Mainly in America. I think Trump's election energized them.
Is fascism slowly becoming a mainstream ideology again?
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This is more divide and conquer from the AntiChrist.
Fear God and keep his commandments. The end is nigh.
I think great ideas were relegated to the dust-bin of history due to Hitler's fuck ups and now 80 years later, referencing WW2 or Hitler is losing its power as a suppressive force
The fact is, fascism(especially how it's loosely defined today) has been the way of leadership for thousands of years.
Japan in a way is an example of a modern-fascist state, and we are reverting back to that and hopefully soon before damage done in Europe is deemed "irreversible".
Actually, Trump has probably hurt the actual prospects of fascism.
The Trump-fascist connection is entirely leftist slander, but Sup Forums supported and memed Trump into power and the sentiments held by Sup Forums bleed out into the public sphere in the progress. Trump is by no means fascist, but actual fascists supporting him over the his socialist opponent ended up introducing millions of previously apathetic millennials to the concepts and now it has a life of its own even outside of Sup Forums.
But the real issue exists that you have the people Sup Forums won over with memes but that don't actually support fascism(lolbertarians and kekistani faggots) being tied together with the huge surge of actual white nationalists. You see this on Sup Forums too, any "alt-right" event is hard to distinguish from from kekistani faggots and actual fascists. This actually demotivates huge huge demographics of people from participating in events because in reality these two groups don't want to affiliate with each other. Eventually the right wing in the US is going to split into two and it's going to isolate the white nationalist segment considerably or result in the white nationalists becoming mainstream due to the weakness of regular kekistani faggot conservatism and libertarianism.
>I think Trump's election energized them.
More like the "antifa" chimping out while they stay calm and civilized is energizing them.
You can't claim to defend freedom then doxx people holding lights on twitter for thought crime and "illegal politic beliefs"
wait wait wait hold up
this isn't fascism, this is nationalism. how did you got that mixed up? you kike
nah this board is just an echo chamber. a lot of the comments are LARPs or just from delusional manchildren stuck in the echo chamber with a warped reality
You really like your buzzwords don't you?
What is this torch march from that I keep seeing here?
dog shit analysis my dude......soft white nationalism will become the norm on the right as the center continues to erode in an ever tribalising political environment...
Only among rural and suburban retards.
these people are really pissing me off.
This. This rally only happened because it was held in a southern backwater shithole.
How is this gathering ramping up fascism? What else going on in the world or just the US gives you that idea?
>Japan in a way is an example of a modern-fascist state
And they're so successful, what with their economy in a constant decline for several decades with the looming issue of a MASSIVE pension crisis, their population declining yet more people living in poverty compared to the past, terrible literal death inducing working conditions, insanely corrupt government that's in a constant shitstorm and never gets anything done?
Yeah, sounds like fascism alright. But at least they're 90% Japanese, that's what counts, right?
It's just how the story goes. Leftism forces a consensus using threats to one's livelihood and social standing using buzzword insults, then the views that they push become so extreme that any healthy person is left with a sense of revulsion.
So then the opposition emerges radicalized from its onset, conforming to the very same buzzwords the left used to suppress them.
The same people control both sides of course and as always.
More like they want to turn positive nationalism into a fad and perhaps thwart Trump's reelection while their at it.
if doubles please include me in the screenshot you use for the article you're writing!
The natural death of an oligarchy is at the hands of an absolutist leader.
That is something unfortunate that happens with all wealthy first world nations, they stop breeding.
But in virtually every other societal respect they are thriving, crime/terrorism free, incredibly affordable housing/rent etc.
They are fairing way better than we in the west are.
Hopefully innovation in automation will save them and us in the end, but importing a bunch of apes and other animals into your society is not a solution to this problem, unless perhaps they are given strict temporary work-visa's and removed after they've fulfilled their task of helping the lives of the native peoples.
Can't stop laughing at this crying Asian faggot.
No, and I guarantee most of the "alt-right" or people who identify as far right don't even understand what fascism is.
This. Also, checked.
Look at these fucking virgins
Damn that's good, should make it mainstream like we did cuck
Charlottesville last night. They will hold a bigger rally today sometime. Not sure what time but I want a stream.
Let's hear a quick summary from you then.
So, white America.
Have you ever actually been there? The place is like a paradise compared to the modern west. They are one of the most densely populated countries on earth but they have like 5 murders per year. The streets aren't crawling with junkies or bums either. People bow to each other in public and if you drop your wallet on the sidewalk nobody will steal your money out of it. They have bullet trains everywhere zipping around at over 200 mph. Beautiful place desu
That kind of economic system isn't gaining any significant traction. White movements gained a small niche but nothing that huge. Nationalism is on the rise though.
When your only argument is about their sexual history, you know you're on the losing side.
Seig Heil!
It's fucking great, honestly the best part of the whole march
>But at least they're 90% Japanese, that's what counts, right?
These things are not nearly as big of issues as you make them out to be and can all be remedied if the people decide to do something. Introducing non Japanese to Japan would not solve any of those issues and would only destroy their nation forever.
