My fellow Australians,
How to we make this gay marriage vote fail?
My fellow Australians,
How to we make this gay marriage vote fail?
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Need to convert Australia back to Christianity
Redpill your neighbors on autogyniphillia
postal vote
burn down all post offices
It wouldnt be so bad if they called it "Civil Union". Marriage is performed in the presence of God as it is a sanctified union between man and the divine. Without the divine father as the authority there is nothing holding a man and woman together other than "love". No grand purpose, just the fun they have together. Hedonism really, dressed up to somehow demand respect for being married for the 7th time before they turn 30
I dont wanna be a concern shill but I would say it is too late. It is going to pass. Face it cunts. I am still gonna vote no though.
Why would I want it to fail?
We're not a bunch of paranoid American puritans wearing belt buckles on our hat.
Learn which culture you're a part of (OP).
lol, mate, if it was just 'going to pass' do you really think they'd be fighting against holding a plebiscite so hard?
Pretty good sign they expect a 'no' through secret ballot.
Good meme.
>We're not a bunch of paranoid American puritans wearing belt buckles on our hat.
There are bigger issues at hand cunt. I case you have been living under a rock, the west is literally dying and it is because all of our core institutions have been subverted one step at a time. We need to make a stand.
>Learn which culture you're a part of (OP).
It's a "non-compulsory" "non-binding" plebiscite so its literally nothing, they wont even honour the results, what a colossal waste of fucking money. This is a fucking circus
How do you think it's gonna go? My facebook feed has me genuinely fearing it's going to be a landslide yes vote...
Doesn't matter much except to take the wind out of their sails a tad.
You'll notice most media commentary on it is an appeal to popularity - 'most/majority of Australians want marriage equality'.
Hard to keep saying that when you've got a plebiscite with 60% 'no' or whatever.
I'll give you that they will reject anything but a 'yes' vote by just casting the plebiscite as illegitimate. They've been trying to do that in advance by declaring that the 'youth' don't understand how to use auspost so the results won't be 'genuine'. But that's kind of a weak argument given that all you have to do is tick a box, put the slip in a paid-postage enveloped and chuck it in the post box.
They'll likely reject the result because it will be low turnout: just the people that give a toss will bother. What you'll see is that there are more people that reject it ardently than people that support it ardently.
In support you have greens voters, a minority of labor voters and the poofs themselves.
In protest are the hillsong type, muslims (lol) and the Abbott set (opposed because it is supported by the left).
The latter are probably more numerous than the former, and only these groups will bother walking to a post box.
I still say it will pass. The polls for yes are like ~70%. The result will be closer to 50-60% because it is not compulsory.
Yeah you would think that we had other much bigger issues to face. Our nation is literally being sold to chinks, middle class wages have gone backwards compared to costs, society is more divided then ever due to id pol and mass immigration and yeah the fucking cunts want us to worry about if faggots can marry.
>I still say it will pass. The polls for yes are like ~70%.
Yeah look, I'm pretty dubious on media polling. Once bitten twice shy. Remember the 99% chance of Clinton victory in the US election? That has got to make a reasonable person suspicious of how accurate polling is these days.
I reckon people say 'yes' because they fear saying 'no' publicly, but a secret ballot removes the fear component and the results end up not matching predictions.
why don't you support my feminine dick user
Are you scared???
I'm just tired of bureaucracy, tired of all the schemes and the corruption, tired of all the vested interests. I don't see why people think the monarchy was such a bad thing, at least some of them didnt believe they were above God.
They actually do root each other in the ass, this is considered normal in society now.
>implying people against it are going to broadcast that in these tumultuous political times
That shit is career suicide if you're anything other than a tradesman
>Remember the 99% chance of Clinton victory in the US election?
I won 10s of thousands of dollars on Trumps win bro. I actually worked in the field of polling. I have not cracked open our polling datasets for fag marriage (which I might do soon) but I am pretty sure I am right and it will pass. The polls on Trump -Clinton were like margins of ~5% i.e. it was a 99% that it would be a win by 5% and there were other factors like non response, SDB and the way the EC worked which the tards did not look at.
>I reckon people say 'yes' because they fear saying 'no' publicly, but a secret ballot removes the fear component and the results end up not matching predictions.
That is called in the field SDB (Social Desirability Bias)
Yep. I'm dubious about the polls because when people ask me if I'm voting yes I always say I am in public. When I get the ballot, though, different bloody story.
>I will not put any money to it though unless I had a closer look at the data.
Agreed. I'm suspicious that the results are heavily skewed because Aussies are pretty conformist, particularly white collar workers, and anybody with an iq above room temperature knows that being anti-poof is going to get you into trouble.
I think quite a few people that otherwise wouldn't care might be pursuaded to vote 'no' because of the aggro on the side of the 'yes' campaigners. Remember the bullshit over Coopers and the poofs chasing down Margaret Court for being a batty 80 year old? That stuff turns people off your cause.
For a group that rely on sympathy (gays are, what, 5% of the population?) they've made their cause seem divisive and unnecessarily cruel, and that will factor in I think.
Yeah i tell people I'm voting yes; truth is i probably won't vote