You made an Asian transgender woman cry, Sup Forums!
Apologise right now!
You made an Asian transgender woman cry, Sup Forums!
Apologise right now!
try they/them
>folks this is the end
no, this is only the beginning
She identifies as a woman.
>he thinks he's a girl
>The police abandoned us! The police fucking abandoned us!
>My father would be spinning like a dreidel in his grave if he saw this!
Fuck I wish I could have come but I live on the other side of the world.
I'll never understand how these foreign fucks take the kindness of whites in white countries for granted. Its not a right to come and live in the prosperity created by white people. Its a privilege.
They reserve the right to close the fucking doors and deport cunts if they find their demographics slipping out of control.
Russian-user can I get a quick rundown?
0:53 when your white girlfriend says "bae, it's important"
AHHAHAHAA fucking black man at a rally
Holy fuck, did this get news coverage in burgerland?
>my father would be spinning in his grave like a Dreidel if he saw this
Based shitpost Pajeet!
Who cares how IT identifies itself?
Its a dude.
>my father would be spinning in his grave like a Dreidel if he saw this
holy fuck
>"in 2017"
>that shaking voice and the mental breakdown
I wish this was a parody
nazis are faggot commies
nationalism != natsocialism
this is a YUGE push on these faggots part to try and use this as a weird wedge
push the idea of socialism down some people's throats by using gay nazi memes
see: the SPLC shilled nat soc faggot threads on pol
Sup Forums I want you to remember this well:
One of the head moderators and a ton of janitors are die hard shitlibs and outright Antifa members.
On this day they have to sit here like the limp dick cucks they are and witness an open display of white unity. They are completely powerless to stop it. Every pro white thread that gets posted is a thread that these faggots have to turn their eyes away from. Every new thread made is ideologically cucking them. Forcing them to accept it no matter how much they personally object.
Antifa Commie faggots will never win.
>spin like a dreidel
Somehow they didn't lynch anyone, but 3 people were shot in shitcago last night. One of them need to try harder.
Top kek
>In the (((current year)))
>Like a dreidel
We REALLY need to meme 'when fascism came back, 40 people stood against hundreds'
>My father would be spinning like a dreidel
God, Americans are such Jewish cocksuckers.
Boys physical removal is on
they beat up some one. 1 guy used a stick which i assume was the handle part of the tiki torch that broke. hard to tell but you see him clearly hitting some one repeatedly
but he was doing what he felt needed to be done. i encourage every white person to drop the act. every one knows white people dont like any one else. its not a secret. you dont fool any one. just admit it
i mean your the great white race who could possibly challenge you. what can stupid minorities do to defend themselves? you have nothing to fear in being honest
Makes me really proud
It's happening! i love this
*heavy breathing*
>Gay sounding person
>ITS 2017
>My father would spin like a dreidel
Talk about getting all the stereotypes out of the way in the first 10 seconds
"20 people against hundreds"
And nothing bad happened to those 20 people, that would not be the case if the "good guys" were the ones marching.
Lol real scared of the alt lite
>thinking any time a rebellion occurs it is done by natty roid monkeys
hate to burst your bubble but all rebellions are done by the average
Plus, when non whites hold majority power over whites, they let in everyone.
>this is average
Based kikes amirite guys? Epic win!
Holy cringe, Batman.
He cranks it up to 40 seconds later, it's the holocaust all over again.
can someone post this on #Charlottesville? I'm don't have time right now. thanks!
Im assuming the rally won't be mobile? No way this fat tub of shit is marching anywhere.
>This is the average american Sup Forumsack
>being this schizo
I bet his pussy is wet after seeing those white men.
>>my father would be spinning in his grave like a Dreidel if he saw this
Damn, we missed one.
i noticed all that too as well as >physical removal. everything seems staged and nothing genuine to me anymore
>there were 20 others
>40 of us need help!
>oy vey we hundreds were totally outnumbered by the nazis that night!