Doesn't even make sense. It's some nonsensical bullshit Sam Hyde made up. Fuck that asshole. He just says stupid things ironically about things he doesn't understand and you retards eat up.
When your main concern is over white women not having sex with you and you being inadequate compared to immigrants/blacks/jews then yeah it applies.
>Fear God
You fundamentally misunderstand God if you think that he wants you to fear him.
>1,000 people
>all fired from their jobs
"Buzzword" is a buzzword too buckaroo.
Strange times ahead friends, I believe the gears have finally begun to turn, good luck and watch out for one another
In 40 years when they're still 99% Japanese and you're in a civil war, you'll wish you thought about something other than muh economy.
it has absolutely FUCK ALL to do with Trump. This is a long time coming, it's due to the antagonizing from lefty pukes and marxists, literally calling for the elimination of white people.
>To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction
commie faggots are so self-absorbed, with such obliterated souls, they believe they don't live in the universe anymore. They are in their own minds, and believe they are god
What the fuck is Sup Forums's obsession with fascism? Get fucked you authoritarian cunts. You're no better than the commies.
qt3.14 on the left
This whole post implies either
A.) Hillary would have been better
B.) There was a more "Sup Forums" candidate that had a realistic shot.
>get fucked
Nah, feel free to die.
Yes, but as usual it will be taken over by the loudest stupidest overconfident idiots and it will be ruined for everyone.
Mosquitoes beware
Why is this nigga holding the phone so fucking close to his face? And why tf do you need police?!
European fascist here. Just waiting for the day to make the streets of the cities and towns of my coutry flow with muslim blood.
The foundation of America is Fascism.
Wanna switch countries? You clearly don't belong in the land of the free.
I live in Fl and for that reason I fucking love Tiki torches. That and they are like $5 fuel and all.
>you need to be a fascist larper to get rid of muslims
Little concept of what living under an authoritarian regime would actually be like. It's all an internet game with memes, trading meaningless social media quips and insults.
>in cod we trust
Who wants to help me drive these leftists insane? Already been blocked by two of them after they engaged with me because i hurt their fee fees with the truth.
Quit lumping Fascism with Nationalism.
You can be a nationalist without being a fascist.
It's fascism because white people are doing it, right?
Fascism was never a mainstream ideology in America (or Britain). The English Speaking countries avoided the political instability that made fascism successful on continent.
nobody is biting dude sorry
Then why nationalism and not patriotism?
Let this faggot know we are onto his ploy.
I got banned altogether about a month ago. I'm jonesing so hard to fuck with these people.
anyone see that qt on the left. were going to win.
Peaceful protests is not a hallmark of fascism.
Illegal opinions is a hallmark of fascism.
You have no idea what 'fear' means in the biblical context.
God loves you, but he just has high standards and gets dissapointed as fuck sometimes. But if you say you're sorry and mean it, he will always forgive you.
Lol, the University of Virginia is not a backwater shithole. Are you even American?
>Why do you say fly the colors when you're flying a flag?
Are there any other streams?
I don't think they are fascist or even racist.
They pretty protest in support of the status quo.
I just got another "oh you jus raciss" from a strong black woman who don't need no man lol. After losing the argument, it's always they're "i give up" tweet
>I think Trump's election energized them.
Not necessarily. Counter culture has always been a thing, and the more mainstream the left wing liberal politically-correct movement becomes, the further will the opposition be polarized.
Christ fags get out.
>fear = mean dad hitting you with a belt
please, for the love of Christ look up what biblical terms actually mean. Remember they have been translated over 2000 years from multiple languages
>use this synonym not THAT synonym
Looking at the live stream
yes. yes it is.
pic very related.
Look at the images and symbols.
Communists vs Religion(Tradition) there was even a fight at one rally earlier this year and one man was waving a Communist flag and the other was holding a giant cross.
>declining population in an ethnostate matters
kys rabbi
>result in the white nationalists becoming mainstream due to the weakness of regular kekistani faggot conservatism and libertarianism.
It's going to be this one
When the left constantly plays identity politics you are bound to see identity politics from the right.
This is part of the culture war.
Your ID is literally PLEB LOL
Jew hunt, sounds like they couldn't find any.
He was literally quoting Ecclesiastes. Illiterates need to shut up.
This isn't fascism mate.
These people aren't even fascist. The fascist meme needs to die.
They just realize liberty won't exist if white become dispossessed by non-whites. Do you know how many disaffected libertarians are in the alt right out of necessity?
I completely agree with you.
The more the left attack, the more they do become fascist and that's when things get really, really fun!
Actually it is what counts. Japan has been highly isolated historically and it survived just fine.
>Says /leftypol/
top kek the irony
What are you talking about?
Charlottesville is fuckin' nice.
Those people aren't becoming fascistic because the left attacks them. They might become militant, out of necessity, but that doesn't make them fascists anymore than the founding generation of the American republic were fascists for fighting a guerrilla war.
I will L I T E R A L L Y Crucify you.
I dont care as long as its interesting and my death is not painful.
fascism is leftwing ideology, stop believing the Commie meme