Learn the difference boys
Learn the difference boys
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which one am i
You can ask your father if he ever comes back.
you forgot latino master race you fucking mong
I think you know, you're not on the left.
Are french celtics, romans, or germanics?
I always thought you were a mix of all of them.
wait why are portuguese and iberian separate
Depends on the region of course
Theres not a "real" ,unique French ethnicity
Except for the Basques, Bretons, and so on of course
You're all niggers atm.
but isn't that pictograph showing more about geographically separated peoples
portugal is completely within the iberian peninsula
Celtes bien entendu.
nice attention span, i think you lasted what, 30 seconds?
fucking millennials
Why does the Celt look like a Spaniard? My family is Scottish and they are all Blonde / Blue eyed.
>cucking to afrocentricism with "WE WUZ KANGZ"
Go look up Moroccan, and algerian people they're more whitish sand nigger than actual nigger.
Fukin lold
you're Celts/Gauls
the Germanic element was mostly in the aristocracy and nobility
which you slaughtered during your revolution
the only Germanic thing about France is the name
i dont get portugal
how did it become a shithole?
portugal was never under the communist rule but its gdp is much lower than the baltic states that were once part of the USSR
also it was once an empire. shouldnt it be rich after stealing all of the goods of its land in south america?