>white nationalism isnt a slippery slo-
White nationalism isnt a slippery slo-
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nigger we're the ones calling it a slippery slope. we're all camped down at the bottom waiting for the rest to catch up
fuck off back to stormfaggortront
i member pol without you stormweenie faglords
>i member pol without you stormweenie faglords
No, no you don't you worthless piece of shit
yeah ok bud you're right. Sup Forums sure was an islamic board for years until politically incorrect people invaded it
Why is it always the most jewish looking ones that are doing the salutes at alt-right events?
the "right wing" believes the slippery slope is true though
>leftists admitting they're triggered by Nazis
Stormfront Radio is absolutely required for any Sup Forumsack.
neck yourself Muslim pussy
It's only a slippery slope when the right wing does it.
I'd love to know how many spooks took part in the march, especially given the hysteria about the rise of literal Nazis.
Shouldn't of pushed the identity politics so hard
Yep, that's the same guy.
They're all spooks, user.
Nice flag commiecuck
Silence you filthy pagan, it was a joke.