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I might end up in one of trudeau's gulags

>the owner of a fish n chips resteraunt says he doesn't believe in gay marriage
>gays and trans get upset and go to his fb page and mass rate the resteraunt 1 star and leave reviews making up shit
>one mentally ill tranny (female that thinks it's a guy) makes up a bullshit story about she's been there (even though she lives no where near it) saying the food is awful and then goes on a rant about how the owner is worse than Hitler
>call her by "the wrong pronoun" and I say that I would hope she kills herself, but looking at the statistics I don't have to
>RCMP have texted me and said I need to talk to to them

what in the fuck.
What do I do?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What do I do?
Become the trans

Women don't kill themselves. They just fake/threaten.

I hope you get put away for a long time. It is about time we have the police on our side against you hateful bigots.


>RCMP have texted me and said I need to talk to to them
>hey where u at? ur under arrest cunt, txt me

We here at Sup Forums are people who live in opposition to the way things are currently being run in our society.

Rather it be homosexual behavior being viewed as normal by even doctors, abortion being normalized, white people being mistreated simply for being white or scientists trying to tell us there's unlimited genders.
Not only in our daily lives do we have these lifestyles being impressed upon us by the degenerate sheep masses, but they also slip it into our education and our entertainment.

I would like to ask anyone reading this who pushes degenerate lifestyles to please stop.
Please stop promoting your way of life to our society.

That is all.
Thank you and go with Christ, He is with us until the end.

>Matthew 28:16-20
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

well, it could be worse. I spent 8 months in a German low security prison for making the wrong kind of jokes and showing swastikas on a blog in 2004...

Convert to Islam ASAP and call the cops islamophobic

>RCMP have texted me and said I need to talk to to them

>RCMP have texted me and said I need to talk to to them
Text them back and say "new phone who diss"

got in an arguement with it on fb, I didn't even threaten it. The tranny actually reported me to the rcmp. Fuck I hate these people so much.

What do I say on the phone to them about this?
I'm thinking i will tell them I didn't do anything and they should stop wasting tax dollars and go do something about real crimes.

this. also, continually tell them THEY are using YOUR wrong pronoun(s).

> pickone.png
> checkmate.png

Can you tell me what german prison is like?
What kind of food did you eat?

Obviously don't talk to the cops without a lawyer, you stupid fucking faggot.

That's fucked up I'm sorry hans

this, so much this

I called the number they texted me to call, and it is legitimate. It went to an rcmp constables voice mail.

Do I even bother talking to them , should I just say I'm not going To talk unless they want to charge me ?

That's what I'm thinking.

Don't know how laws work over there, but I don't think you're forced to talk to the police if you don't want to, unless they've got strong suspicion of you having comitted a crime or if they've got the okay from a prosecutor, in which case they would arrest you at home.
I would just ignore it.
If they do come to arrest you, keep asking what crime you've comitted. Once you're at the police station, say only once that you aren't aware of anything, that you've never done anything wrong in your life and then don't say anything anymore until they release you. Not a single word, keep your mouth completely shut while looking at them defiantly.

don't talk to anyone but a lawyer

GIrls with white/silver hair really get my attention. Any girl with red/green/purple or any other unnatural color disgust me. Why is the white/silver hair such a turn on?

I would be fine with this, but I'm currently a neet after breaking up with my gf, losing my job, and now I live at my parents

I don't want to get picked up here in front of them f... especially for something as stupid as this

>Do I even bother talking to them
NO. If they subpenoe you, demand lawyer.

Exactly. Get yourself a good jewish lawyer who ca sort the things out for you.

gurl gimme dat BRAAAAAAPPP

not sure how rights work in canada but under no circumstances should you ever talk to the police no matter how friendly they make it out to be

All it can do is hurt you, lawyer the fuck up
Be wary that WHILE police may not want to persecute you, they MAY do so in order to limit public outrage.

forgot pic

because you like your women as white as possible. this is a totally normal non-degenerate reaction.

It's a joke really. 70% arabs/muslims/turks. Roaches are in for hard drug crime, robberies, etc. 30% whites (mostly bio germans, but some eastern europs too). Eastern Europs are mostly in for theft (car theft meme is real). Germans are in for tax evasion, fraud, many for soft drugs (cannabis).

It was low security so the murder/rape people weren't with us. But we could go home on weekends and after a few months of good behavior you could even leave every day for a few hours and go to town.

