I have never seen a thread about vaccines.
What do you think?
I think its a great invention for the first world.
Other urls found in this thread:
How much did the rabbi pay you to say that, duck?
>arguing for vaccines on Sup Forums
What happened to you guys?
Atleast post a fucking argument, i am open to hear how bad vaxines are
The French government will make 11 mandatory vaccinations for children in 2018. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will incur six months in prison and a fine of 3,750 euros. I think vaccines are useless and dangerous. It's just a matter of money.
i think its a combination, vaxines definetly make the pharma companies huge amounts of money, but how are they dangerous?
>I have never seen a thread about vaccines.
Newfag spotted. Saged.
please link one
Looking Trough the archive, every thread went off into: "Injekting your kids with the farmer jew"
or "7mg of aluminium in your muscle tissue will cause autism, but my large pizza that contains 14mg is fine"
Children die and become disabled after being vaccinated. There is a study by the World Health Organization that shows that most of the people contaminate who die are people who have been vaccinated. Viruses develop due to lack of hygiene. We do not need vaccines.
link it pls
You are the retard.
Vaccination make some positive effects.
+immune system training
+prevent of epidemy
+some positive geriatric effects.
I hope, you kids took ill like polyomeilitis.
>Jim Carrey publicly speaks about vaccines
>his girlfriend suicides almost immediately
>threatened to stand trial for her death, judge refused to throw obviously malicious lawsuits
really activated my almonds when that story unfolded before my eyes. He didn't even say anything tinfoily, it was some really tame shit. Also there's this
Yeah, but thats still not proof.
I agree that the holy status of vaxines is bullshit, but you have not linked any proof for the harmfull effects
inb4 these proofs are not proofs because reasons
yeah looks good, but thats just some elements of vaccines, of course mercury and aluminium are not healthy, but they seem to be necessary,
But injekting these metals in you flesh will not really have an effect, compared to the aluminium and mercury absorbed through eating fish or cheese
Newborn children don't eat fish or cheese, but they do get injected with vaccines
good point, children doo get exposed to these toxins if the mother does not breastfeed/alternative feeding is used.
Mercury also passes through the breast milk into children.
Also "Despite questions regarding its efficacy, it has performed well in practice and posed toxicity so low as to be considered negligible until recent years."
>Vaccines don't cause autis-
I think it is clear that many vaccines are vital for protecting us from harmful illness.
However, I think the pharma companies should be liable for pushing vaccines which provably harm individuals.
If you think vaccines as a whole are damaging: you are incorrect. Facts are facts, whether Sup Forums likes them or not.
lowest quality bait ever
all i know is that i'm vaccinated and i get colds twice a month
>Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will incur six months in prison
I can see them tearing up the street already
>Vaccination make some positive effects.
perhaps there are also bad effects, the fact there is a special court for vaccines claims that operates under a gag order would strongly suggest that
>However, I think the pharma companies should be liable for pushing vaccines which provably harm individuals.
they are but your claims against them cannot be made in open court under current US law
so the rest of the goy don't find out how bad they are
>all i know is that i'm vaccinated and i get colds twice a month
I'm vaccinated and I think I want to cut my dick off, is that because of television or because of the chemicals Alex Jones claims makes frogs gay
>Jews control pharma
>"oy vey! Goyim are catching onto us! We need to make ourselves needed again!"
>Jews open the mud people floodgate
>mud people bring back basic deadly viruses
>goyim are now too scared not to get vaccines
*rubs hands*
White people brag about inventing vaccines but the world wouldn't need vaccines if it wasn't for white people spreading their disease.
Was not aware of that - ty.
Plagues are necessary to cleanse the world of those unfit to live. The problems we have today are a direct result of allowing those meant to die to live full lives.
100% correct
You need to watch the entire documentary VAXXED.
And this press conference.
And star thinking critically
post more info
vaccines as well as better hygene helpt decrease infections.
black egyptian cosmonauts aint got no disease, the cave devil gave it to us.
sure i will.
The mercury in FISH is METHYL-MERCURY
The mercury in Thimerosal is ETHYL-MERCURY
Lie #10 “There’s more mercury in a tuna fish sandwich than there is in one mercury-preserved flu shot.”
