Do Jews care that they're poisoning the well that we BOTH drink from? Are they concerned at all that the degeneracy they create affects them too?
Do Jews care that they're poisoning the well that we BOTH drink from...
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They're weeding out the weak.
first of all, they're not jewish actors, they're white actors. second of all, jews aren't watching this - the goyim on Sup Forums are
all women are weak
Have you seen those noses buddy?
third, stop spamming cuck porn, in literally any capacity, ever, even ironically. You cuck faggots
I don't care. Stop spamming cuck porn.
Hitler said something in Mein Kamf about them being equated to a monkey, sawing on the branch that it is perched upon. If every race were gone tomorrow and only Jews left, they would eat themselves alive
Found the (((friendly merchant)))
Nigger Tel Aviv is a shitfest of degeneracy and homosexuality on worse levels than many major Western European cities, literally every other part of the country wants to nuke it clean off the face of the earth.
Makority of coalburners are jewesses
That's just a fact.
This porno is rare, jews don't often allow jewish girls to do interracial unless they look like White girls
Look at the lack of jewish girl & black guy porn out there, this is why.
>tfw no thicc jewfu gf to sit on my face while she subverts civilizations
in the end every common person is a victim of the actions of people like Soros.
>a capital is bad
wew lad who would have thought?
Think before you type, ameriburger. I realise that you're probably new to this site and unfamiliar with the nuance of its humour and culture, which is why I will do the kind thing and explain as to why your inference is wrong and based on false interpretation.
My reasoning wasn't that women are weak, but men who consume this pernicious form of entertainment. It is likely jew men are among them, thus the jew is culling the weak from its own flock.
I'd betray my race for that ass.
>Tel Aviv
>Capital of Israel
American on vacation detected.
Why Bulgaria of all places, Cletus? Trying to buy a wife?
they are "doubling down" - places like pol have informed the masses about the link between BBC/Cuckold porn and the Jewish agenda. It's becoming common knowledge and porn producers are "fighting back" to further degrade the pornography consumer. Time to wake up, degenerate fappers. Even the Jews are mocking you now
What if I balance it out with anti-cuck porn?
nailed it
actual white women are the least likely group to racemix
Sup Forums bitches about race traitor women when the men are more likely to ditch their own for a fucking chinky or a stinky mestiza
Jerusalem doesn't count considering its purpose
They don't care, especially the Jews in America. They're more liberal than any other Jews in the world. They don't care about their own Jews marrying goyim in America, because those Jews are marrying white goyim, not blacks or Hispanics - so they don't consider it interracial really. The saddest part is that the white goyim are still the ones that are falling for the interracial meme, far more than them and most others.
>"Jews love black cock" you see goyemz - we're just like you heheheh!!
Not fooling anyone.
>they still think the actual Jews run it
Top cake
Same age as me too
That's a bit of a turn on
Would smash before throwing in Oven.
I enjoy it as a "fuck you" to uppity nigs
>jewish on their father's side
Except, it's the fucking capital. It's the largest city, it's the seat of government, every government office is located there.
What is the other definition for "capital" that I'm unaware of?
Tel Aviv is internationally recognized as the capital of Israel. East Jerusalem is officially an occupied city according to the UN and literally everyone but some zionist wackos
Pornstars are NEVER jewish on the matrilineal line.. sure wonder (((why)))
>taking the UN seriously
>taking the general public seriously
Toppest of wews.
>They don't care, especially the Jews in America. They're more liberal than any other Jews in the world. They don't care about their own Jews marrying goyim in America, because those Jews are marrying white goyim, not blacks or Hispanics - so they don't consider it interracial really.
Absolutely not true.
Jews are marrying goyim at record rates.
And the rich kike fathers freak the fuck out over this
This is why soilt rich daddy's girl Jewesses burn the coal so often, to lash out at daddy
The irony that the jews push of interracial backfires on them so constantly yet they refuse to give up solely to spite Us is hilarious.
In America Jews are mostly marrying whites, and the white liberal (often elite) class. With the the goy converting, but reformed which is basically diluting Judaism and killing it off in the long run. This is what will be the death of them. It's nearly a 60% intermarriage rate with them now. Marriage among blacks/Hispanics is basically non-existed unless you can provide with me a source showing otherwise?
I'm a jew and i'm watching this.
What's wrong with sex? srsly
do u love black cock
Not marriage
Degenerate spoilt jewesses flushing their "chosenness" Away and having one night stands with niggers then some getting pregnant
This is how Drake & Eric Andre were created
It's Karma & it's pretty Hot to see them destroyed by their own golems.
Do you agree that black men and jewish women make the cutest couple?
We're trying to have a productive discussion here. I'm not really interested in your cuck fantasies. If you've got some sources to your claims, that would be great because it will actually help spreading some awareness on this. Until the, you're better off over at /r/cuckoldry.
the fuck is wrong with his face? it looks like the intro to mario 64 if you pinch his face at the mouth
Seeing jews plans backfire & their daughters get enriched isn't cuckoldry, it's Revenge.
>Do Jews care that they're poisoning the well that we BOTH drink from?
Of course not. The entire reason people hate jews, the reason they've been kicked out of 100 regions of europe one time or another, is not just that they're assholes, it's that they're STUPID assholes. They do obviously short-sighted, eventually catastrophic shit all the fucking time. People don't want jews in their country for the same reason you don't want a pyromaniac on a wooden ship. They are a case study in the tragedy of the commons.
tell me more
>still provides no source
Even if your cuck fantasies were true (which they aren't), that does not do any last damage in the long term. One-night stands are nothing in comparison to marrying out and diluting and eventually killing of a religion. Without their proper religion around they're nothing in the end. That's what's more important, and even something to look more forward too.
>he still believes in the jew bluepill
the jews that are the pornographers do not care about anyone, be they jew or gentile. Unfortunately the jews that are against pornography will only be against pornography concerning jews and not anyone else. The question I would have would be: would it be the same for any other religious or ethnic minority? Would muslims or the amish or whomever act any differently or would they take on the same tribal us/them mentality?
How is it cuckoldry if they are not the same race as Me?
I enjoy this because they've been the ones pushing for Our Women with black men but then when it happens to theirs they freak the fuck out
I wouldn't be happy with Whites marrying jews because whilst it dilutes their religion it pollutes Our Bloodlines.
>Telling women what they can or can't do with their bodies
How can fags on this board claim to be libertarian but endorse nearly all right-wing authoritarian policies?
Why are women so obsessed with black men?
So holocaust 2.0 basically. Make sense, prune the tree thin the herd...
Lol, that bitch msut hate herself when she looks at her kids and sees a bunch of apes having 0% resemblance to their mother.
that's a weird position to take a dump.
Fuck yea Abella Danger
Are you kidding? Those girls literally have her face with a tan.
kek. ALL the kids... every single one of them... have a kike nose and those squinty eyes. Who knew that even black genes were recessive to semitism. Maybe jews are the master race after all.