Norwegian Election 2017

Despite being a white born-and-bread Norwegian I'm going to at least make the op of this thread in English so that my fellow non-Norwegian Anons understand what's going on.

There's a Norwegian election coming up soon and this is essentially a thread dedicated to that topic.

I'm a little confused about which party I should put my vote in for.

Up until this year, I've been too young to vote, but I passed 18 a few months ago and am therefor considered old enough to take part in the democratic system. The problem is that I don't actually know much about my nation's parties or which ones best reflect my beliefs. I took a few "tests" that were aimed to help me decide ( and a few others I could find), but they all seem pretty left-biased.

In terms of Sup Forums recommending me a party, the following are my views (from highest priority to lowest):
>very conservative, I I believe in "Norway for Norwegians" and all that
>Norway should have less immigrants and asylum seekers
>I don't believe the government is useless, and public health/fire/police services should be left in their hands

Can any Norwegian-user recommend me a party based on these beliefs?

I wanna' make you proud Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

The real reason why you type in English is because your thread would be reported as spam if it wasn't.

Well yeah, but that doesn't sound as good as what I wrote.

You have to go with frp then
They are pretty retarded, but since all you care about is so contradictory its hard to find a perfect match , there are no "national socialist parties" , so better take the next best thing, the most contradictory party which is frp next to mpg (miljopartiet)

I was thinking FRP, but those election-choice-helper-tests I took all pointed me towards SP. Though SP seem a bit too red for my tastes.

Anyway, what's so contradictory about my views?

Labour, the center party, socialist left and maybe the reds will form a majority coalition government.
>tfw four years of sensible immigration policy will stop
>tfw the brown flood will drown us all in the coming years because people
Sometimes I hate my own shitty people

Labour party always does well. I'm thinking it's the older generation not willing to let go of the time where we really needed AP.

Of course I shouldn't talk. I have no idea who I'm voting and at this point I'm thinking either FRP or SP, if only because it's the two only parties that have been recommended to me.

Can someone rank the parties in order from the most pro-refugee/immigrant to the most anti one.

FRP's logo looks really nervous.

Kommer til å stemme SV siden Rodt ikke er sterke i mitt fylke.

This. I'd love to see this.

It's just happy to see you.

Why? What are SV's views on immigration/asylum seekers?

This also marks my last bump with cute russ girls, that are appropriate for this board.

OP's image pretty much does that if you read it left to right, top to bottom. Rodt literally means red, so you can guess what kinda party that is.

The problem with Norway is that there is no "radical" alternative, so you basically have to be set for the least destructive party which i think is FrP.
In Sweden you can vote NMR locally and then SD in the general election because they are the least worst alternative but have the highest probability to make a change.
TLDR: Vote FrP.

What gives me hope is if you look at the school elections you can clearly see that the young people are moving to the right and labor is losing their base support aka boomers.

In some decades the labor party might lose 10% of their votes.
>the reds(commies)/socialist left party. mega cucks, want to flood our country with shitskin
>Labour party wants more immigration, but more sensible immigration
>the Christians, central party, the left(party). Quite neutral, wants shit to stay as it is.
>the right(party): wants to restrict immigration a tiny bit
>the progressive party: your basic bitch anti-immigration party

Oh wait, scratch that, we have a few more that are technically allowed here.

I think what bothers me the most about this entire process is how coy most of the parties here seem to be on the real controversial issues.

Honestly I'd love to click on a party's website, navigate to their views and not just be greeted by:
>"We believe in a fair, right, and just solutions to problem that may or may not exist depending on your view."

There's no real answer to anything

Alle partier er for så mye innvandring som mulig, unntatt Frp som bare later som de ikke er det. En stemme på Frp er bare en stemme for skattekutt for de rikeste, privatisering av velferden og en odeleggende klimapolitikk. Siden det er umulig å hindre innvandring til Norge, kan man liksågodt stemme på SV eller rodt som vil dra landet i en mer miljovennlig og arebeidervennlig retning.

Give me your power, vote FRP.

That's a neat list, thank you user.

True, but it pisses me off somewhat. Why is there no party that's willing to actually cut down on immigrants?

According to what few polls I've read, a good chunk of Norwegians seem to agree that there are too many of them already. But I think the media in Norway's working pretty hard to cover that up.

