The gold pill

A history studant sent me this. Its an interesting perspective and could be the gold pill but i cant conclude.

>left wing ideologies are needed to fulfil the humanity needs of the human race
>right wing ideologies are needed to fulfill the order of the human race
>the idea of a god limits our progressiveness of the human race. It divides us.
>blacks seem inferior because they were always halted progression by other kingdoms in the past hence resulting in terrible communities that have influenced the persona of the people.
>whites are not a superior race. They abandonned indo european ideologies and left it for the arabs to be the ones to invent mathematics. As a matter a fact the dna differenece is so insignificant it would allow only physical differences to occur amongst humans from around the world.
>all governments are curropt. Like a hydra if you cut off one head more will form. Governments and the problems they bring can be solved but more problems will emerge every time
>if time of anarchy occurs, all governments will fall and all powers will become obsolete. In such a society only the smartest will emerge victorious. These people will gain followers and may unite to form one of the first platonian societies.
>jews are not collectively thinking as much as some may think.
>laissez faire ideologies work because true freedom allows people to explore the unknown.

Again i dont know what to make of it.

It sounds like your friend is fucking retarded.


Does your friend have an even number of chromosomes?

Whats wrong with it? I would like this to be a intellectual discussion.

This baka desu senpai

If I could encapsulsate his viewpoints, from my own perspective?
>We r nice peeps
>u giuse r brave'n'handsome'n'tuff'n'strong but ok-ish i think
>God is a fagit for 'tard fagits
>Ebil whitey
>wtf I hate borders laws'n'shit now
>if you kin see the Emperor's New Clothes you get to hold hands under the rainbow
>heebs r ok-ish
>gay French sheeyit makes me sound clever as fuck, bitches love that

you should've posted something intellectual instead of this crap, this is just embarrassing, are you in high school or something?

What's right with it? Do you seriously believe that arabs inventing mathematics, that the only difference between human beings is physical or that blacks only SEEM inferior because DA MAN have kept their kangdomz down?

Alright anons
I guess i got the feedback i asked for.
Have a good day.

Expecting some degree of intelligence on Sup Forums

nice one lad.

>laissez faire ideologies work because true freedom allows people to explore the unknown
This. The notion of left-right have changed their places during the last 200 years. There are two classes in civilized society: workers and parasytes. Church and monarchy were these parasytes. In the age of enlightement they realized that God is dead and switched to advocete of communism/socialism. A good example is Hegel. Studied as theologian, he became a state ideologist and father of totalitarianism. Same applies to Stalin.

Tl;dr gay flag

I was actually
I agree with alot of what you just said. I feel like stalin would have been a better leader had he cared for human life.also i feel like communism can work if done a certain way. Still lots of consideration to be taken into account. Im not entirely sure.

I remember when the Cold War ended and the idols of those dead bearded communist guys were dragged down, spat on, smashed up and melted down for coin. You'll be too young to remember this, sonny, but it never worked, "The People" who were supposed to nurtured by communism hated it to death. Why? Utopias ONLY exist in fiction. "B-but communism looks good on paper" is something we always hear.

>In such a society only the smartest will emerge victorious. These people will gain followers and may unite to form one of the first platonian societies.

You mean like, governments?

mate you just posted a bunch of OPINIONS
do your own research on why it's right or wrong and then come back

Platonian governments are meant for the most intellectual leaders or philospher kings. Its one i have yet to see and would like to see but will never see.

I still believe in utopia.

>I feel like stalin would have been a better leader had he cared for human life.
It is common for communists to say "not real socialism". They mean "if I were in place of him, if I were a dictator, I would do it right." If Stalin cared for human life, he would be dead long before he became a leader. Lenin and Trocky and many others were killed. When you abolish private property you get chaos in economics. The agency managing all the means of production gains much power over persons life. Getting the power in your hand leads wannabe leaders to a deadly fight.

Church isn't the parasite. The parasite is your communism which wants more control over the people, an end to freedom.

You're a brainwashed fedora fag who thinks your secularism is somehow different from a religion. It's the same. In this secular society, we are ruled by social media, e-celebrities and big companies. Communism merely changes that to the government having control.

People who think "breaking away from belief in God" frees you are deluded, often they are edgy teens who have never studied sociology or examined philosophy indepth. Ironically, they are brainwashed by Karl Marx or some other communist revolutionary.

>i feel like communism can work if done a certain way.
It works for 1000 of years in every monastery and religious commune. Before Marx communists were religious people of mellenial and ano-baptist church. An important detail is that people joined those communes voluntarily and were free to leave. These are a special type of spiritual souls. And they has always been a minority.

>blacks seem inferior because they were always halted progression by other kingdoms in
Stopped reading there.

utopia cannot exist because humans thrive off conflict

>Church isn't the parasite.
Indeed it is not anymore, because nobody lets them to rip people off. It was a parasite earlier before the french revolution.

