
Yeah and the whole country of Brazil shouldn't have been born. Fucking favela monkeys.

I was born in Brazil. I'll tell you right now it's one of the most corrupt shitholes on earth and they have no room to talk about other country's politicians

Monkey see Monkey do
Who do you think gave the example to them?

Yes, we have our advertisements done in English, because why not? Fuck off.

it is true I've seen this ad

Trump is absolute scum to brazillians, we constantly talk about him to make us feel better about our shitty corrupt government.

So which one do I shoot?


Sont people get how incredible insulting that shit is.
Yeah, some people should have never been born..LIKE YOUR CHILDREN.
So better wear a condom so you dont put that shit into the world. Other people do that for you. Unbelieveable.

>fifth world tier country, mordor-levels of homicide rates, infested with the most violent niggers and epics imaginable

Brazil as a country should have never existed.

>laughing stock of the world
Zika virus
Mulatto socialist hellhole
Huehuehuehuehue cum to brazil pls

Your country is a fucking joke and you have no room to mock us.

This is literally Brazilian desperation to spread condom awareness by any possible means. Their culture is being overwhelmed by r-strategists who can't tell the difference between being told "don't have children before you're ready" and being told "don't have children".

One of the strengths of white society has always been the message, "have lots of children EVENTUALLY", putting a few years of dedicated resource-gathering and planning ahead of the reproductive stage of life. Lesser cultures pump out kids as long as they're viable, with limitations coming from health and sickness instead of plannable resources available for life.

Of course they hate him, they know if they bordered US he'd want to put a wall there too.

>an ad

really makes you think

>taking advice from a second-world shit hole

You live to hue another day

Literal monkeys. Why would we concern ourselves with the opinions of a lesser species.

Then why did you racists put him in office? Hillary was poised and experienced.

What an easily excitable moron you are, taking the actions of a single shitlib who works at marketing and applying whatever the fuck he believes to a country of over 200 million people.

I don't take guff from people IRL for supporting Trump just to come here on Sup Forums and be treated like I'm somehow part of the problem. Fuck off and kill yourself, ASAP.


What does he know about he Clinton Foundation?

Yeah because the rest of the world totally didn't make fun of American presidents since forever. Sage for 1 post by this ID slide.

with their murder rate, if this ad takes off and sells lots of condoms, brazil might reach 0 population within a few years

Don't talk to me you fucking monkey

Didn't their first female president just get impeached for corruption?

You quoted me first, so get fucked.

Pretty much. She's a communist pig


Gosh, I don't think people are going to get it just from being cluebatted
I'm going to spend another moment thinking FOR the blighters
It's using controversy to spread.

Good show, advertisers! Maybe you can keep Brazilians from breeding in poverty by appealing to the international biases of socialist whingers!


Checks out.

based macacobro

The world is gone so degenerate , that karma created trump to rebalance the fucking equation . Ask the oracle faggots

Brazilians use condoms?


Maybe the democrats shouldn't have tempted fate by nominating the one person that could manage to lose to Trump.

Yes, you fucking retard, just like every time some Commiefornian ad-agency pushes out some ad calling Trump LITERALLY HITLER, the entirety of America is nodding in agreement.

I swear to fucking God.

Murrica > Brazil Huehue-Land

what more needs to be said about this?

>We're the laughing stock of the world.
usa has always been the laughing stock of the world, nothings changed

Fake news because everyone knows advertisement is never done in english.

You go for the lowest denominator always like pic.
And trust me, he can't even write proper portuguese.

Learn to shitpost OP.

The white and low-black-mulatto middle and upper classes do, kinda, more or less.

The niggers mostly don't.

You see the results.

Eugenics is literally the only thing that can save this country.

>advertising for condoms

Absolutely degenerate.

Start by removing from the gene-pool, please.

How about you start by removing yourself from existence as a whole?

ok and so does the media and other libtards

I doubt that Brazil would have an add in English. They can barely speak Portuguese.

I masturbate to anime so I don't need condoms balls in your court huehueland.


Yeah, you can barely grasp basic English but looks like that didn't stop your stupid ass either.

I'm pretty sure it was just created by a Brazilian graphics design company. Was never an actual ad like OP claims

>trained monkey insults American.

I have too many American bros and you're not even worth a single generalizing insult. Like I said before, kill yourself and spare us all from your continued existence.

people who unironically think america is the laughing stock of the whole world are goat fuckers and faggots
i care for neither's opinion on how america is so awful and their way is better

Well I'm glad they make the Brazilians aware of the importance of condoms. Less Brazilian shits to be born.

They're not your bros, you're like the ugly chick.

You think I give a single fuck about what you think of my friendships? Blow whatever opinions you have out of you ass, and then, like I've said numerous times already, kill yourself.

You seem very upset.

