Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about this more often? I've seen it posted, but I never knew the context. They don't even attempt to deny the authenticity, and it's pretty damning
The Jaffe Memo
Other urls found in this thread:
truth be told, I didn't give a fuck about it. But I just tried to visit a site that hosts it and was redirected to a malicious page. With all of my blockers, this hasn't happened in years. So needless to say, it piqued my interest
I figured wikipedia would hand-wave it easily... but no. Instead they offer the fact it was just "referencing" such things, and that it wasn't part of the PP agenda
whoo boy, we are a slip-sliding, page 6 in ten minutes at slow time
Isn't that a direct copy of the "Frankfurt school" jew-thingy ? (never remember the exact name)
this appears to be the real deal, I wouldn't have gave a shit but I went to site about it and got redirected to some awful shitty malware site... with ublock, ghostery, bluhell, and my browser set to prevent redirects
so I made this thread
>Jaffe Name Meaning: Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Hebrew yafe 'beautiful', 'pleasant
please, I can't take anymore genuine surprises
I've seen it a million times but always figured they could refute it a la Learned Elders and whatnot. Color me surprised when even wikipedia has to admit it's real. Anyway, hope I've proven myself not a shill trying to slide the 50 alt-lite CNN tiki-torch circlejerk threads. Fuck this gay earth and such
This must be spread
I've tried to talk about it several times but people just shrug it off for some mysterious reason.
because the majority of threads are started and tended to by bots, disinfo, control campaigns. I barely start them anymore, but they pissed me off by hijacking my browser, so instead of getting scared, I used the best bullhorn at my disposal. Fuck these people
oh, and have more ecchi, I'm not using it
have a wallpaper
Thank you.
no problem
anybody remember that politician laughing about white male suicide? boy, I sure do, but I'm not on Lauren Southern's social media team, so things like this don't gain very much traction
I love goth chicks. I miss hanging out at Hot Topic back in the day. They had to close our malls because niggers were taking each other out faster than an NCAA tournament
>They had to close our malls because niggers were taking each other out faster than an NCAA tournament
contrary to popular belief, the actual whites you deal with from the US aren't mixed at all because they haven't been here long enough. I'm third generation from Ellis Island immigrants and they were all nords and krauts. Most of the mixing takes place in the south and on the coasts
you got a saya one?
is that the blonde one everybody hates?
I'm on the coast in the South, my family has been here since before the revolution, and there is no race mixing anywhere in my family. We raise children better than that. Race mixing happens in places like New York or California.
is this her?
we're getting a pretty bad rep for being mongrels, and it's pretty justified. Lotsa mixing going on
Nice pictures. Let's see some more.
Actually people often bring it up in the context of depopulation strategies, "white genocide" being a deliberate thing, and relevant subjects. Pic related.
Something that often isn't brought up is that the two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo were Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.
That's the saddest thing about the whole thing. A lot of these agendas like the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan for the EU, the population replacement scheme for the UN, the Jaffe Memo, etc. are all documented with evidence and out in the open. A lot of people just don't care.
>Practical Idealism from Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: A Plan for the European Union
>UN population replacement plan
>Aaron Russo on Feminism and the Rockefellers
>Gloria (((Steinem))) Admits Being A CIA Feminist Stooge Meant To Destabilize The West
>father stays around
I've seen this before. It's not really controversial considering people thought the world was going to be overpopulated by the year 2000 back then. Watch the movie Soylent Green to see what people were expecting, back then.
The one part that sticks out is how much this applies to WHITES but not other races. The government seems to actively try to fuck whites who work and have large families while incentivizing minorities to make as many retards as possible.
worse than something you'd see on the beeb
If they want to reduce the carbon footprint of Europe they should be ensuring that these Africans stay Africans, not allowing them into Europe.
It's obvious that European polticicians hate and loThe the people who "elect" them into office.
I agree it's not news by any stretch, but it stands out in that A. (((they))) don't even attempt to disavow and B. the site the leaf referenced seems to be crawling with some adblock defeating malware. I've since went back and it hasn't triggered again, so what the fuck?
I don't see why everyone thinks she's shit. I only watched the first episode, but she's waaaay better than the spastic candy bitch
Actually only about 2% of our population is mixed, they just get all the media like the goddamn LGBT. Pew research center recently said it's as high as 6.9% but that still leaves 93% of the population. Whites are the least likely to mix, so really it's not as bad as people make it out to be. The memes are justified on a National level though, we are a mixed civilization and that's bad enough.
we'll never convince the yuropoors. They look at us all like we have a black strand of DNA in there somewhere. Like we got it by sharing a bus seat or something
subjects Sup Forums is too afraid to discuss
The Genocide, Eugenics and Birth Control movements were forced to completely re-make themselves after the Holocaust.
ie: away from hard genocide, to soft genocide
Returning to the root Malthusian hysteria, they repackaged their agenda as based on ‘over-population.’ Many, if not most, of the measures entertained prior to the Holocaust remained on the table for consideration. Only the reasons for implementing those measures were changed. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, calls for ‘population control’ increased in frequency and volume. See Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” as one example that made a dent in popular opinion.
But population control advocates understood that the scope of the problem they were presenting required government action at all levels. Thus, Richard Nixon was prompted to enact population control legislation (still in force today). In 1972, Nixon would call for a commission to ‘study’ the problem and present recommendations. This is known as the Rockefeller Commission Report.
