it's all coming down lads
It's all coming down lads
Other urls found in this thread:
>Using the term "domestic terrorists"
Has it been 10 years already?
I miss when Anonymous was just Sup Forumstards fucking around with LOIC.
No, not a web site I've never been to or heard of.
Sup Forums btfo
What happened? Old Anonymous would not suck liberal cock like they do now.
Of course. Sup Forums was never actually Sup Forums. Fascism, really? That's reddit authoritarian shit.
can we reappropriate anonymous yet
i mean it's on all our fuckin posts might as well
Its lenonamoose now
Reddit fucking ruined it like they do everything
Anyone can be Anonymous. Jews use it as branding now.
They are not real Anonymous.
Anonymous as hacker group ended before OWS after Dusty, LOIC and Chanology. Guess they got jobs or something.
Then it surfaced again during OWS as entirely different group with trendy Twitter, JewTubes and all that shit.
We are the real Anonymous and will always be.
Stop thinking of anonymous as a group.
Anyone can claim to be anonymous.
You could have two different twitters both claiming to be anonymous. One could be fighting antifa and the other could be fighting the alt right.
>Peaceful marches opposing genocide are "domestic terrorism"
the absolute state of the left
Anonymous becomes famous>Gets "hacker mystique">kids trying to be cool start trying to be part of anonymous>make youtube accounts and shit to be the representation of anonymous>oldfags realize the movement is filled with kids that only know how to DDOS because of an image guide>oldfags leave>movement is now entirely faggot kids who grow up to be faggot adults
>real anonymous were deus vult fags
Are you serious, kid? Were you even alive in 2005?
>a peaceful protest is domestic terrorism
>muslims bombing pop concerts is part and parcel
>antifa bike-lock smashing bystanders is free speech
>thought policing is promoting diversity
They are immune to irony, boys
And BLM setting their own neighborhoods on fire and looting stores owned by their own people is peaceful protesting.
That'll show those Nazis!
What terrorism? Scary torches?
Real Anonymous were taken down by an insider. She was a lesbian and FBI informant. Can't remember her name - Zabbo or something like that -
They were rounded up and Anonymous became part of the swamp.
Anything that makes people feel "unsafe" is terrorism now.
Well, except for suicide bombings and attacks comitted in the name of the religion of peace.
Those are just an integral part of living in a vibrant multicultural society.
>literally the only thing these faggots are capable off
>w-we destroy trump
WTF when did Anonymous start working for the Man?
>not using the term 'domainstic terrorists
Missed opportunity
/ptg/ not working for the man?
I've been saying it for years. SJWs grew out of Sup Forums during the 2007/2008 era where every 3rd thread on Sup Forums was a "Call to Operations"
It all started with taking down that "racist radio show"
then Chanology.
Now? This.
Remember folks. #Occupy was the next big thing after Chanology and if you don't remember the threads on Sup Forums at the time... you weren't there.
Sup Forums is partially to blame for what is happening now.
It's funny how things come full circle like that. I'm sure some of us even participated in chanology here, and now we're trying to undo the damage that this beast wrought upon our Kin.
Anonymous has always worked for the man. There were theories that AnonOPs and LulzSec were just CIA psyops even in those days.
Look up the Anonymous involvement in the uprising in Egypt.
They've been playing ball with "the man" since the very start.
After the meme became a "movement" and the causefags took over, that was it.
"Anonymous is a force for good"
Idealistic kids trying to fill the shoes of "hackers on steroids" took the meme and made it into a man.
w-we took down a website with low funding
we are a-a-anonymous
....please clap
I don't buy that. Sup Forums has been an enemy of Tumblr for a long time. It's been saying nigger for a long time. And in 2012 there was a lot of support for Ron Paul. There was leftism on Sup Forums because leftism used to be cool. Being a leftist made you an underdog when Bush was bombing the Middle East.
sad that Sup Forums will not do anything about this anynooomusse reddit crap
It was always a retarded group that didn't realize V for Vendetta was loaded with Illuminati propaganda. The biggest of which revolved around the fact that Guy Fawkes worked with the Jesuits to try to kill King James in 1605 one year after he ordered the Bible be translated into English in 1604. The main goal of Guy Fawkes was to keep average people from knowing the secrets of the keep the average person in the dark as to what they could figure out for themselves.
