alt-right virgins BTFO by a witty girl

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Oh shittttt ma nigga dat b funny homie yo ya ah mean

>shame tactic that is no longer effective

Racist white bois KEKED by their own women lmao. Natural selection doing its job weeding out inferior white virgin bois

she likes using that argument.

If she wants Clits she should she try asking Dr. Nagarwala.


She's right tho none of you would be doing this if you had some semblance of a social life


>thots completely devalue their cunts by flooding the market with them, then act like their cunts still have the value they had before the flood





Shes probably a whore who has gotten slammed more times than a trucker's brakes.

Every time you nigs get too uppity we end up cracking down eventually. Can't wait till you're all swinging from lamp posts.


roastie basically admits she's a cumdump whore on social media

why is that always there go to. once again the universe revolves around there vagina. kek

Only this time your women are on OUR side cuck

Damn, son, you're gonna get fined if you keep being so savage

>Hahaha yeah they're all virgins haha xD funny joke haha
Nice argument.

>why is that always there go to. once again the universe revolves around there vagina
penis envy

the truth is though that all these guys have had sex, some many times. and they all know were that is so what now. kek

Damnit she's good I wish I would've voted Hillary now

Yeah, those guys look like grade A faggots.

you're implying any of us here went to that. lmao you are a more stupid than her.

time to tour my holdings plebeians, be back in 10.

>ehehehe these are is a bunch of whitebread racist virgins.. but also they're Nazis and scary and hurt my fee fees pwease someone get them fired and fuck with their lives :((((

Make up your mind, cunts. If they weren't such brats about everything there wouldn't be such a reactionary response

Always with the degeneracy.
They cannot help themselves

Sup Forums BTFO


The left is obsessed with sex.

>le virgin argument

Isn't there a name for that in their own fucked-up ideology? Virgin shaming or something like that?

arguing with holes

I love how libs low key admit that all their political positions are based on some sort of pathetic attempt to get pussy.

I never got the joke about the clitoris being some sort of secret.
It's literally the first thing you see if you pan your eyes down to a vagina, in real-life or not.

That's why they invented the g-spot, because the clitoris wasn't as secret and special as they thought it was.

When females have nothing to back their argument their last option is to call you a virgin

They use this tactic on Twitter A LOT

>WOW some random idiot makes a tweet

go suck a kikes mutilated dick

>implying girls don't get wet at the thought of that big nazi cock


Video related

Leftist only care about shaming when one of their own is on the receiving end. For example, they get really upset at "slut shaming".

You have to remember that they're not really upset, it's just a tactic to gain sympathy and discredit the opposition without presenting any arguments. Same thing with the accusations of racism/homophobia/sexism/xenophobia/nazism/islamophobia, etc.

It's called "name calling". People typically grow out of it at a young age.


Don't ask one of those African migrants you like so much. If he finds it he'll cut it off

Bottom right of the picture is a clitoris.. i swear millenials are fucking stupid.

I wouldn't mind being converted by these fine lasses

Still wont get you laid


women get angry when they're not needed, we don't need to strive to look like non virgins, who cares, this is our movement, with our people, and this is a chance in a life time, we can over come this garbage society, we can strive to become actually great, this train is all the way, there are no breaks.

no one in society is useful but us, women are idiots who strive to be like us, minorities want our place but cannot take the responsibility, everyone wants to be us, but its only us who can be gods, its our duty to show the world our fire, because today my friends, the fire rises.

Why would an Alpha give a fuck where the clothes is?

>virgin shaming
Women never change, not even on the surface.



be the best you can be, because this is our moment in history, they will not want to face us today, they're weak, not men, not white.

when the bitch so frigid you need a sherpa to find the g-spot

I can guarantee over 85% of those men have families, stable jobs and better social lives than you OP.. seeing as you can only sit on your computer and bash people who are fighting for the survival of there race and where were you OP when the ANTIFA faggots were rallied at the monument? That's right pulling you pud to mlp. Go sit on a black dick and spin OP.

Why's her clitoris in my wallet? GTFO

File was deleted. What was it? One of those "your mother" things?

They're at home putting the kids to bed. Something niggers and nigger lovers just don't understand.

The gonorrhea talking.