The food was standard german government food. Reminded me of the shit I got to eat when I was in the Bundeswehr (or when we went to youth hostels with the school).

Most people there are poorfags. (Many were in because they couldn't pay a fine so they had to do time). I was lucky because my online business was making money while I was inside. So I went out and bought my own food.

The most uncomfy thing was that you had to share your "cell" (really a room) with 2 or 3 other guys. And Internet was absolutely forbidden. But I was lucky - I was in the civilized house with other Germans and whites.

Roach houses (the complex has multiple houses to house the inmates) were dirty. Roaches can't use our toilets. They climb on them and then squat down + wash their ass with bottled water. So it's always messy, wet and shit water is everywhere. A constant annoyance.

Funny thing: The staff was very favorable to me and they treated me well. I guess it's because I used common human courtesy when interacting with them. Also most of the staff are pretty right so showing swastikas and making jew jokes probably wasn't a real crime to them.

duh, you can't feel the attention if you're dead

>All it can do is hurt you, lawyer the fuck up
That youtube link you provided...amazing refutation of ANY REASON someone may think that talking to the police is a good reason.

>5th amendment hive mind

I like your style user

>shitposting under your own name
What did you expect?

Seriously, do I text back a controlled a statement?

What do i say?

Yeah, was a total waste of time. I learned a few tricks there though. I now know what to do to net get caught when growing cannabis. (Pro tip: don't tell your girlfriend/wife. And if you do - don't cheat on her. Most people got busted because their ex snitched them out for revenge).

>Fifth Amendment


That 'rcmp' should be capitalized. Nothing else.

Greg, you fucked up.

8 month for posession of banned Propaganda Stuff, or what was the chrage?
ask what you did wrong, ask if you are being detained

You're being baited by some tranny you fucking dumbass. The police don't text you and politely ask you to speak with them.

Real cops would be forced to swear an arrest warrant out for you and/or come pick you up etc, do not respond, do not talk to them, get a solicitor if you are contacted any further, maintain what little bit of rights you still have in that unsovereign shithole country.

Why are you stupid? You knew what would happen.

ignore, if they get bitchy say you thought it was a scam

it might actually be a scam, that looks sketchy as fuck

how about "fuck off faggot. don't ever text me again " then block the number

they probably have to make contact because she filed a report and screamed loud about it

unless you've done something illegal don't worry

this isn't real retard

I've been told many times online to kill my self, I just brushed it off.

Didn't know it was a fuckin crime to say that.

It wasn't a fuckin threat or anything

There is a white trash "pedo" catcher page in Canada and people on video there who were lured out by first talking to a legal age girl, then later on told they were underage

And when they meet their video goes on fb live and people by the 100's say how they are going to kill/ or beat the person

Police should be contacting those people...

Who ever heard of law enforcement texting people?

If they want to see you they'll pay a house visit or send a letter.

you reply gas your self commies

actually don't they will be fishing for a death threat narrative

I called the number and it went to voicemail that said it was constable whoevers contact number

And the number is from local area code

How the fuck did they get your phone number?

>verbreitung kennzeichen verfassungswidriger organisationen
>something about showing pictures of hitler without critizing him (verherrlichung blah blah forgot it)
they got me so hard because my blog was pretty popular with young people and I put swastikas on it. which counts as propagation and is very very verboten. my summary sheet in the prison read "staatsgefaehrdende straftaten" (crimes endangering the state) which sounds pretty based desu.

my lawyer said: if I had robbed a kiosk I would have gotten less... (mostly because getting a bad nazi convicted is really good for a judge's or state attorney's career)

>RCMP have texted me and said I need to talk to to them
Now then, now then

So what? Could still be a scam.

If they want to see you they'll make a house call and show ID. You don't have to go around looking for them.

> RCMP have texted me and said I need to talk to to them
What's all this then?

You are extra dumb, even by maplenigger standards.

the police here have give up with me during the years

they know shit won't stick in court
last time I was jailed I manged to drag up that the arresting officer, if he was a kike he should go gas him self.

They tried to stick it as a death threath, then I simply asked them, how would he go on and gas him self? I knew him so I also said it was an weak argument, he was a nigger but not a kike

it's a neighbourhood fight

share the number xD

>Told multiple times that the best thing to do is just ignore it, and that it's likely someone just fucking with you
>Call them anyway
What a fucking retard

>share the number xD
best idea OP

this, I will call him and tell him he is a nigger


>RCMP have texted me and said I need to talk to to them



Tell them to send you a physical signed paper order to show up

You know what to do mate

Send him this link:

He'll respond saying: YES thank you!
He is one of ours.