This post reeks of 17 year edgelord euro cuck commie.

Was this 'studant' friend of yours a Marxist, perchance?

Monarchies are the most redpill forms of government. This is why the Jews caused the French Revolution.

>the idea of a god limits our progressiveness of the human race. It divides us.

At least attempt to substantiate such a blanket statement.

>Platonian governments are meant for the most intellectual leaders or philospher kings.
Platonial governments are the best way to freeze socityh, prevent any social changes and stop progress. The Plato system originates as a caste system in India. Some variation of the system also existed in ancient China. These were 2 great civilizations. What happend to them? - Nothing. They maintained the same GDP per capita for long time and entered the 20th century at the same level as they were one thousand years ago.

As opposed to the majority who wear anarcho flags, you actually seem to me like an OK person
-perhaps for admitting your honesty, in that your idealism is taken so far as to be deemed utopian. Human nature won't allow pic related, user.

I condemn most anarchists. But im temporarily an anarchist because i believe there is no political solution. A new world can be born but it cant come from any modern day government. I love knowledge and perspective. I want to learn and progress, i dont want history to be repeated. I want something new, and since i dont believe in heaven and hell but a total void after death i want to make the most of it now.

the gold pill, aka common sense

Back from the shops... for reading, I'd I'd advise you to disregard all philosophical and political rhetoric (well, disregard them momentarilly) and focus purely upon history, and Italian history in particular (esp Gibbon & Machiavelli), as this demonstrates nationhood, Empire, civil war, the City state, you name it. Almost like witnessing a simulation.

I just bought marchievelis the prince the other day. Good to know.

Utopia: a place that doesn't exist, yet countless people have died for.)

Utopia is perfection. Perfection gives purpose. Everyones idea of perfection is different.

"The Prince"? You're doing allright there.
I myself have come to the conclusion that a strong nation state is preferrable to Empire or to decentralised city-states/ tribalism.
Even if Empire seems benevolent, a swift knife in the back may dispose of our thoughful Marcus Aurlius type leader, leaving us with a Commodus, Nero, or Caligula.
Tribalism, on the other hand, inevitably leads to feudalism, intestine warfare, and mob rule.

>left wing ideologies are to destroy order and create chaos(focus on fun and pleasure=way of satan)
>right wing ideologies were base of every great civilization at it's begining. It is the reason they became great(focus on work, honesty and good will=way of the God)
>the idea of God explains reality that surrounds us and how it works in easy to understand way without complicated professional lately created vocabulary.
>blacks had never been right-winged. They've always had commie mentality therefore are unable to create proper civilization. They focus only on themselves and don't even try to understand how the world works. White man had nothing to do with it. White man just exploited african resources that mostly hadn't been used before he arrived there
>every race can become superior if it is based on good foundations. European civilization used to be based on good foundations before XX century so it became superior. And as we cut ourselves from our foundations our civilization became dying joke. west and north europe will be africa tier in about 100 years.
>"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Free market must be the priority, and every try of socialising it should be considered crime against humanity. And proven corruption of gov official=death sentence. The way it was in XIX century and begining of XX
>if time of anarchy occurs there will be couple of groups of interest fighting between each other for power. At the begining only the strongest are victorious but eventually are conquered by about equally strong but smarter
>but they are way more collectively thinking then huge majority of people belives. There is very few jews who steps out of a line especially after ww2
>That is about right, but you didn't mention that without moral spine based on strong belief any person will get lost in this unknown

History had already proven all of it.

No nation has ever survived without religion, religion has already proven itself evolutionarily superior to atheism. No one ever unites to defend a nation without god.

Look up the citations in 'scientific racism' on wikipedia and you will see (((who))) is covering up the racial reality. Read Gun's Germs And Steel and watch as the Jew calls you and your ancestors racist, makes weak excuses and arguments that only a Neanderthal would accept. They are scared that if people learn the truth it will happen again.

Your friend fucking sucks at history. How many "The Greats" does it take for you to realize that from the void always rises forth one man who craves glory, civilization and authority who rises up to conquer the entire world?

Blacks only ever made achievements in times when they had an intelligent religion to help govern the state. You don't need high average racial IQ to adopt the inventions that occur around the world. With religion, men have more control over sexual selection, and when that happens, race IQ rises.

I agree with the first part. The eagle needs its left AND right wing to fly. And there is a reason those wings are of equal size and get smaller the further you go...

>. As a matter a fact the dna differenece is so insignificant it would allow only physical differences to occur amongst humans from around the world.

The brain is a physical difference. Niggers are stupid.

Interesting analogy, and one I am sure to remember. Thank you.

Also "dude this weed is making me so woke, maaaaan"

These "everyone on Sup Forums is dumb except me~" reddit posts should be a bannable offenses

I never said that. There is a reason i bothered to post here

>left wing ideologies are need-
Stopped reading.