Another scientific fallacy is the suggestion that the type of mercury (ethyl) in Thimerosal is less toxic than the type of mercury (methyl) in fish. This suggestion is not true. Ethyl mercury is actually more toxic to the kidneys, and equally toxic to other parts of the body as methyl mercury. All forms of mercury are highly toxic. When used in a vaccine, the mercury’s toxicity does not magically disappear! In fact, the mercury in a vaccine poses special dangers because it is injected.
Scientists know that eating mercury in food is completely different from injecting it directly into body and blood. This is because the body has defensive mechanisms to limit the absorption of toxins as they move through the digestive system. Just because you consume mercury in a tuna sandwich does not mean that the total mercury content of that meal will end up in your brain.
By contrast, injecting mercury in the form of Thimerosal directly into the body as part of a vaccine bypasses the body’s natural absorption defenses. The mercury enters the blood stream, but does not remain there long. It escapes from the bloodstream very quickly and enters the tissues in the body. The body is not able to defend itself well against injected mercury, and if a genetic susceptibility to mercury exists, the exposed individual may be able to excrete only minimal amounts of the injected mercury toxin.
post more
I'm 1/4 of the way through my rabies vaccination. It's a lot of shots but you try getting bitten by a bat sometime. 65% of the bats tested in my area are rabid.
I already have autism so no change for me here.
>vaccines as well as better hygene helpt decrease infections.
you know what else decreases infections, a diet that isn't 100% corn syrup white flour and grease
Leaving subject of mercury in vaccines
I think most problems (kids getting disabled [autism?] or even die) are caused by fact that the get deadly cocktail of vaccines in one shot.
When some vaccines need a 'cooldown' period to get another one.
>if a genetic susceptibility to mercury exists, the exposed individual may be able to excrete only minimal amounts of the injected mercury toxin.
nobody is able to naturally remove mercury from their body very easily, it can be done but it requires specific drugs and is very hard on the body, you can test your body for mercury content, the more retarded you are the higher the levels of mercury, cesium and lead you will have in your body
yeah, but american are moving in the opposite direction, and still have less disease.
Cant really make the case that people eat healthier today then they did 50 years ago
>I think most problems (kids getting disabled [autism?] or even die)
how is this a problem? these people believed obvious liars and died as result, I don't see a problem with this, you should know by now pharma companies aren't your friend and don't want to do you any favors
yeah but we have much more disease than we did 50 years ago, they're saying 1 in 3 Americans have diabetes or are pre diabetic
thats a lot more than a disease that used to affect 1 in 20K people 50 years ago.
People are not eating healthier. Eating a bit less butter is meaningless when it's substituted for vegetable oil spread, not including all the antibiotic meats and processed foods we consume.
diabetis is not a viral infect, cant vaccinate against it. Infections decreased, other diseases like heart disease increased.
>Cant really make the case that people eat healthier today then they did 50 years ago
Thats what i said?
false and lies
the 50 deaths story is bullshit - no statistical anomaly - they were of an age to die of the things they died of. Get a large enough group of people (and there are a hell of a lot of charlatans, sorry "holistic healers", and fifty will die over time.
sad that the science in this is so wrong...
pls proof
>cant vaccinate against it.
they're actually in phase 3 trials for a vaccine at the university of massachusetts and MIT
Vaccines don't always work. There are three types of vaccines:
1) vaccines that are for curing and work,
2) vaccines that are for curing, but fail,
3) vaccines that are for harming and work
The 3rd type is presented as for curing by the (((elites))).
Vaccines cause autism and the earth is flat. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.
yeah, but for typ 1, 95% of diabetis is type 2 because people cant stop eating meat and sugar
I leggit got autism from a vaccine. But i have mastocytosis ao thats why it happened.
´what type of autism?
Did you get dropped on your head one too many times? Vaccines = vaccination = preventative measure against future disease. It would help to learn more about a subject than twist any narrative to fit your idea that the "elites" are out to get us.
Who controls the vaccines then? Who creates the vaccines?
