Illegals to mass immigrate to Sweden FROM FINLAND

Nuor Dawood an illegal "propaganda general" posted on Facebook, that over 1000 (illegal) immigrants are going to mass immigrate to Sweden, FROM FINLAND.

They are upset that they've been given the "Get the fuck out of Finland"-sentence by the finnish authorities.

Now they are moving back to Sweden, in search of more luxurious host to leech on.

facebook com /nuor.dawood/posts/335100233604960

I wager rest of Europe could ship all of our shitkins to Sweden and everyone would be happy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"m-m-muh chance at new life"
Go earn your chance at new life you fucking leech.
We're not going to hand out gibsmedats like candy you fucking terrorist.

Nice I like Finland better than Sweden

HAHAHAA These subhumans came from sweden anyway so back to their home country.

spread that ass open wide for my sanctions

Good perkele
Same there.althouth is still not much of them, but they running away as soon as they can by buses and such

stop this

LOL you fucking gave them train tickets so they could come to Finland.

I love Suomi

My ass. They've been given everything free of charge, and they just complain and complain. Their sense of entitlement is absurd.

Good thing they're going to Sweden considering Sweden bussed a lot of them here via the north in the first place.

B-b-but we went thru their applications and found that they weren't in need of asylum. Just by the book. By all means, they should have already left!

Also Finland is one of the two countries that respect the Dublin Regulation.


you are still a frail chinese boy

30-day return policy
you cant do this to us

how cucked do you have to be to get played by autism: the country

Yo, Sweden, you mind taking the whole lot of people in Gronland too?

>by foot
Fuck, when?
I live in Tornio, I wanna go sit at a bench at the border and smile at them as they go

>not spit at them


>lot of people in Gronland
you mean assets?

Encourage this.
Sweden is now a containment state.

If I migrate to Finland and too the Swedish parts then it would be a good deal. Best deal ever.

post a picture of your hand first

>I wager rest of Europe could ship all of our shitkins to Sweden and everyone would be happy.

Sweden has big enough land so I will see all muslims, niggers and jews shipped by 2020. You heard it here first.

I think southern england,sweden,southern italy,eastern france,belgium and northern germany should all become containment zones

If I can just get an a-ok from the swedes we can get started

Finland YES! The best nordic country.

Välkommen till Finland, broder.

If you are not shitskin, learn finnish and vote what we tell you to vote for you are welcome.

Lay down a couple bear traps

you should throw stones possibly shoot them it will accelarate the process of muslims leaving your country we did it in 1948-50

>vote what we tell you to vote for
Shut up Kekkonen! You're supposed to dead!

>perkele suomi XDDDDD :DDDD
translation: Go back where you came from!!REEE

Finally some good news,finald can be saved. Based nords

Honestly, at this point I do not see why we just do not start a massive campaign to start telling all the "migrants/refugees" in Europe to start going to these cucked countries. Literally, drowned these cucks in niggers.

Start a social media campaign telling all African and Middle East refugees/migrants to move to Sweden, Germany, and France until it literally kills the country.

Jump on the leftist cuck bandwagon and drive it off a cliff with all them in it... no survivors.

30 000 came through Sweden to Finland in 2015. Now they're depressed and want to go to Sweden
It's your responsibility to take care of these poor muslims that the savage Finns have mistreated

When Merkel gets shot in late September it will be such a fun hunting illegals through europe. They will nowhere be save, let alone get gibs.

Zozzle. Keep up the good work Funland

can't we just take in the refugees then send them to sweden? we get our EU gibs and they get their cucking and everyone's happy




and now they're paying to get back.

Did anyone see this?
>Be Lana del Rey
>Perform at a festival in Helsinki
>Get culturally enriched

And here we see the strong Middle Eastern storytelling tradition in action again. For anyone's information, spitting as a way to show contempt is NOT a Finnish tradition. Can you guess which culture has it instead?
Really. Next they'll be telling us Finns called them dogs and threw shoes at them.

I hope the good muslims can escape this horrible land of pork eaters before their souls get contaminated with all the pork fat the dreadful Finns leave from their greasy hands to every door handle, elevator or bankomat button, escalator railing and shopping cart handles.
Godspeed and Perkele!

Not to mention all the industrial gelatin in Finnish food production after the mad cow disease scare have been from pork.
No more paradise for you Mahmoud!

Holy fuck that pic made me angry af.Why are they always so entitled

>southern Italy should become a containment zone because nordcucks couldn't live without the bbc
how about no?


Eternal president is eternal

Tell me this isn't a LARP

it's good to have a country like sweden, but i don't like having them so close. i suggest we deport sweden to africa.

remember: these people are fleeing starvation and war.
or so I've been told.

Hold up
>by foot
They gonna walk all the way up to Tornio? Lol some of them will die trying.

He means they'll walk the bridge between Tornio and Haparanda with their poor own tortured little feet. There's probably a free luxury government gib express line transportation going as far as a bus can go.

Maybe the government could arrange some free bus-rides for any shitskin who wants to gtfo of Finland.
I think that's worth the money.

Then again, forest creatures have to eat too.

You should dump all the migrants in Europe into Sweden and build a wall around it not letting anyone out