A failed rally

What an absolute failure of a rally! Seriously i you guys did was walk around at night parade your fucking torch sticks; end up assaulting people with them surrounding people at a statue.

Seriously wtf is wrong with you people? What in the world if wrong with you? Half the people there were outright skin heads. I seriously hope the media tears you guys a new one for this bullshit rally. Btw you just screwed your cause once people see those torches they'll finally wake up!!!!!

Fuck up cunt.

Ad hom attack. Ok nice your just proving me to be right.

Hahah the rally was so failed its trending on twitter and you came to make a post HAHAHAHA

the best part is that wasn't even the rally, the rally is tomorrow

Btw debate me try to prove me wrong: Pro tip you can't.

Cause all you mindless people do is spew your race bullshit. Seriously.


It is; and its trending on twitter where millions of people are taking a stand against this bullshit. Yea it trending against you though. No one in the real world likes you people don't you fucking get it????? Fuck!


Or perhaps im just a regular guy fed up with this? Seriously why are so many people falling into the nazi trap wtf?

Let's debate.

Do you believe white people should be allowed to retain the control of their own countries and remain a majority in those countries?

This was just a pregame. The actual rally starts tomorrow at 12 PM EST

No because there are no fucking identities you moron. There is no black, white or whatever the fuck. They're just people, you see color i see nothing. So fuck you and your torch bearing fuckwads.

Nothing wrong with being a nazi

Fuck you seriously.

Fuck off Cunt.

Does all of Sup Forums have this kind of weird virgin, big bang theory kind of appearance?

Wow you sure showed me.

>Goiym stop organizing, you'll hurt some poor minorities feelings wtf

Go back to leftypol and reddit, concern-trolling shill


Go to a random black guy and tell him he's not black. You'll get red-pilled on identity quickly.

your views contradict science.

Only burgers. Not everyone can be like us.

I think they do honestly. These people act like they had a lobotomy and can't do basic functions.

srsly? whoa

The only thing i will show you is the oven.

Yawn you people are pathetic.

>I seriously hope the media tears you guys a new one for this bullshit rally.



Let's start debating whenever you are ready.

why are you telling us? we weren't there. we were here. we are always here. nobody who was there will read your little post here


>not know how aussies say hello

>failed rally
no, this was a march against terrorism
OP would know all about that being on the side of them

I can hear the Helicoptors already.

Fuckin' oath cunt.

Retarded shit eating communist traitor

Because i saw you dipshits. You fucking assholes posting about it and actually praising it. Even if you believe in your movement surely you; yourself can't be this completely brain dead and realize, that the media is going to have a fucking field day with you guys or are you still trapped in your echo chamber?



>emu says hello
>ad hom

More mainstream airtime. Sounds great! Appreciate the moral boost you're giving us.

>no, this was a march against terrorism
Yea no fuck off when your people go beating on people surrounded!! Mind you, on people that are helpless and defenseless then seriously fuck off. No bud you don't get to pull that card. And listen to your own people at the rally; protecting white identity fuck off.

>Your rally was a failure losers!
>Fuck up cunt.
the fuck....

>Echo chamber
>A commie is allowed to post his opinions here without being banned or silenced forcibly for a "wrong" opinion
I disagree with you on everything you've said, but it's not an echo chamber in here

Your days are numbered, this is just the beginning.

haha i always love these pictures, literally using nazi propaganda and taking it at face value for the sake of their argument

where's the feigned moral outrage from reddit? I don't see a single post relating to the cville rally

He's this fucking delusional.

>Echo Chamber
>Commie running around the board unmolested
Rly maeks u think

It's over. SJW reddits have been reduced to almost nothing. the_donald won their blitzkrieg against reddit.

If I was delusional, I'd be a communist.

It literally just happened. People are merely waking up.

Nothing on Drudge about this rally

Did it even happen at all?

Big fat American failure

it was over 4 hours ago

Exactly you get it. These people are losers, they preach nothing but bull. If anything we should take lessons from europe you don't see them having far right torch rallies do you? Well do you? No because they haven't given into hate.

