Japan is Shit

When did you take the redpill and realise that two nukes wasn't enough? Japan truly is an authoritarian shithole, but because of 'muh anime' and 'muh waifu' its seen as a first world country, even though it has a worse justice system than Saudi Arabia.

>of the people accused of a crime, 99% are convicted
>let me say it again, NINETY NINE PERCENT conviction rate
>you can held for no reason, for 24 days without access to a lawyer
>japan does not have a jury system
>presumption of guilt rather than innocence

Once we are done fucking up the rice pickers of the Korean flavour, when are we going to step into Japan and give them a taste of some freedom?

What the fuck are you on? Let them rule their country as they wish you dumbass

Whats the point of bombing japanese

its a nigger. niggers think every country needs to be samolia even if they were raised in america. its kinda disgusting


not enough my brother

>Japan truly is an authoritarian shithole

Butthurt chink/gook detected

at least u dont get shot homie...

The japs are bloodthirsty savages who will never understand freedom.

>of the people accused of a crime, 99% are convicted
>let me say it again, NINETY NINE PERCENT conviction rate
Maybe if you didn't behave like a nigger this would not be a problem to you, Jamal.

>of the people accused of a crime, 99% are convicted

Another butthurt chink detected.

hello gook, go drink some more poowine.

America should worry about America and the rest of the world worries about itself. Though I agree that such a justice system is gay.

This is what "honorary hu-wites" do:
"I know not where to end. Never I have heard or read such brutality. Rape! Rape! Rape! We estimate at least 1,000 cases a night and many by day. In case of resistance or anything that seems like disapproval, there is a bayonet stab or a bullet ... People are hysterical ... Women are being carried off every morning, afternoon and evening. The whole Japanese army seems to be free to go and come as it pleases, and to do whatever it pleases."

excuse me Japanese people, I am curious of one thing:
do you have faggots in Japan? with all non reproducing meme, I still think that you are 0 faggot nation, is this true or meme?


It has good and bad things. But it's not a place where a normal white man can be happy for more than 10 months. If you're an autist who can't get laid at home, yeah come here .

Cry some more, chink. No one cares.


I clearly see you don't watch Shemale Japan, the guy who does that gives as well as receives, it's pretty gay.

I do not watch youtube people at all

>Shemale Japan