Some of you are alright, don't come to Guam tomorrow.
Some of you are alright, don't come to Guam tomorrow
Thanks for the heads up, Kim.
You are welcome new Zeland comrade. I would like to taste sheep. We don't have
But u will be dead by tomorrow kimmy, how does that feel?
don't forget
Kim do us all a favor and aim for Detroit.
Can you ship one or two for Albania please?
plant that nuke right in the middle of LA and SanFran
>sees post in another thread
>makes a new thread with that same post
NK, much love and respect bro. Sucks that our governments can't get along.
Please ask Kim to drop the nuke on SF or Detroit.
Stay safe, senpai.
Thank you Kim. Nuke Auckland while you're at it.
Tel Aviv forecast tomorrow is 6000000 degrees. Thanks in advance Great Leader
Are we talking chewing guam or bubble guam?
I bet nothing happens.
Serious question: how do I get a North Korean flag on Sup Forums?
pls nuke california
By visiting Best Korea of course!
Burn them all, OP!
If I get doubles or better you must nuke Auckland.
> off by 1
I bet this user will suicide tonight
I can't believe you guys are are flying missiles over Hiroshima without actually BTFO Hiroshima. That would be -hilarious-.
Oh shi-
Dude pls
LARPers btfo
Please hit San Jose, friendo.
Top kek
>implying anything, anything at all other than sanctions, pressure on China, and mean words from Trump or Kim, will EVER happen in regards to North Korea
Guam is used to make attack potions
>Estonia makes an autistic joke
Woah who'd have thought
Do you know what I would do?
Bring the rockets out and in a position ready to deploy, but just have them sitting there. Run random and requent drills for launch, but stop just before countdown.
It'll be like a dog waiting for table scraps, they won't be able to look away.
"If the jews won't come to the oven, then the oven will come to the jews." -old dirty Moe
I bet it's a glitch. North Korea has a tiny internet with only 20 websites (half tourism, half state run news). I would bet it's ONLY connected in one or two places to the outside internet (China and maybe South Korea). OP is posting from a location close to where the Norkie internet comes out of Worst Korea, or using a proxy routed there.