I don't know, I just wish we'd have more interesting radical politics.


>Siden det er umulig å hindre innvandring til Norge.
Fel, Det går visst att reglera invandringen, Det räcker med att ha bättre gränskontroller/stängsel, Mer oattraktiva regler så parasiter söker sig till andra länder och framförallt inga bidrag till folk utan ska man komma till landet så ska man börja arbeta från dag 1.
Jag lovar dig att med dom reglerna så skulle enbart önskade människor komma sådana som vill arbeta och göra något av sina liv.

>önskade människor

Önskade människor = icke-kriminella och laglydiga invandrare och inte t.e.x Rapefugees eller liknande.

>unntatt Frp som bare later som de ikke er det
Er du tilbakestående anonsen? Vi har rekordutsendelser av landet, mye strengere regler, og skjerpet kontroll over dem.

Vist FRP/Hogre kan styre åleine uten stopper så kommer asylsokere til å bli blåst til helvette ut.

>kan man liksågodt stemme på SV eller rodt som vil dra landet i en mer miljovennlig og arebeidervennlig retning.
Jaha, her har man naveren som er ute etter andres penger og eigendom.

give me a quick rundown of the parties.

This is a solid list

jeg vil ikke ha dem heller

>önskade människor

I really should have opened with "no sweden allowed" in the OP.

Jeg har tenkt til å stemme på SP denne gangen. De vil oke militærbudsjettet våres til 2% av BNP, og oke mengden HV soldater vi har, på den måten så kanskje vi har sjangs til å beskytte oss selv hvis noe skjer i verden. De er også ganske negative til både EU og EOS, og de vil ha bedre kontroll på grensene våre, dog har ikke sett dem direkte si "migrants fuck off".

Fra det jeg har lest på politikken dems så ser de ut til å være ganske for isolasjonisme og Norsk suverenitet.

For the Alliance

Stem alliansen

for me, it's roddit

Den norske befolkningen er ganske delt på innvandringssporsmålet, det er ca. en 1/3-del for, en 1/3-del imot og en 1/3 som ikke bryr seg. Men politikerne er 100% for.

Du kan stemme på Frp, de vil gjore livet vanskeligere for de som allerede har kommet til landet, men ikke hindre at flere kommer. Kanskje du får et marginalt fall i innvandring med 10%-20%, men det vil fortsatt være flere tusen hvert år.

Samtidig vil Frp privatisere alt, bruke mer enn avkastningen på oljefondet, gi skattekutt til rike onkler, drite på arbeideres livsvilkår og generelt gi fingeren til klima og miljo.

en stemme til SP er en stemme til AP

Kanskje, men jeg stemmer på de jeg er mest enig med, og det er for oyeblikket SP.

Så du vill inte ha andra Européer för det är dom enda som skulle kunna klara av att komma.
Tredjevärldsfolk är ju inte önskade.
Önskade människor = White Europeans and not thirdworld niggs and sandnigs.

Don't listen to tests from NRK. NRK is state founded propaganda.

Redpill me on the Alliance.

Nordfront would do great things but they are way too small.

Literally wants to:
>Deport all browns except half-ethnic norwegians and adopted kids
>Only give foreign aid to other nordics/germans, would likely go to baltics
>Norway first
>No clue about their economic policy but they are pretty NS

Problem is... I want to run a fucking business and not tax my ass off, hence I am going to the US to do business, though I would be okay getting my ass taxed off in a NS Norway where the taxes went to something actually good.

nej, din dumma jävel
jeg vil ha skandinavere og bare skandinavere

>De vil oke militærbudsjettet våres til 2% av BNP
Hogre/FRP har ellerde lovet NATO å gjore dette.
>De er også ganske negative til både EU og EOS, og de vil ha bedre kontroll på grensene våre
SP vil reforhandle, SP vil ha bedre kontroll.
Men dette går ikke under AP, AP er 100% for EU, og vil ha mer migranter.

Trodde virkelig at nordmenn på Sup Forums hadde litt meir greie på norsk politikk. En stemme for SP, er en stemme for AP.

en bortkasta stemme
kommer ikke over sperregrensa


Oh. Well okay then, that's too bad.