The rainman kind without the genious.
are you very self aware?
Why are you so sure the vaccine caused it?
At what age did you get diagnosed?
vaccines are good just dont go like americans that vaccinate every week or when their broke a nail
Holy fucking hell. Let me tell you about this one elitist pig that's mixing up chemicals as vaccines to retard the poor working class, essentially ensuring that only the elite will prevail in the future.
Now let me tell you to take your tinfoil hat and stick it where the sun don't shine. It takes years of work and collaboration, building upon many more years of science and work of others, to design a vaccine.
Exactly, vaccines should be used every 2-3 years or when a big disease is found on the community, here in argentina after the age of 15 you will need to vaccinate every 15-20 years, and the vaccines are free.
It separates us from the low IQ monkeys that voted for Trump
When did you get your first vaccine?
After birth, here you have the vaccine calendar of my country, all of the vaccines are free for everybody.
at birth?
thats early, i think i got mine at 3 or something
its because of tropical diseases
It's the (((elites))).
Eh, I guess, here in Argentine we still got cases of tuberculosis and hepapite B on children, so it is good to be careful.
>being this new
yeah, we dont really have tuberculosis, refugees that make up 2% of the population make up 75% of German tuberculosis cases.
Because Americans are so insulated from the real world they'll sue for a stubbed toe or hurt feelings, and the pharma companies got sick and tired of barely literate morons suing them because "muh kid dun got sick".
Mandatory vaccines are guaranteed profit margins for the pharmaceutical industry and eliminates the needs for critiques, checks and balances
That's not a reason for a corporation to get congress to pass a law you kike.
It's called (((depopulation)))
If the fucking refugees dont stop invading Europe, you will need to vaccine to it apparently.
everybody were new at some point, even the old-fags.
A vaccine that simply contains the subdued version of a disease is a great idea.
Modern vaccines that contain mercury and aluminium as well as bunch of other shit, and are mandatory are fucking diabolical
oh i know, but that does not negate the benefits of a 100% vaccinated population
False. These things injected into your blood stream are much worse than if going through your digestive system.
I recommend the green-purple pills.
oh, we have a really similar vaccine calendar
yeah, I don't see how they hurt people or are bad in any way, after the invention of the vaccine there was a lot less of deaths dude diseases.
yeah, but still, your body receives extremely low amounts of metals compared to that you daily eat
vaccines are not intravenous
Drink a shot of vodka or inject it
I bet that you would be 200% dead after second option
Vaccines are great. Having unvaccinated kids around increases risk to me, violating the NAP.
Also I want disinfo spreaders to be sued, fuckwads lessen the chance of any actual vaccination contamination being taken seriously.
Vaccines are bullshit. Sister just had a kid, after fighting tooth and claw to refuse, I finally gave in and got a whooping cough+some other shit combo so I wouldn't inadvertantly kill the kid. 2 months pass, and now I'm stupidly allergic to mosquito bites, like seriously anaphylaxis type allergic. Wasn't allergic to anything. Don't even get fucking colds. Vaccinations are fucking bullshit. Don't ever let anyone stick that shit in you, ever. If people die from shit their immune sytems can't cope with, they have weak genes and should just die to strengthen the genepool.
Fuck them. Fuck them all. Weak cunts.
>Drink a shot of vodka or inject it
>I bet that you would be 200% dead after second option
assuming 6l of blood a shot (10ml) contain about 5ml of pure alcohol, that would mean you would have aa bit under 1 promill, which is under the deadly limit
You child will have autism, if you vaccinate him.
The worst thing about vaccines is that some of the fucking idiots in this thread are alive today because of them.
How so? every person I know have been vaccinated and nobody have autism.
I think vaccines can be good if they don't contain lead, mercury, dangerous additives or preservatives, monkey viruses, and perhaps if you don't get too many of them.
I'm suspicious of vaccines.
They kind of seem like they're intended to normalize the concept of the herd.
They're a monstrous trust exercise, too.
"Let this complete stranger inject you with an unknown fluid. It will hurt, and you will temporarily get sick afterwards."
Go watch a documentary. Do you understand Serbian?
>monkey viruses
pic related