If anything america is weak we gave into hate so fucking quick.

D&C threads in full swing
I hope you're getting paid

I'm proud, Americans
keep it up

Eastern Europe are literally /ourguys/ you stupid cunt.

>If anything we should take lessons from europe you don't see them having far right torch rallies do you?

Kek. Most of the alt right comes from French far-right philosophers from the 70s (Alain de Benoist "new right"). The identitarian movement is way more developed over there...

report duplicate threads

you niggas eating up the bait like good boys

There's a reason they are considered a joke/minority. But over here what i saw was an plethora of people showing up to something i could have never expected in 5 years!!.

Seriously this is scary and you guys are laughing your ass's off thinking this is all one big joke, but its not wake the fuck up!!

>once people see those torches they'll finally wake up!!!!!
well you got one thing right, at least

But we ARE waking up. Hence why you start seeing those rallies all over the place.

Lol this commie is triggered

Thanks for your (((concern)))

The rally was so insignificant that people are taking time out of their days to decry and proclaim how insignificant it was.

God i hope everyone of you fuckers that supported that shit last night just burns. Seriously just burn, they say burning to death is the worse way to go. Well i hope all you cocksuckers burn in a literal fire, or your imaginary hell fuck you all.

We didn't start the fire. Grow a little.

OPFOR is really trying to attack Sup Forums today lololol

Hahaha I just went to leftypol.No wonder they are so triggered some pollacks are raiding the shit out of them

Is this LARPing or are you actually angry?


>you see color i see nothing

imagine yourself walking onto a prison yard for the first time

group of blacks, group of mexicans, group of whites

you will have to pick a group to stand with according to your own skin color

would you still be blind to it?

digits check'ed

Wait, I thought color blindness was racist now because it ignores all the traits that make POC better than whites? Better get back into formation before a minority reads that.


>I seriously hope the media tears you guys a new one for this bullshit rally

even if they do, it doesn't matter. msm has been calling everyone in the country a racist nazi for years and people have just tuned it out. it's never been a better time to be an actual racist because the label means nothing.


>its afraid

Haha Haha look at this assblasted communist filth. They're so scared

No, colour blindness is racist because it is willfully ignorant of the challenges minorities face in western society.
It's an erasure of their struggles.


>the rally failed
>debate me
Ok. My opening statement is as follows- The rally is tomorrow, you cunty fuck sperg.
Your turn.

As a 46 year old while male from Texas , you people at the rallies are nothing different in principal than what you assume to hate. Ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand. You are the last dying whimpers of a failed philosophy and the self destructive light you have is now taking it's toll. Your ideas are failures of logic and unjust. The world is no longer nor will even again be the 1940's - they are over. You lost. The only noble thing you can do now is to admit your delusion and change your paradigm for the sake of your children and grand children. If you don't you will doom them to the same knuckle dragging fate as yourself , unable to stand erect like men and women.

Changing your flag doesn't change your ID.

The media has ceased to be news and has become entertainment. Their fear strengthens us.

Compared to what, AIDS-skinny trannies with dyed hair? People are weird-looking in general, especially political people.

That's not how to use a semicolon.

like having a 100 SAT score bonus to get into Ivy College eh?
Fuck off Zhang of Nanyang


This is some Sam Hyde tier satire.


>No because there are no fucking identities you moron. There is no black, white or whatever the fuck. They're just people, you see color i see nothing.

So you defend europeans replacing the Native American population. Good to know, shitlord.

Would you, by any chance, be burning us in an oven?

>"George Soros has deposited 10 cents in your account!"

>"Good Goy!"

>we gotta protect and preserve southern southern history
>have a rally
>almost klan tier

Found the oven dodger

Actually yeah..
They even look weird when compared with left wing trans people.

>Where the fuck are you?

Hahahahahahahahahabababahaha. You are a massive faggot

You must have been one of the little faggots in tears the other day


We're already awake.
Faggots like you have been calling for our deaths for far too long.
Calling us nazis isn't going to be enough to turn people against us any more.