Sup Forums will always be more powerful than Sup Forums
Newfags need to stop LARPing.
I know a couple places where these retards organize and I fucked with them back when they declared war on Trump.
They're pretty much just larping redditors now who can only use LOIC and spew empty threats.
Keep average people from knowing the secrets of the Church or keep average people from reading the Bible?
Ooga Booga
That isn't Sup Forums anonymous or the original anonymous.
>implying Guy Fawkes wasn't acting in direct response to Protestant persecution of Catholics
You're like the Jew wondering why the Palestinians are so upset with Israel.
what did you expect, of an "open movement" of anons dedicated to """"hacking""""
someone was going to take over and make some good use of it, the whole thing
stupid fucks anyone who ever thought otherwise
How will drumpf ever recover??
I was opposed to chanology by the second week it went on. It started out just like any other raid, but soon the clowns started dancing in the streets, and I knew I couldn't be a part of that any longer.
Only the wisest had the temerity to pull away from that fiasco, the rest were suckered into the fold and gave birth to the movements we're not fighting against.
now** fighting against. Fucking 5am
lol, are those fucking tiki torches? The mosquitoes will never forget this night.
Never heard of
it's not really fair to call that left tho, mr. happening is/was a libertarian and any semi-logical person was against the war because it was total bullshit with a laughable pre-tense of 'spreading democracy'
Anonomess are FBI asshole piss shits now. Anonymous, more like Aniggermoose bitch cock sucker faggots. FBI pussies.
They memepost too much. I find VDARE and Red Ice to be more professional publications.
had to check my address bar to see if I'd ever visited it and nope. Remind me what have the "altright" done that means they're domestic terrorists?
I fucking love this timeline it's like bipolar roller-coaster of muhhhhh feeels.
Anonymous guaca-bowles when?
Anonymous turned into a brand. Too much eyes are on them. Naturally they will choose the popular opinion. "We are anonymous", yeah sure pal.
They will probably turn out to be a antifa-like movement in the future.
Fuck you user you dont represent us!
Twitter is subversive. My country it's not allowed
just some fag with a twitter account
That was lulzsec, not anonymous.
>Tfw these guys were our oldfag brethren from the good old times
Internet hate machine/ I had 10 passwords they got them all days were the best
So one FBI honeypot is attacking another FBI honeypot
nah, it was comedy gold when seaOrg was doing their normal video tape tactics on Sup Forums and Sup Forums was represented by a kid in a gorilla mask with vaseline and pubes all over his body.
That was real user, and then the internet got big and full of normies and everything turned into lame dad politics. Now we have 40 year old virgins talking about MGTOW and vlogger shills.
Fuck, I learned about kid rock for govenor on here. From cyberbullying Juggalos to trying to elect walmart bargain bin trash. It's been a hell of a ride to the bottom.
Anonymous simply got co-opted and became apart of the establishment as controlled opposition and to keep pseudo intellectual stoners at bay.
Give a break leftist shills nobody buys your shit anymore !
Holy shit
>1776 digits
>a brit
what did kek mean by this
anonymous was always liberal, what are you guys smoking?
"Anonymous" is just a bunch of leftists that larp as Sup Forums hackers
This is basic bitch shit
>I ain't worried about nothing is run by retards, including a furry homosexual 19 year old that used to run the biggest Sup Forums discord
Oh no guys they took down nazisdotcom we're screwed pack it up cause it's all over now
Apparently this board doesn't remember that THIS is the birthplace of Anonymous
lol what the fuck.
It means the US is going to be re-integrated as a Dominion of the Empire. Congratulations burger, oh and the white house needs to go.