It's about sending the larger parties a message.

jada jada jada

>men ikke hindre at flere kommer
Hallo, comrade rodt.
FRP vil gjore det obligatorisk for innvandrere å være i jobb, vist ikke får de ingen som helst gibs og blir kasta ut.
Ikke mange vil komme ti Norge vist de ikke kan få velferd, da drar til heller til danmark, sverige eller tyskland.

Så du anser inte att e.x Belgare/Holländare/Tyskar som är Germanska ska kunna flytta till Norge? Jag förstår att man inte vill ha Östeuropéer typ Polacker men Väst-Européer är ju såpass lika och anpassningsbara både genetiskt och kulturellt så att det borde inte vara ett problem eller?

Hey norway

Im white, blonde and blue eyed.
Can i chill in your country for a while? It looks nice

Are you ready to work and contribute to society?

Totally unrelated, but why do you say
>de vil ha bedre kontroll på grensene våre

Why not
>de vil ha bedre kontroll på våre grensene

I'm a Finn and I've studied Swedish for many years, and it seems strange that you put the word "our" after the noun. Is that common in Norwegian? In Swedish it's before the noun.

Problemet är väl att dom är alla nordafrikaner

hvorfor skal jeg ville ha dem her? hvorfor?

norge har desværre bidratt til flyktningkrisen, og må derfor ta ansvar

greit å si at politikerene har skylden, men da må du gå i retning av direkte demokrati, og ikke enda en leder som du stemmer på men som skal ta skylden og ansvaret fra deg.

ITT politikk er for folk som har ingen autonomi men bare tenker som dyr for å overleve en ekstra dag


put it all on Sylvi

Voi ruotsinkiellessäki tehä niin mutta ei oo kauhee tavallista, tietääkseni vähä vanhempaa kieltä

Jeg var arbeidsledig for en god stund, nav gav meg ikke noe hjelp, bare CV-kurs som ikke hjalp siden jeg hadde en 10/10 CV. De ga meg heller ikke noe stotte, siden jeg hadde penger på konto. Fikk et jobbtilbud til slutt i gokk, og nå bor jeg bitteliten bygd et sted, men jeg har ihvertfall en fast 100% stilling og lever ikke i losarbeiderhelvete som mange av mine jevnaldrende.

Jeg syns folk burde skattes etter evne, altså progressive skatter. Det var helt greit i USA for 50 år siden, burde være greit i Norge nå.

Sant, har varit i alla dom tre länderna nu i somras och med tanke på hur mörka deras gator var så skulle det inte förvåna mig haha.
Dom kanske är specialiserade inom sina yrken och kan stärka eran ekonomi vad vet jag?
Jag ser det bara som positivt när vita länders befolkning växer men det kanske inte är vad du vill ha?

Hvis jeg var deg user ville jeg bare stemt på det partiet som stotter militæret vårt mest altså
sterkt militær er viktigst for meg

Why? If NK drops three nukes on us, what's our military budget going to matter?

Isn't the concept of traditional warfare essentially dead in the first world?

NK will never have the capacity or the will to nuke you, Traditional warfare is still the get-go in todays world as nukes won't be used unless something really bad happens.

skandinavere klarer å gjora de jobbene sjolv

>100 tyskere flytter til Norge
>Tysklands befolkning minsker med 100
>Norges befolkning oker med 100
> =Hvite lands befolkning oker
svensk matematikk

FrP or Hoyre, public services aren't going anywhere. What degree of privatization vs public is optimal is somewhat up in the air. Some parts benefit more than others, specifically things were innovation can create marginal gains in procedure or technology (like eye surgery, the US is more privatized here and has far better care on that front).

More non-whites will make this country worse, the only risk with FrP or Hoyre is that some billionaire jew buys up large parts of some industry and uses that as leverage for more muslims and blacks.

>I'm a little confused about which party I should put my vote in for.
we all are user, that's why so many of us don't vote, we don't trust (((them)))

I dunno my self, but alliansen is calling out the american kikes so I like that. I dunno so much else about them though. I must admit to have never voted in my life before

The point isn't really who nukes us, but the only real foreign threat Norway's facing is some jack-off atomizing a few of our cities.