Your women are taken by chinks just to invade your territories in Africa and you show us a kindergarden picture hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahah.

I'm dead

This nigger's funny

This. Anyone with a job that pays more than minimum wage wouldn't be at this event. It's only genetic failures and losers who cling to white nationalism as it makes them feel superior as a taco bell worker than an asian man making 8 times their salary working as a neurosurgeon or Lawyer.

>"Where's the clitoris so I can cut it off for Allah" says muzzie that enslaved this bitch in the coming future.

Why can't women talk about anything but sex or their vaginas when trying to be funny? Nobody cares about your fucking yeast infected smelling holes that bunch of other guys have been in. Fucking hate social media, i hate these sluts and their inflated egos. The world is so gay now.

t. david chang

european immigrants make more money than asian immigrants btw

Can someone explain to me why there was this "wheres clitoris lmao" meme going on, since i was like in middle school. What do you mean "you cant find clitoris" ??????

ummm because boys are dumb? and are VIRGINS!!! XDDDD

Women pretend it's difficult to find, to give their pussy more sexual market value.
Guys who fuck learn pretty quickly where to find it.
As a result, women think they can still salvage some value from the virgin crowd by insulting them on their virginity.

because they have nothing to lose.
everybody knows about the blacklists and the media jews, so when the system works for them, they sell out for their own safety.

Oh yeah, forgot.
Because women are indoctrinated to only think about sex, and sexualise everything under the sun as a consequence, they think that the amount of sex you've had equals your success as a partner.
Never mind that monogamy is the best way forwards. They only start understanding that when it's too late.

You know how to the Coca Cola company life is pretty much about drinking Coke?

>arguing with holes.jpg

how old are you?

They all look decent. This "ugly, fat, stupid hick" argument really isn't working.

Their wives are at home taking care of the children as it should be


sorry, this is so puzzling to me. It's as if every girls pussy has the clitoris hidden in a randomized part of their body. Just wtf

if they said G spot - that makes a little more sense, but HAVING TROUBLE FINDING CLITORS???


Exactly this.

It increases the power of the insult by claiming the 'virgins' have never ever seen a pussy.
The fact that some porn flicks go as far as explaining everything kinda ruins that for them, but they don't know that.

>They only start understanding that when it's too late.

I will laugh when suicide rates go up for these "women" when they turn into hags.

When you insert your fingers, make the "come over here" finger motion.

The tip of your finger will strike a small, lump that feels tightly knotted in a ball.


You'll know you're hitting the right spot when her body is convulsing and she's moaning.

Remember, read your bibles and no sex before marriage.

March of the cucks

>all he has is a few anecdotes, largely pictures that are fucking years old

every time

man, it must really suck being a smelly subhuman

It's always about getting laid and literally "muh pussy" to them.
They simply can't comprehend greatness or struggling for a more important thing than their smelly cunts.

>still using tiki torches

Is soaking a t-shirt in kerosene that hard?

my racist brain is angery

>Because women are indoctrinated to only think about sex
No, they naturally only think about sex because their reproductive capabilities is the only value they have. It's why they fight so hard to inflate the price of pussy, why their jokes revolve around genitalia, and why the go-to response to men when in an argument is to question their ability to attract women (virgin shaming). No indoctrinated required.

If you ever hear a woman say that all men think with their penis, it's projection

And waste a perfectly good t-shirt? For what purpose?

Bet her BFF thinks she's hilarious.

We'll have the last laugh---when she's on a one-way train ride bound for whatever fate we men have in store for her once we've perfected sexbots and the artificial uterus.

not the ones who work at taco bell, you fucking mong

Saged slide.

Unlike the leftist commies, we don't shove the women to the front lines to fight. we leave our women at home

I have no idea. Im 28 years old and have never had sex.

>"Fuck they are growing so fast!"
>"How can we stop them?!"
>"Oh I know! Let's joke about muh vaginas and sex related topics and how much of a virgin random guys are!"

This will surely work

>some jobs make more than others
What's your point chink? Mine is that Asian bois can't compete.


I would marry any one of those fine women and be proud to do so.

LMAO you fucking wish, smelly subhuman nigger trash

Female Genital Mutiliation is a crime and should not be joked about.

>muh vagina


>muh dick


Fucking roastie cunt relying on muh vagina yet again