The two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.
their stealth Culling project has been extremely successful
Americans Are Dying Younger, Saving Corporations Billions
>Soylent Green
>Directed by Richard (((Fleischer)))
>Produced by Walter (((Seltzer)))
>Screenplay by: Stanley R. (((Greenberg)))
This is the future they want by flooding Western countries with poor third-worlders. Overpopulation was never a huge problem in the West, and wouldn't be one if they didn't keep flooding the country with migrants who breed like rabbits.
And it was alway controversial for people who read the fucking thing, it just wasn't publicized much.
I've seen better threads about it on /his/ and they're a bunch of bitches. Here it just gets dropped in some redpill thread as an aside
>The Stunning Fall Of Generation X
man, I know of at least three Gen X'ers who died in the past year, one was a close friend. Does this mean the gloves are off?
>The American eugenics was funded by various corporate foundations including the Carnegie Institution, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman
>German Nazi eugenics was funded by he Rockefeller Foundation.[8]
>Rockfellers also owned IG Farben throught the Standard Oil Co. Inc., this isnt even a meme
>The Rockefeller Foundation even funded Josef Mengele
>Population Council Established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III, with important funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Council has its roots in the discredited eugenics movement.
> Planned Parenthood received extensive funding from John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his family, who continued to make anonymous donations to Sanger's causes in subsequent decades
after the defeat of nazi germany, eugenics was rebranded
American Eugenics Society became "Society for Biodemography and Social Biology"
British Eugenics Society became "Galton Institute"
they switched from hard genocide of the past to more sophisticated soft genocide of modern times
there's alot more undisclosed genocide policies, but the result of this is apparent in the western world
If we go down this rabbits hole we then also have to bring up pharma, addiction, and the monumental increase in autism (literal) that has also shown its head over the past 20 years.
that's fine, like i said the memes are justified on a National level, as a Nation we are mixed and whites should be mercilessly taunted for it.
fuck that globalist nigger, which distro should I switch to?
pants are off and there's no vaseline
have they checked their saliva?
Has made me wonder many times through the years but the thoughts were deep tin foil city and no way to prove it.
Still though, deceased sperm count would also add to higher autism birth rates so it does have some sense to it given what has been going on in the west.
.... we can't do it alone
the elites always had there gloves off. the plebs are too sedated to notice
It's not like this can't be fixed with a good 5 year period of based fucking due. Birth rates dip and rise. As long as racism stays in tact and parents continue to shame and beat their kids for speaking to non whites it's all good. Keep it going parents!
Mr. Socko say let it snow, let it snow, let snow.
As a means of creating employment opportunities for White socks.
I only come in this thread for the /e/cchi
>more ecchi
And a bump for what the fuck this Jeffe thing means.
More, more. Bump
You can see this kind of agenda being pushed on Sup Forums all the time too.
MGTOW being pushed on boards like Sup Forums and /r9k/ constantly to get try to get men not to get married and never to have kids with false propaganda about "50% of marriages ending in divorce".
Gay and tranny propaganda being pushed on all boards, especially the big ones like Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/. We even have a /lgbt/ board now.
Half the boards being dedicated to porn to push men to jack off all day, corrupt their brains with shit, and never look for a girl.
Women being encouraged to "show their tits or get the fuck out" and become sluts instead of having kids.
The "Sup Forums" boogeyman being used to suppress any conservative views on non-Sup Forums boards.
The truth is that Sup Forums has always been part of the same apparatus, that's why m00t ended up working at Jewgle (see the latest GoogleManifesto incident to see how they operate).
I had my suspicions
>with ublock, ghostery, bluhell,
Why not NoScript?
I've run into a few YT embeds with hidden elements attempting to clickjack (might have been false positives).
and the silenced cancer epidemic
Cancer now more common than getting married or having a first baby or the flu
it is 1 in 2 people. meaning 50% of the population
Half of Kurdistan population could face risk of cancer in 3 years
half of the Iraqi population will face the risk of cancer in 2020,” he added.
idk, I'm not a Sup Forumsentooman, I just always ran with the easiest to use blockers and they always worked. Thought it was weird that they failed. Haven't ran a scan, but nothing loaded
it was also the last place you think you'd run into something like that, some pastors wordpress site about depopulation. I've been on tons of shittier pages to get roms and programs and the blockers never fail
they say referenced because the memo is, as far as we know, just a proposal rather than something put into action
but it's chilling to even have it embedded in the product of such a body, even if they claimed to just be "going over the radical approaches." I think they were doing more than dipping their toes in the water
>Half of Kurdistan population
is that because of the spent uranium, or is it the chemical attacks? What the fuck happened to the nordbot?
there were references to culling the population thru war, plagues, eugenics, sterilization, abortion etc going back before Malthus
the Jaffe memo is one of many of these eugenicist secret memos that have been implemented, its unique in that it has been leaked
it's weird because they didn't attempt to call it bullshit, which they could have and 99% of the population wouldn't have thought to question it
have another wallpaper
What really pisses me off about this is that if you look up the UN convention on genocide suppressing births is recognized as a tactic of genocide. The "population control" advocates are promoting genocide as defined by international law. But no one calls them out on it.
big surprise they don't play by their own rules
The UN charter is a how to manual to commit genocide.