Jesus Christ, fellow White Leaf here, maybe a lawyer and expert on Trudeaus thought police. Was sleeping but woke up early and am drinking again.

So let me get this straight. You publicly via FB (under your real name) called a FTM (the worst kind) not only by the wrong pronoun (hello Bill C-16), but told her to kill herself?

This is honestly serious shit because they consider even telling someone to kill themselves a violent crime.

What city is this in?

I assume you already grabbed a new IP or are behind 6,000,000 proxies.

Haha why did you scrub the number, should just let pol call him for you

You shouldn't be an asshole op, thats a pretty terrible thing to say to someone.

>What do i say?

Demand a written order and refuse to further contact

I called several hours before I made the thread

I didn't know what they wanted and figured maybe it was something like a family member being a accident

Then I tried going on fb and it said I was banned and then brought up that post from weeks ago as why

So I put two and two together.

These mentally insane will waste police resources and make a big scene just to god "heh! Got you stupid bigot !"

I hate trannies even more now.

I can't imagine living in a country that doesn't protect free speech

This is all fake because you post zero screenshots of your trials and tribulations


>alled a FTM (the worst kind) not only by the wrong pronoun
you guys are ... weird
You are fucking worse than swedes up there

>Didn't know it was a fuckin crime to say that.
Well it shouldn't be but with Google/fb/Twitter and your government going full-SJW you never know. Having multiple troll accounts is way more fun anyway and you don't paint a huge target on your back.

I was upset a hard working Christian man's name and business were being ruined...

I regret it now

HAHAHAHA This is illegal in Canada! HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHA

Gib phone number now

All Cop #'s in Canada have blocked Caller IDs unless it is a private cell.

If they have his phone number they already served a discovery warrant (In Canada police can get someone's personal information based on an IP address without a warrant, ie. address, name, phone number, etc).

The text message makes me think OP is a larping faggot. Cops almost never text. They always leave voice mails.

post the number frankly that text doesn't look real

I wish I was larping but I'm scared shitless.

this is fucking serious, i know that in canada shit is real.

How did they get you number nigger?
Also post the number

fucking word police, they surely would get a massive overload of shit to do if they started nonsense like this here, given our hard language

everything and everyone you don't like here is a homo, and that is not going to change
>what a homo car you say
>that pizza is a fucking homo pizza
>what the fuck is that a fucking homo dog
and the list goes on, and there is nothing to do to change that

I'm already in the shit man , I don't want to end up worse somehow.

>I wish I was larping but I'm scared shitless.

You have no reason to be upset, if they're demanding shit over phone it means they literally have nothing and want you to further self-incriminate

It's probably just ONE individual officer,
Either way, DONT TALK TO THEM unless they actually give you a court summons or charges.

Interacting with this lone officer will do nothing but further incriminate yourself.

GodSpeed Brother, you're one of the few sane Canadians left.

don't be a faggot post the number, we'll call

you can't get in trouble for what we do

In Canada pigs can get metadata (ie your name/addy/phone #) just by calling the ISP without a warrant

To get actual data/IP history logs they need a warrant, but they can ID any leaf by simply calling the ISP

To actually prove who was behind the computer at the time is an entirely different matter, they need to prove it was OP who was behind the computer physically typing, on the IP, and aware of what he was doing

which is why they are trying to contact him. 9/10 people apologize and the police play along then come arrest them because the cuck just did all the work for them

Thanks man

That puts my mind at rest. I got nothi

Tell them to suck a big fat feminine penis

this is universal
never talk to them without a lawyer because it's their job to just ... well get charges on you, and that includes you talk your self into trouble

You just say, so you got any charges?
Then fuck off

>Played at 0.75 speed he sounds totally normal
What drug does that?

>I would hope she kills herself but looking at the statistics, I don't have to.
top hue


>making a 200 words post for a faggot LARPing as a faggot

>having jewbook

I found your problem

Get fine with this. The system is being used to harass you. Don't lie down for it- research your rights and don't incriminate yourself.


Thanks man, great advice .

I actually probably would have been like "yeah I didn't mean it, I'm sorry thanks for being nice" and then I would have been fucked

I'm not going to say a thing

Do I reply back anything on text ?