Tranny meltdown at Charlottesville

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This "person" is a freakshow and easily triggered on twitter. I recommend following for bants.


its a genetic dead end, thank goodness.


>40 years of Usenet arguments have made us kneejerk to the word "fascist" as a hyperbolic ad hominem
wait how can you be this self aware about the situation but not ever question your own side of the argument and look objectively
they call themselves liberals but have no idea of rationality and objective thought, what the fuck did postmodernism DO to this world jesus christ

i wanna see this bitch try

It's funny how articulate that person is on Twitter, yet can't form one coherent sentence in the video.

Equalizers were a mistake.

typical low testosterone chink


Not even a political question, but who can stand being around people like this? I mean literally WHO.

Even uf youre a dyke or tranny, you think you'd want to avoid angry, ugly, constantly paranoid joyless people.

Seems like they would fit right in here at Sup Forums.

I think these creatures have been on the internet since the beginning. They probably still visit the same IRC channel they went on when they are 8 years old.

No Idea. How does it even have a career when it keeps obsessing over white rapists and nazis?


Shut up shut up shut up shut up

we WILL replace you

We're reaching levels of Oy Vey that shouldn't even be possible

wrong pepe use pic related where he's REEing

>beat the shit out of him

well that's not very ladylike.

Pretty difficult when you sterilized yourself with lady pills. White leftists are the fastest dwindling demographics, you just won't breed, you're the captive Pandas of politics.


>biological essentialism
>hyperbolic ad hominem
Why this nigger write twitter posts like he typing up a dissertation for his Women's Studies & Intersectional Feminism degree?

This dumb ugly cunt wasn't even alive when Usenet was active. She wouldn't be half as retarded if she grew up on the pre-Internet.

Nancy boy hopped up on estrogen and false righteousness beating anything but his non functional sex organ...not likely even against that guy

>wanting to brutalize someone for saying "men and women have somewhat different tendencies"
trannies aren't mentally ill at all

Aw shiieet. Gross as fuck. Yuck.

>genetic dead end

That this creature won't reproduce doesn't mean it won't influence the children of those who do. They don't just stay with their mouth shut.

Looks like vin diesel in the background.

My grandfather would have joined the march if he saw this.

your kids turn a blind eye to blatant idiocy if you raised them right

thats the part i dont get, these people are revolting on a physical level. how do they do it
i guess they have practice with niggers

I see it has entered the fast track to the 45%



Quit posting your /hm/ fap folder content, commie.

>you will get to see the jews expelled from america in your lifetime

would have happened by 1940 if the holocaust didn't conveniently occur for them

>that voice
It just sounds like an effeminate gay with a lisp

MY kids, sure.

But not everyone is going to actively defend them against this kind of degeneracy, especially normie types deathly afraid of being called whatever the ist of the jour is.

Not entirely. The normalization of this shit is dangerous to any mind.

Is that Joe Rogain?

Why in the hell is a Tranny self inserting himself into a debate and a rally or even counter rally, that has fuck all to do with him or his interests?

Simply for the drama and attention?


Because that's what it is, a grown man in a dress

we needn't worry about imbeciles and women. they set themselves up for failure.
you'll see the cognitive dissonance once they start getting raped (by non christians/whites)
>It's african culture and I'm being oppresive by resisting

It is.

I don't get it. What the fuck is going on ?

I actually hope he is right. I had so fucking enough of these people I am actually hoping the alt-right goes full Nazi and just gas these shits. I don't care anymore.

Freak of nature is upset that someone told the truth.

>why is a mentally ill freak crying for attention
Well user...

Wow, better call CNN. They might be up to something

>someone with glasses and indeterminate gender threatening to beat someone up

good idea

Sup Forums irc

whites are so pathetic they have to meet up at night when everyone else is sleeping


The eternal hapa is scared.....

You better be bit h

>whites finally coming together
I just shed a tear

50 years ago, that thing would have gotten locked up in an asylum to protect it from itself.

>My father would spin in his grave like a dreidl if he could see this


Emotionally unstable mutant
I wonder why they're not allowed in the army...

>Whites can only have meetups during non-work hours

Gets the almonds activatin'.

>t. beta white male

He calls it out and immediately uses it as a hyperbolic knee jerk ad hominem attack...

These faggots are both sick in the head AND stupid



>>whites finally coming together
>jews already in fear

antifa is scared of a prison gang well okay then

How are you gonna do that by crying and shitting yourself on twitter every time someone who disagrees with you has a little get-together?

You didn't even heed the call of your faggot dink leader.

>peaceful, Polynesian-themed march with some chanting
>tranny gets triggered, starts weeping that Charlottesville needs to be "defended"
>code word for masked faggots assaulting people with bike locks and breaking shit

fagbook com/realrobgray/videos/10155356802771355/

He called himself a "transwoman of colour" on Twitter, is he a transnigger too?

Is this trap aware that "she" is not actually a woman and therefore the biological tendencies stated in the document do not really apply to "her"?

Is that a shaved unibrow?

>my father would be spinning in his grave like a dreidel if he saw this


>Polynesian themed March

Top laugh

I honestly don't think this would've been possible without Sup Forums.

Cheers gents, the fire rises

based white woman

This is an interesting idea. Right wingers pump out kids and ignore the programming - Leftists get cats and don't breed. We'll win based on pure Darwinism.

Fucking cantwell. Good man

>that ending

Fucking cringe. You're not part of something historical, you're a minut piece of data that no one will remember.

>Sing this at the rally (to the tune of Funiculì, Funiculà)

Gas them, Gas them, Gas all the Jews
Gas them, Gas them, You know what to do
It's time to preheat your ovens to six gorillion degrees
It's time to hate the Jews so you can be just like me!

It's almost like those who were freely organizing and paying for riots during Obama's presidency have talked to their lawyer friends and stopped breaking the law under Trump's presidency.
George Soros has lost the middle men in his destabilization project.

This is some good shit.

>didn't conveniently occur for them

Did it occur or are you a victim of propaganda?

>pedo flag


The internet basically needs the same rules television needs. Mentally retarded people should not be allowed on camera.


it's golden it's exactly like the election night

libtards spend so much time reading their own news that they simply get overwhelmed by their own REEEEE when they finally realize that they are infact NOT the majority.

this is some painful bait

Wow, SirhcEz really went off the deep end.

Is our girl CWC representing?

> Works at google.
Pretty comaprable to a totalitarian-corporate institution.
Who else runs America but it's corporations? They don't even collect taxes.

She was actually off to a good start.
But then came her own far reaching assertions without any explanation.
> Oh by the way, fascism never stopped.

Based Chester Cantwell

Imagine having to work around those batshit crazy cunts, having to indulge their delusions to keep your job, walk on eggshells all day while being piss tested on a monthly basis. The absolute state of corporate America.

Cantrell* sorry

That's not very lady-like.

oh wait, that was a woman?

why does he care?
He's a dude anyway, so he's not in the group the google guy was "sexist against" anyway

So this guy didn't read the google email at all, did he?

That actually hurt to watch.

Just someone who is mentally ill, never got any help, and is now fucked up, confused, and lost in a world that is tired of its kind.

I felt a spike of anger, but it rapidly drifted away into pity.