Yeah and you obviously don't understand the rea hackers that hung out here didn't make "anonymoose" to virtue signal about what they do.
His girlfriend leaving him still makes me laugh
hahahahaa you're so cute. Sure feels like summer in here.
It's like your son coming out as gay at 15.
I remember the day the tides turned. It was during the raids on the bank servers with operation Avenge Assange. It used to be a small group of trolls getting a large group of idiots riled up for a "cause" and letting them loose on the world. Often redirecting the internet mob to innocent bystanders for the lulz.
I remember back when we were proud of being labeled domestic terrorist.
We used the Guy Falk mask because of the EFG, not because of V.
It's true. We used to rile up the retards with a "cause" and direct the angry mob for the lulz. Unfortunately the retards started taking the causes too seriously and ended up taking over.
Anonymous are CIA
>Hey guys, we DDosd something, we da ultimate hackerz
Every fucking time, the same shit. When is there going to be another real hack ?
All this kiddie shit is kinda depressing to be honest.
Anonymous could be anybody. It's not a defined group of people. A group of Muslims could be Anonymous while a group of Zionists do the same. It's a title, not an entity.
>altright being terrorists
>not the left whose burned down buildings, blew up cars, ruined lives, used every intimidation tactic under the sun, takes over public speaking events by force, tells others they have no rights to speak, who silences dissenting opinion, and is openly for the segregation that blacks fought against years ago
Uhuh, I think we've lost control. There's false flaggers running around as anonymous. I knew SJW's were infesting this website and were among the protestfags at the scientology protests but this is genuinely backwards. Anonymous was never for the left OR right, it did things for the lulz. Even those lulzsec faggots were more of an accurate representation of user. I wonder what group hijacked anonymous, we need to find out, even if its within the government. This cant go on.
>getting alt right offline and into the real world
Big mistake, faggot.
When did it actually happen?
When did ""anonymous""" get hijacked into having lefty views?
I arrived in 06 and I remember us always being turbo racist.
anonymous is anonymous; thus anyone can Sup Forums. there's a very, very good chance that those who fight their greatest battles, do so in the digital world already know about this and will be a pain their asses.
That wasn't Anonymous you retard. Anonymous isn't even a real fucking group and all of you idiots keep talking about how they used to be cool. Anonymous was just Sup Forumstards using swarm tactics, you we do. Hey you know what, a lot of us used to be on Sup Forums. would think that we're actually Anonymous. You know, we call each other user, and it says it right there in bold letters "Anonymous".
Some fucking retard made a Twitter account with Anonymous(tm). They aren't a group, stop calling them a group.
tiki torches izz rayyciss
>I was opposed to chanology by the second week it went on. It started out just like any other raid, but soon the clowns started dancing in the streets, and I knew I couldn't be a part of that any longer.
hmmm sounds very familiar
Fuck Anononymous, bunch of faggots.
>mfw this threatens anyone about anything
>online nonetheless
>We are the real Anonymous and will always be.
We are Leejun!
We should start memeing the tiki torch. Own it.
these aren't the same people, they just took the title anonymous because they thought it sounded cool. It all started around the time of occupy wall street, so 2011
a lot of those same people were anti-War and fell into the stream of constant Communist rhetoric; read: they only know one side of the story and believe White today, should be held accountable for the sins of the jew in the past. jews need to be held to account for their own sins. it is no ones fault but their own that they get booted out of everywhere for acting like fucking jews.
another branch went towards Ron Paul Libertarianism, fueled by the 'Audit The Fed' ruse; and later when introduced to 'Race Realism' began to lean right.
OWS "could" have done great things; but they're unorganized and easily led astray by Communist rhetoric full of half-truths
When was the last time Anonymous actually mattered? I remember during the election they were trying to make themselves relevant by saying they had some truths to drop about Hillary but that turned out to be absolute dogshit.
Nobody cares about user anymore because they've been neutralized.