It takes special kind of idiot to make fire non intimidating. A fractal representation of your ineptitude and impotence.
Nice Tiki Torches Dweebs
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I think crosses would have been a bit much, maybe for the next one?
812 Blaze it faggit
We don't want to offend the pagans and secular people with kikestian symbolism.
wrong flag
>Implying a mosquito fucked with one person at that rally
It was symbolic of when we go after the Jewish parasite.
I don't get why liberals hate tiki torches so much
I thought they liked multiculturalism
Don't worry, Schlomo, the real fire is coming.
Salt is real
>I-I-I-I'm n-n-n-not s-s-s-scared o-o-o-of y-yo-your to-to-torches
Lol lefties having a total meltdown while we're preparing for Total War. .
They repel blood sucking parasites of all kinds.
Tiki torches were one of the best ideas they had:
- Inexpensive.
- Can't be as easily construed as a deadly weapon.
- Last for hours.
- The canister itself can be taken out.
- And the alternative is what? A candle? Cloth-on-stick torches? They are practically retarded: Impractical when marching in close formation, extremely hazardous to people around you, prone to going out and more difficult to produce than just popping down to home depot.
Even if everyone else around me had a cloth-on-stick torch I would still opt for the tiki.
I think its a bit of clever memery, actually. Tiki torches are inherently non-intimidating, but they will now forever be associated with WN
OP has never used a cloth torch in his life. They fucking suck and drip fire.
Normie has a bbq and lights a few tiki torches and now his left wing neighbors have to huddle in fear. Perfect!
Wish I could go and show some support.
I guess I can put a candle in a window tonight.
Tiki ain't bad. They could have gone fashwave and done lightsabers and lazer pointers
To make a 'real' torch you bundle dry sticks together and dip it in pine pitch. Lasts about 30 mins.
I want to go burn some bundles of sticks alright.
Shut up. What exactly are you doing to save the white race?
Honestly though. It's not a bad one shot weapon. Gives them a blow from the weight of the canister tied to the end on the stick, while simultaneously lighting their face on fire due to the liquid combustibles hitting the skin combined with the air and fire present.
Oy vey, I'll call them impotent, that'll show them
remember to report these threads as illegal content to get OP permabanned
It scares, the fire and darkness. They know whats coming, and it is frightening, so they lash out and try to make it seem funny. They think it will stop it from happening in the future, and that if they laugh it will degrade the march. But they know what is coming, and they are very afraid.
I think it was actually a pretty smart idea. It's hard to accuse people with tiki torches of being brand wielding madmen.
>Buy tiki torches for cookout
>End up on some watch list
What is going on with this timeline
>shills spam "muh tiki torches" in every thread to try to prove how not intimidated they are
We're gonna light the ovens with those tiki torches.
May I humbly suggest that we bring sections of 1" Galvinized Steel Plumbing pipe, you know for the the Limbo!
The shills are scared and it shows
>b-but muh torches
This right here. Plus I'd add the psychological factor behind the fear is what's creating the victim mentality we see everywhere.
They become zealots by the crap they see on msm and are taught in university (which they haven't figured out is controlled solely by tptb yet). They then start forcing this new culturally marxist ideology (Capitalism is the enemy) down everyone's throats. With every action there is opposite and equal reaction.
Optics like this embolden
I'm going to grill some Burgers tonight. My wife suggested we get some Tiki Torches.
Mm, perhaps we all should light Tiki Torches in solidaridy for our marching brothers and sisters.
Those things are fun and cheap af.
Fuck off shill.
>non intimidating
That's what we said you cuck, and yet all these snowflake turbokikes on twitter are still LITERALLY SHAKING.
Using small torches as sources of light
Pretty cheap though, like 2 bucks burgerbucks if that.
I kek'd.
I can just imagine some 40 something dad gathering up tiki torches at Lowe's for his poker night and getting hauled off in a van.
Sides lost.
While a giant wad of cloth at the end of a stick looks more intimidating, it doesn't last long and the firey ends of the cloth will drop down on you and burn you. If it was just one guy making his final stand at the monument, I'd say go with the giant ball of cloth trick, but in a massive match, tiki torches and unironically they best choice. Even if they do look a little goofy.
Fuck you.
We'll culturally appropriate what we bloody well want to.
>It takes special kind of idiot to make fire non intimidating.
Why is it suppose to be intimidating?
I figured it was just both a good light source and made for a nice picture.
imagine all your naratives have crumbled and you are so desperate that you are getting upset about tiki-torches
it was le weed mans idea. bet you didnt know he was a neo nazi. he actually resents that label since hes blood related to a actual nazi just like liam
thats right tiki torches and fag flags are white power symbols. the colors of the rainbow represent the range of white power groups and all together they are a mighty faggot
So your plan is to make fun of people for carrying something to keep the blood suckers away?
useful idiots are useful idiots
God damn I want that hat
I dunno, Xe seems pretty intimidated.
ovens dont fit on the end of sticks
>this scared of white kids
Play stupid games
>And the alternative is what?
Leftists need to maximize the use of Apple products so pic related.
1/10 LARP
The stay lit for a long time do you have cloth and oil and a nice big stick to back a real torch.
But his favorite (((Spieldberg))) movie Indiana Jones told him otherwise.
If the left went for flares though...
Jurassic Park.
Flares distract the big evil oppressive dinosaurs.
Never mind that the dinosaurs win in every single movie.
We should think of more movie analogies. Leftists think in pop culture, perhaps there's something we can use against them.
Agree with them or not, last night was an enormous success for the right.
The tiki torches looked cool.
> White identity surging
> Movement to counter liberal agendas growing
> Significant organized group makes blm look like a rioting mob
Better mock their presentation