Someone shop a bunch of niggers, spics, and purplehairs inside a condom and make the same ad. I see a lot of niggers everywhere that were only born because of perverse economic policy. Thanks LBJ et al.
We are doing what Japan has been doing, moving away from interest in breeding, instead finding some joy here and there in pampering ourselves and having life experiences--traveling, taking fancy cooking classes, collecting, philosophy. This seems to be economic response to being way over carrying capacity. We have too many people, it's uncomfortable, it's too competitive, and it's too tenuous a position to be in should there be a collapse in the supply chain. We've already shown to be incapable of sharing wealth properly. Believe me I don't think (((wealth distribution))) is any kind of answer. The answer is simply less people, much less non-whites, and a different economic model that doesn't rely on the old population growth.

you forgot cannibalism

>brazil being the judge of human worth

top. fuckin. kek.

I am upset. It's been like 10 minutes since I've told you to kill yourself and yet you're still alive. This is a state of affairs that certainly makes me not very happy.

Everybody gets generalized on this board get over it.

>Brazil is a shithole and doesn't have the right to talk about shit
>Not all Brazilians are monkeys, around 20% of the population is 100% of European DNA, 50% of that being of portuguese descent and the remaining being German and Italian descent

If it makes you feel any better, I've got ready access to clean water, health-care and I live in a safe area with very few (if any) minorities.

So I'll probably outlive you by an awful lot.

When did people become so ugly on the inside?

No, fuck you. I'm more than willing to partake on shittery and bantz like UMA DELICIA or 7-1 shitposting, but when people start ignoring the fact that none of the posters here represent the zeitgeist of their respective countries, it just becomes petty and stupid.

That's great and all, but I'm still gonna be waiting for you to splatter your brains against a wall soon. Don't make too much suspense out of it, okay?

Yeah this pretty fucked up thing to say about anyone desu. Telling someone they should've never been born is like telling them to kill themselves

Brazilian scum, even the """""white""""" brazilians are degenerate unless they're from the south.

Good luck, kiddo. I hope you feel better soon!

>Some people should never have been born

You can really tell they're marketing it for Brazilians


Just as soon as you do as I said, and kill yourself.

>100% European DNA

Alright settle down chongo

So one of the worst shithole countries on this planet consisting of mongrels thinks it is qualified to criticise others?

The south is where the communists come from. Communism and anarchism literally came here through Germans and Italians. This "the south is the 4th reich" meme is fucking retarded.

That was intended for the favela monkey. Enjoy the image, though!

Whatever you say Mohamed. Just don't include any racial epithets in your posts lest you end up in jail.


Is not that always the case?

>irrelevant third world brown people REEEEEEEing impotently because a white man rules the United States again
>expecting anyone to care

>this is a brazil favela

>this is making fun of the US


what is it with other countries trying to shame us for our president? this type of attack is feminine in nature. "everybody is laughing at you! you should feel dumb because of it!"

Hows that olympic dept going? Hows that zika going? Hows that world cup smash by Germany going? Hows that American made Internet? Hows that American made website/phone/computer/life? Our shit pollutes your ocean. Youre literally our garbage for plastic thats why all your homes look like tin cans. Roaches on an island havent contributed anything to the world except having White Jesus to pray to :^) Brb enjoying my cozy bed, air conditioning and apartment all to myself.


>one of the worst shithole countries on this planet consisting of mongrels

The opinion of a bunch of monkeys shouldn't bother people overly much.

usa has always been a laughing stock, nothing new here.

uma delicia

>usa has always been the laughing stock of the world
>coming from sweden


>shit-talking anyone
But it is nice to see that they're learning the value of birth control after all those zitka retard babies they had.


no u

Also, fake news. There is no such add. Few speak english here, an add campaign in english just doesn't make any sense.

>Laughing stock under Clinton
>Laughing stock under Bush
>Laughing stock under Obama
>Laughing stock under Trump
looks like nothing has changed.

As points out, don't even try. Just play along and don't be mad.

what company did the ad?

While brazil is busy shitting on Trump, Trump is busy beeing president.

Nice productive brazil.

What the heck

UMA DELICIA SOPA MACACO they are shitting up Sup Forums too

Reminder that when you're the richest nation on the face of the planet by 10 trillion dollars you get to do weird shit and have fun with your leader.
>But muh per capita
Even by that metric were still like top 10 behind a bunch of tax havens for American money and OPEC Nations like Dubai.

Trump could fuck up totally and it still wouldn't be enough to make me care what some br monkey thinks of me.

Same reason we don't give a shit when you cry at us about the metric system. When your country produces the greatest scientists and inventions in the world, then you can dictate what we should do.

Eat shit

Not exactly.
She broke the so called fiscal responsability law.
The government ran out of money, so she just autorized lending the necessary amount of money from the Federal Bank, which is ilegal.
Of course corruption took its toll on money shortage, but that wasn't the object of the process.
But yeah, she is a communist sow and if she stayed in office we would be a giant Venezuela at this point.

No, we tend to empty our load in your mother's throat

right that's what i was thinking how could OP manage to be this big of a faggot ?