Your personal thoughts on Italians
Your personal thoughts on Italians
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Still whiter than you.
Still whiter than you.
Cure :3
Still whiter than you.
Italia is the new africa
Still whiter than you.
Absolutely nothing like most Sup Forumstards would have you believe. Southern Europeans aren't a bunch of mixed race mudbloods in the sense that they're half or even quarter Moor, although they do have some blacked admixture from that period.
Italy is a great contributor to the global stage, a high IQ country and full of decent people. Also, the best food. And yes the fact that an American quarter indian nigger, quarter actual nigger, quarter Jew, quarter something else but all nightmare and dread is trying to paint Europeans out as what Americans are must be pointed out for its deflection and lack of self awareness.
Transponated Italian reporting in.
Are Hungarians and Italians friend's?
Worst ally.
I am quite a manlet (5'8") but my dick is big and I'm probably whiter than you
Still whiter than you.
Not really
We should be with Polacks though, because we both were occupied last century and a half (Poland by Prussia, Russia and Austria, Italy(Venetian Republic) by Austria)
Our national anthem even mentions this
I like how you say Southern Italians aren't mixed that much but an entire population of 300 million people must be all mixed. This blatant anti Americanist attitude coupled with a typical Med arrogance proves to me that you are most likely some butthurt Sicilian faggot living off UK gibs
Here we see the Italian woman in her natural habitat
Still whiter than you.
I am partly italian. Thank god, Austrians are sometimes such cucks when it comes to girls.
This is true for terroni. North Italians are whiter than French fries and Germs
I love Italians.
sometimes their presence becomes a bit too much and you certainly wouldnt want to hang out as the only nonitalian with them but for the rest theyre top tier people. Especially if they make shitskin OPs butthurt.
Still whiter than you.
OP, reconsider your life when you make bait threads on an anonymous board.
Bongfag in Italy seeing if my flag goes Italy so I can pretend to be a doofus on here
t. Shitalian diaspora living in Belgium
Wow OP is actually a fag
Most white people after white people. I say this being 50% italian myself
could it be
What did italians do to generate so much hatred from people?
uhm... what's your point?
>italians are not white
>thus most of humanity culture was invented by niggers
I don't think you wanna go there m8
No it's Milan
we are good with women
ah wait no, it's from milan
Loud and annoying, especially when it's 3 o' clock in the morning. Spent my holidays in Italy once and never again.
>another JIDF thread
guess they got tired of shitting on poland
Gee I wonder who could be behind that video
Most people love Italians. I love Italian women.
did somebody say Bologna?
The relation is probably slightly positive. Hungary's first "president" (Kossuth) spent his time in Torino in exile after the Austrians crushed the 1848 revolution, some exiled soldiers (e.g. Istvan/Stefano Turr) volunteered to fight for Italy (against the Habsburgs) and Italian-Hungarian relations were friendly since the end of WWI. In earlier times, Hungary was an early adopter of Italian reneissance architecture, the well (Herkules well, 15th century) on the left stands in the Visegrád castle, which was the location of the signing of the (first) Visegrád treaty in the 14th century. Probably the Italians don't know too much about Hungary other than a few (hopefully) positive things.
Oh yes, we gave them Cicciolina, that infamous hooker was born in Hungary as Ilona Staller.
Are you black or brown?
An italian afflicted by burger degeneracy.
What's up with bologna??? It seems a nice city
She's literally lived in Italy all her life, she is apart of Rocco sifierdis porn troop
t. evolian expat
kill yourself, italy marches onwards
>burger basing his entire view of the world of youtube videos and tv
not surprised
also we're pretty far off from electing a nigger as president
My grandfather was southern italian. Looked white as could be for facial features, but had slightly olive skin
Was an absolutely brilliant astrophysicist who helped put men on the moon
White. I've seen italian women have ass as big as a 270 pound silverback black woman
nah, I conly got one book from him, just posted him because I like this pic
Whiter than you, Paco.
It's the commie stronghold in our state
Actual communists live there
You a fan?
Bologna is basically politically correct commie central along with Florence
Meds have olive skin, that's just the way it is. They're still white and discarding them would give a one up to the Jews who claim Romans and Greeks were non-white
Nice city, terrible people and infrastructure. They are oddly kind to stoners and niggers, it's probably the most americanized city in the whole country.
Kim Concubine Army?
Then you have no chance with an Italian woman
Good riddance, one less pension to pay. Thx based nigger
Any thread where the OP is telling europans who is white and who isnt and where the OP is american should be locked and OP should get banned.
don't forget Lajos Tukory who bravely fought along Garibaldi during the siege of Palermo
This. Based Slovakia
Mainly guy on the left is literally me, no joke, wtf
Lol americans are pathetic
You must be a terrone übermench
>terrible infrastructure.
have you ever been to southern Italy m8? if Bologna have terrible infrastructure then how could you define southern Italy infrastructures?
Better than amerisharts
Can we please just ban burgers from this board?
The banner says: "Bologna is mutt"
It's a good city to visit but a bad place to live in, I wouldn't accept to live there even if someone offered me a better paycheck.
The rest of italy should learn from bologna
Daily reminder that they want miscgenation and are not even hiding it anymore.
Sounds like a good idea
italy will rise again
We're smarter than you think. You see we sent a dirty nigger to be Google and Amazon's little bitch. A real Italian wouldn't put that shit in their home.
Good, race mixed is the future
some already did, they've been resisting having immigrants sent in their city very stoically, eventually they'll push for them to be sent back
>Southern Italy
I don't even care about the country which happens to be south of Rome, the divide is too big.
I just can tell you that Bologna is the worst place to live in the north, in my opinion.
>t. Northern Lombard
The Futurists! I love fascist art.
Nice try bongkike
>le mspain maymays
kys fag