That is unless Sweden decides it's time to """immigrate""" into Norway and take it's shitskins with it.

No, Norway has to focus on the threat from within. A threat you as a Swede should be very familiar with.

en stemme til Alliansen er ikke mye verdt, men det er i det minste bedre enn en blank stemme

Jag talar bara hypotetiskt, 99% av invandringen skulle vara andra Skandinaver ändå den lilla 1% skulle vara den invandringen som jag talar om.
Dom kan ju redan idag flytta till alla Skandinaviska länder om dom vill det och väldigt få gör ju det vi kommer aldrig se någon massinvandring av Tyskar.

Det er egentlig sandt, det er FRP som gjelder egentlig, men jeg har lagt dem for hat fordi dem tok fra meg forerkortet uten gyldig grunn. Meg og ca 100k andre

Det er NATO kravet ja, men det er nesten ingen som folger det. Det var grunnen til at Trump ga den regninga til Merkel for ikke så lenge siden.

SP sier de vil ha handelsavtale med EU, som er greit for min del. Så lenge vi beholder suverenitet og ikke må hore på byråkrater fra Belgia så kan vi handle med EU.

Mener du at vi må stemme taktisk i stedet for å stemme på det vi er enige i?

uh, why?

Vote for Senterpartiet (the Centre Party)
they are literally national socialists, but they don't use that rhetoric
look at their actual policies
>protect Norwegian industry and production
>strong immigration demands
>support and empower rural areas and local communities
>proud to be Norwegians
the only thing I don't like is that they are pro-NATO
they should take a cue from Rodt (Red = Commnist party) and SV (Socialistic Left party) and work for a Nordic defense alliance

>one of the Alliance leaders is literally named "Lysglimt" translating to "Glimpse of Light".

Will he save us?

Well even after the Country has been glassed then you will still have people survived, Conventional warfare will continue after.
>That is unless Sweden decides it's time to """immigrate""" into Norway and take it's shitskins with it.

That is what you have your armed forces for, To stop such incursions and defend your national integrity, That is why me and the other user you replied to earlier think a strong military is a must for any nation.
>No, Norway has to focus on the threat from within. A threat you as a Swede should be very familiar with.
Yes and that threat is best fought with brute-force because we will never solve that threat without using bruteforce and throwing them out of here.

you can say "...våre grenser"

Lysglimt is Azor Ahai.

they say you "might drink and drive"

fucking moralists, I have never done that my entire life, just about the only one in these parts of the woods who haven't. A friend and his gf got really injured when I was 18

>rodt (close to reddit)
>red star
quick rundown?

>Mener du at vi må stemme taktisk i stedet for å stemme på det vi er enige i?
Selvfolgelig, dette er hvordan man lever med å være i ett "demokrati".
Hvorfor stemme på det du er mest enig i, vist de ikke kan gjore noe med det fordi de har et overparti som ikke godtar det.

>SP sier de vil ha handelsavtale med EU, som er greit for min del
Som ikke vil skje på grunn av AP.
Hogresiden vil ha folkeavsteming om reforhandling av EOS avtalen.

>Yes and that threat is best fought with brute-force because we will never solve that threat without using bruteforce and throwing them out of here.

You are all kinds of deluded if you think upping the military budget is going to help anyone with immigrants.

As far as I see it the military budget will be used exclusively for foreign affairs, with minimal focus on homeland security.

Though I will admit I could be wrong on that as I have not seen the numbers.

Vote Alliansen. Lysglimt knew Ron Paul back when he was popular.

NS is pretty much radical centrism so it checks out.

Is Hoyre right wing or (((right wing)))? Media here called them nazis but they seem pretty standard for a right wing party

Ideelt bor Skandinavia forenes dersom vi skal ha en etnostat ettersom vi er det samme folket, så det kommer ikke til å bli noe innvandring av skandinavere fra andre land
Jeg har ikke noe imot de andre germanske landa, men innvandringen må begrenses. Vi er nodt til å arbeide sammen, men det vil forst og fremst væra et okonomisk og militært samarbeide
Den hvite befolkningen kommer ikke til å öke som en folge av innvandring fra andre hvite land. Regnestykket går i null

>revolutionaries (but in a 'democratic way')
>down with capitalism and the stock market
>goes on 'rich people safari' to induce rage in lower classes
>want a Nordic Defence Alliance instead of NATO
>pro-immigration but surprisingly good at condemning bad shit in Islam

Are you sure they're not talking about FRP?
Hogre is right wing AP but let's FRP take all the heat while secretly agreeing with them.

