Fucked up """coincidences""" thread

Only top tier, genuinely scary stuff that makes you question things.

"Would you. Could you. On a train?" Sept 29, 2016, 6:15 PM locals in New York received a FEMA message across their TVs stating there was a hazardous waste warning for USA and then said "Would you. Could you. On a train?". Local News WKTV reported EAS had been hacked. A day later in Hoboken a train crashed with at least 1 dead and more than 100 injured.

The MSM covered it but no one addressed the warnings. The details surrounding the accident seem sketchy. The quote from The Green Eggs and Ham seems to have something to do with Ted Cruz's speech, politicususa(d)com(s)2016(s)06(s)16(s)ted-cruz-man-read-green-eggs-ham-senate-floor-calls-gun-filibuster-distraction(d)html. Back in the day there were threads analyzing this, apparently the one victim was somehow connected to the election too. Anyone have screencaps or a good rundown? I don't want to advertise that cesspit but some stuff in one particular tinfoil sub is often redpilled despite avoiding mentioning the Jew and I'm taking some info from there.
>inb4 muh spacing

Other urls found in this thread:


I was really hungry for chips, and it turns out I had no chips left.


I can think of a couple but nothing I would describe as "top tier" so I'll just bump this thread for now.

Would you. Could you. In a thread.

Yes, that was totally freaky. Reminds me of the plane that crashed on takeoff in New York in November 2001. Totally forgotten.

I have a bsg of sour cream and cheddar and all dressed. Which one do you want?

Can you explain user? I have no knowledge of this.

Son of sam did it better years ago.
But your shit is just fucking retarded and annoying.

Fireworks look cool... that doesn't mean I don't know how they work or think they are "freaky".

Someone must have some Hoboken threads' screens, come on.

I'm not much into the occult but it can't get more obvious than this. The guests are, coincidentally, Western cuck leaders and the elites. The shills and cognitive dissonanced normies unaware of symbolism are calling it just edgy modern art.
wtf I'm sleepy now

A plane crashed into the Queens area killing several shortly after 9/11

So is there some importance to the people killed or whatever or is just that it happened close to when the kikes blew up our towers?

A for effort Hanz

Im not the same poster referencing the event. At the time there was hysteria in the media due to the existing anxiety from 9/11

The tail fell off

post more spoopy storis plx

Ya it was obviously 9/11

On my 52 mile one way drive to work the other day, I was listening to a Christian radio station which is something I never do. On the radio the preacher was talking of ways that the Lord talks to us and how "coincidences" over time start becoming signs and a path is formed. This is revelevent to me because I think of nothing as coincidental anymore. I listened to his sermon for about 5 more minutes and then changed the station. Literally as soon as I did, a song was playing on the radio, and the first lyrics I understood from that song was "Satan is real." It sounded like a Nikki Montage song or something. How is that for coincidences?

Shills were planning the false flag dox of Anon5 since early 2017

>It sounded like a Nikki Montage song
It's no coincidence. Nikki Montage is a devout satanist.

how did you get all dressed you fucker thats our thing

That's cute. Although we can lower the bar a bit since not much serious stuff is showing up.

There's allways the dancing isrealis and urban moving systems. I'm posting from mobile so this image might be shit apologies in advance. It's just a screen cap from a thread on it and the FBI documents on them. So if you are interested I can post them individually or you can just give them a search on Baidu(d)com or duckduckgo

>being suprised the non-neutral country of the swisse satanique did that


It's more than that really. My whole life is nothing but a story of "coincidences" and "good luck".

Reality is one incomprehensibly insane paradox that we will never truly understand, whatever that even means and not much could surprise me. I'm interested in actual important peculiar events that they are trying to cover up by calling it a mere coincidence.

