... mommy milkyyyy....
The tits were so fat.
If you looked up the word Butterface in the dictionary, this whore would be the example pictured.
I like her, she seems like a nice kid. 9/10 would let her babysit and have 2 extra popsicles after the kids went to bed. Might even give her a basket of veggies from the garden.
Meh, she does more for the white race than majority of us here. Her skin is pretty fair too, let her be.
would aid in purifying her offspring.
Is this code-speak like that cheese pizza/succulent hot dog bullshit? Can we get a translator in here?
Venti is white
Does she have nudes?
Is that ava dalush?
>not recognizing wholesome white culture
i spotted the hispanic.
you have to go back.
She looks white enough, keep her
And post video's of her tits afterward
I want to fuck her ass so bad
there is 1 word for this, mental illness
She doesn't have super light skin. She just shops her photos to make it look like she does.
She does seem a little mentally ill. Like emotionally disconnected or something.
It makes her 100x hotter. Her personality makes her a semen demon
How do we even know those are hers, i don't wanna jerk off to some nobody's tits
is that david bowie?
Yeah..that's not white. At best a very light skinned Mexican.
But I want to violently fuck her in the ass but pull out and mouth-fuck her while jizzing down her throat with my blood and shit covered dick.
She said they're not her's.
And her ape-like nigger face makes her a dick softener.
Nah she's a 10/10
Good tits and a sexy personality. Probably has some hot daddy issues.
Yeah, and Brazil has some of the hottest thicc babes in the world, right Tyrone?
Get off Sup Forums nigger. This board is for white people.
Wholesome. Thanks user. I wanted some hope out of this abortion of a thread.
Yeah brazil does have some hot bitches
Stop being a beta race purist. Whites need T H I C C fuck toys, white women are too flat
I'm not Brittany. She doesn't make or break anything, nobody gives a shit. I call this a shill thread because they are picking out who they think will cause division and putting them front and center. If she disappeared, no one would notice.
>that OP pic
I swear this chick exists on a level of irony that shouldn't even be comprehensible to the average human.
Id rather just bleach her instead
her eyes are fucked
Is that only for jews?
>Marriage only allowed with permit
What were the requirements for getting the permit?
With boobs like that she can claim she is Norwegian for all i care.
She's only a quarter black. With another line of descendance with a white man, the children will be considered white.
One drop rule is D&C tactic used by stormfags, this doesn't represent real-life NatSoc laws.
I honestly just want her to sit on my face and/or use dem tig ol' biddies to smother my putrid junk.
well first off, she's an obvious tranny. look at the hands and hips. she wears extremely high waisted stuff because it makes her male hips look more feminine. the tits are fake.
I find it odd that unlike the other "female" alt righters, "she" doesnt try to cash in on the shekels yet. yet "she" seems to be omnipresent, along with other Jewish/CIA operatives such as Spencer, BakeAlaska, and all those other faggot youtubers. not to mention is constantly shilled on here too.
so what's the deal? my conclusion is that "she" will be used for some sort of demoralization/PSYOP later on in the future. either to sow division within the ranks, or to influence public opinion of the alt-right. ex: "she" has sex with some thirsty user, later on reveals she's a tranny, he beats her to death. cue media shitstorm.
maybe I'm wrong, and "she's" actually just that lonely, and the mental illness is that bad. I'm 100% certain about the tranny thing though.
>the tits are fake.
look at those meaty paws in that pic you posted. talk about abomination
She looks like a frog.
>Irish-Australian father
>Full blood aboriginal mother
How the fuck did he get hard fucking that?
Yes. Not sure i think they literally measured your skull with calipers to determine Aryan traits.
she's definitively brazilian or puertorican or something
Met her in person, you are fucking delusional. 100% not a tranny.
Am I gay for going soft at the sight of that razorburn?
>purify her offspring
But you would negrify yours. Oh wait, no, you're an amerinigger.
The White Mixed Hispanic problem. White or white-ish skin, but obvious race mixing. It's a losing argument for Sup Forums, because it's based on the old one drop rules.