Pajeet you stink like my ass hole
"I respect Israel as a homogenous ethnostate" - current year David Duke
Could be worse, give him time and a good trainer and there is decent potential to be above average
What evidence does heshe have that they're nazis? That term is bandies around so much these days I just don't know when it's true anymore
yeah, it's everywhere. all of it negative, sans drudge
Honestly Sup Forums, what the fuck were they expecting? All the rhetoric about punching Nazis...where the fuck did they think it would leader? Seriously. I can't get into the mind of these people.
>I didn't believe that Sup Forums is something more than Larpers when Trump won
>I didn't believe that Sup Forums is something more than Larpers when Berkerly happened
>I didn't believe that Sup Forums is something more than Larpers when Seth Rich conspiracy and Pizza gate were going on
>I didn't believe that Sup Forums is something more than Larpers when thousands of right wing popped up in Charlotte
But when I saw that the fucking Liberals started LARPing as Sup Forums, then I had no choice.
>weird mike
back to your containment general drumpflet
They legitimately think they are the majority, that history is a timeline of progression, and that there will be no resistance or push back to their agenda.
They are unstable.
I had to stop it there.
Almost fall from the coach laughing.
Why hasnt anyone made this connection yet?
Please for the love of god start wearing fitting clothes.
Pyjamas boy with his nipples staring down to the ground is very unappealing.
Looks like the oestrogens in the water are real
You guys sure do seem familiar
Oh and here's the other one. Whole crew!
Nope. I just want my fashy boys to look good.
Thats the paranoia talking. Why don't you take a redpill and go lie down? You must be sleepy. So sleepy...
Ok i'll give you a pass but it stands for the rest of them.
It isn't paranoia when you guys stand out like sore fucking thumbs in every thread.
damaged men get more sex than you lel
I can't wait to find out which ones worked for Hillary's campaign.
>It isn't paranoia
You sound unmedicated. Are you sure you don't wanna take your redpills? You don't want the doctors to think you're resisting treatment do you?
That looks photoshopped, dunce.
>My father would be spinning like a dreidel in his grave if he saw this
I kek'd
>spin like a Dreidel
can't even make this shit up
>white people so butthurt
I fucking knew it.
I love internet.
Thread OST
i pissed my pants hahahahaha WHERE WERE YOU!
>my father would spin in his grave like a dreidel if he saw this
WHAT the fuck are you?!
>surrounded by hundreds of men with torches
what do you think he felt in that moment?
lol, his posture cracks me up
where the FUCK are you!?
If you ever wanted to see a confirmed psyop play out live. Here you go.
that ending
holy shit my sides
True fear
what is up with the tiki torches btw? why not use regular torches?
Wasn't this an alt-left group protesting the alt-right? That's what they're saying on the news. Kek
fuck this shit is hilarious
Lol could you imagine drawing this trash. What goes on in your head to combine anime with school shootings
Shut the fuck up. We are the superior race, whether one guy beat up someone with a tiki torch or not. Our countries are vastly superior to all others, and all other peoples want desperately to join us. This is because white peoples are the superior peoples. You just can't argue this plainly observable fact.
>i mean your the great white race who could possibly challenge you
Certainly not illiterate niggers who type out sentence fragment keyboard farts like this
God, fuck that lisping faggot. He's so useless. Also sick of this meme
>white people create by far the best, most desirable societies all over the world without exception
>everyone else scratches and claws to get to live in them and ride our coattails
>hey, look at these few dorky looking white people, master race amirite lololol XDDDD
look up tranny phantom/andrew blaze/whatever his real name was
cheap surplus made in china crap
"ooh we got a great deal on these!"
goes with the ultraghey polo shirts
why didn't they wear cowboy hats they're so ghayyyyy
this is like all the faggots from one big church in north carolina or pennsylvania got on buses and drove up
they rehearsed and went through training
its pretty obvious