Do you guys feel oppressed nowadays? Because that's how you're supposed to feel you fucking shitlords.
Do you guys feel oppressed nowadays? Because that's how you're supposed to feel you fucking shitlords
I don't think this particular asian understand what privilege is.
Privilege isn't a guarantee that you'll do better than someone else.
White privilege is something that white people are statistically more likely to have, or have access too with fewer hurdles.
White people are more likely to come from a two-parent home. White people are more likely to receive a decent education. White people are more likely to be hired because they have a "normal" name, it doesn't mean you didn't work for those things or don't deserve it. It just means you [statistically] encountered fewer hurdles in getting there.
I can't even tell is this is meant to be for or against SJW bullshit. It works nicely against those whiny cunts who have to make up offenses constantly so they can feel their lives matter.
"and that's a good thing"
I love how they feel a need to straight up tell their shitty readers what their opinion should be.
>random Twitter oneliner
Never fails to amuse me
You're full of shit nigger. White people are granted nothing free in this country and are given nothing without working hard for it. Something your kin doesn't know about except for the 2% of blacks, granted. Don't come running you fucking mouth about WY PEPO getting free jobs. That's just people having connections in the job markets helping their family out. It would help if you knew your father but he left your ass so you blame another race for your problems.
Maybe because White people work hard and actually go to school
Well, if this is what losing my privilege is like, maybe I don't want to lose it. Maybe I shall accept my role as an evil oppressor and start to oppress these shitskins and sandpeople.
>By Emily Goldstein
She's verified so everything she writes on Twitter is good and true
lmao this literally describes feminists
> finally get treated like a male peer instead of being on a pedestal
> wtf how dare you EXPLAIN things to me now that I have responsibility?
> wtf how dare you counter my flawed arguments?
> wtf how dare you not hold the door open for me?
So... women, the most privileged group in the planet, are treated equally, they cry "muh oppression"? Sounds about right.
Same with all minorities when discussing an end to Affirmative Action.
Wait is that image describing whites or minorities
True. All this talk about "white male privilege" is weird when it is the single group without any support from systemic and institutionalized privilege.
I am convinced niggers have no empathy
>father abandons the kid most of the time
>name him something like JeYron or something equally as ridiculous so everyone knows right off the bat they come retarded parents
>never even try to get him to do well in school beyond 'Y AIN'T YOU BE READING DIS SHIT JEYRON'?
Niggers just want to see their offspring fail.
If their kids fail too, they believe this means that they didn't do so bad after all. They don't understand fatherhood is important. All niggers play the blame-game all the time, even with other niggers and family members. It's the opposite of the paternal, maternal and fraternal love often encountered in white families.
Do they not know? I always wondered how shitty of a person you would have to be to just not properly raise a kid.
Because they don't realize those programs were created with them in mind. Try getting on those programs and milking them for life if you're white. When I got out of the Army 2 years ago, I only was allowed unemployment benefits for 3 months while I looked for a job even though I paid into it twice a month the whole time I was in. Meanwhile keshawn hasn't worked since he quit McDonald's at 16 and is still getting it now that he's a 23 year old drug dealer with 3 kids by 3 different women who are also all on assistance programs. Some should study if self awareness and skin color is correlated in some way because I don't understand the levels of "oppression" they think they suffer.
This is literaly an argument for blacks being retarded. If you really believe this, find a new argument that isn't insane.
>When you've earned something through hard work, having it stolen and redistributed is oppression.
Ya don't say?