Why are Norwegian/Scandinavian women so obsessed with Southern European men?

The military alone won't do jackshit against immigrants, But lets say we get lucky and hit the jackpot and get a real Nationalist gov somehow.
Wouldn't you want to have a military which is capable of deporting large masses of foreigners?
>As far as I see it the military budget will be used exclusively for foreign affairs, with minimal focus on homeland security.
That used to be the case here until 2014, After 2014 the focus has shifted for defence of our teirritory but that is only us.

spotted the farmer

Lysglimt seems pretty based.

For those participating that don't read Norwegian, the following are the points mentioned on this list:
>war on political correctness
>strengthen ones right to privacy online
>Norway first, always

I might end up voting one of the smaller parties.

This guy has been trolling for over 10 years, he browses /pol. Look at that date.

Stem Alliansen - Norge ut av EOS.

Det er bare sånn NAV fungerer. Målet til NAV er å gjore arbeidsledighetstallet lavere, om de gjor det ved å få deg til å gi opp eller ved å kalle deg ufor spiller ikke så mye rolle for dem, men de har skjont at den vanskeligste måten å få tallet ned er å få folk ut i arbeid, så det gidder de ikke.

>Alle partier er for så mye innvandring som mulig, unntatt Frp som bare later som de ikke er det.
Det stemmer ikkke, FrP har redusert innvandringen og kastet ut mange, langt flere enn det arbeider partiet vile gjort.
>Siden det er umulig å hindre innvandring til Norge, kan man liksågodt stemme på SV eller rodt som vil dra landet i en mer miljovennlig og arebeidervennlig retning.
Får du betalt for dette eller er dette trolling? Hvordan klarer Israel å ta over Palestina hvis innvandring er umulig å stope? Vile ikke bare Palestinerne innvandret til Israel og så fått sine hjem tilbake?

>Du kan stemme på Frp, de vil gjore livet vanskeligere for de som allerede har kommet til landet, men ikke hindre at flere kommer.
Folk forlater landet hvis det ikke er nok vellferd for dem. Hvorfor har vi langt mindre innvandring enn Sverige hvis innvandring er umulig å stope? Kommer definitivt til å stemme FrP for å straffe shillsenen

>Jeg var arbeidsledig for en god stund, nav gav meg ikke noe hjelp, bare CV-kurs som ikke hjalp siden jeg hadde en 10/10 CV. De ga meg heller ikke noe stotte, siden jeg hadde penger på konto. Fikk et jobbtilbud til slutt i gokk, og nå bor jeg bitteliten bygd et sted, men jeg har ihvertfall en fast 100% stilling og lever ikke i losarbeiderhelvete som mange av mine jevnaldrende.
Du lyver, sysselseting har okt i byene under den blå-blå alliansen. Det for dumt å tro at du ikke kunne finne job i en by, men i en bygd når jobber blir sentralisert inn i byene.

>hit the jackpot and get a real Nationalist gov somehow

I do see your point, and I will take it into consideration, but I don't know if I'm willing to place my faith in this. Winning the lottery 3 times in a row seems easier than us getting a "real nationalist government."

not you again
you are pathetic like a fucking weeb LARPing as a viking
fuck off mongrel


this shit is very real btw
I would have never thought so my self
You are convicted on basically "I think so" and they call it preemtive, it cant happen to all of you.

Then you have to go to the doctor to blow WTF is this nonsense

I just remember that when they won the elections the media cried that Norge is now under nazi occupation

>Deport all browns
Define "browns".

>A literal Reddit party on the top left

take a look in the mirror
get over it and kys nigger

>Is Hoyre right wing or (((right wing)))? Media here called them nazis but they seem pretty standard for a right wing party
They are right-wing, there's not much jewis or neocon like influence. The people in that party are just too normie for that, normies from a much less degenerate time. Like your drunk uncle if he was an accountant or something like that

Answer my question.