Keep it politics and economics related
Keep it politics and economics related
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Does anyone miss the king? How does your country remember the monarchy? do they associate it entirely with tyranny? Or are there aspects of it fondly remembered?
What is your opinion on Mussolini?
Why is Italy so hostile to LGBTQIA+ people?
what are gun rights like?
Only some really old people and edgy young kids.
Pretty based, got dealt a shit hand with having Hitler up north and all though.
The left is partially controlled by Cattocomunisti, catholic communists, so no major party is big into gay rights
Legally, near nonexistent, and self defense is a bitch. However, in rural areas, nobody enforces them, and no small police department is gonna prosecute a self defense case
>inb4 amerifat
Italiano puro carissimi, mi sto godendo le vacanze a New York prima di tornare a Vicenza :)
how the practice of Christianity in Italy nowadays?
how many in their 20s do you think go to church every Sunday?
Memes aside you just have to waste some time doing paperwork and read the (dumb) rules, then it isn't much different, no full auto, limited number of handguns but that's about it
What happening the operation about this in the last politica italy threads?
We italy nao? Shiet..
What's your opinion of politicians like Romano Prodi or Massimo D'Alemma?
Depends on the area. Milan is basically a mini-Munich/Berlin/Paris in that regard, but rural towns are still quite traditional.
20 somethings not so many (still some in Opus Dei/CL circles) but it should be noted almost everyone goes for Christmas + Easter + All Saint's
Literal commie newspaper, still gross tho. Do remember that most italians are pretty darn racist, and even if they support immigration they would never associate with them
Prodi had a shot to replace Berlusconi and fucked it up royally, doing considerable damage in the process. That being said, he's pretty damn smart and represents the more reasonable side of the left. D'Alema is just a communist mindlessly repeating slogans.
Avanti, my brother
t. half Italian guy
Basically no one has known the monarchy anymore. But I know it was well received, I.e. my sister, mom and aunt were named after the king's daughter. The vote to become a republic was most probably influenced by commies imo
I don't really know what to think about it. We lack unbiased opinions, cause he was either a saint if you were a fascist or a demon if you were a commie. I think he certainly did good things, but he surely was a dictator as other polical ideas were banned. Even though he was a socialist, so I don't really know for sure. What I know is that any idea you hear about him is 99% a misconception
Because fascists and Christians
Don't really know, I'm gonna get a license in a couple months but right now don't know shit
Only thing I know is that it's fucking damn expensive (you have to pay tons of taxes)
But like other user said, self defence laws are a bitch. Now they are trying to fix them but usually you get into some deep legal shit
>Going to new York on vacation
Son, are you retarded? At least you're not a terrone, I guess
Few people, but still a lot (atheist here, but I respect practicing christians). My sister and mother are still strongly Christians and go to church every Sunday. Mostly this happens in small towns, were everyone gets somewhat indoctrinated by their parents as a tradition, so they keep going.
>who are dalmatians
D'Alema is a deluded commie scum
Prodi fucked up big times and still too much of a commie
Italy should let its most capitalist urban area be an independent city-state again. It would be a profitable venture.
muh profit
>Few people, but still a lot (atheist here, but I respect practicing christians). My sister and mother are still strongly Christians and go to church every Sunday. Mostly this happens in small towns, were everyone gets somewhat indoctrinated by their parents as a tradition, so they keep going.
ok thats good to hear
really would like to have a qt catholic gf, guess chances arent worst than before
What is the general opinion of Mussolini? Is he hated or do people like him?
it didn`t work in 17th century, why should it work now?
>Corsica and Dalmatia in 'Italy'
delusional foiba dodger
Savoias are quite hated.
There are some monarchist, but they despise the main line of Savoia, they clime that the right king is one of a Savoia branch.
don't forget the (((Anti-terrorism Act))) and the further cuckening that's about to pass because of bongs
Well that's an european thing, not really in the scope of the question... the czech are suing the EU for that law, we'll see what happens
You can't shoot anybody.
If you do, even if he's a criminal that is enter in you house and he's raping your sister or your kids, you still can't shoot.
If you do you go in jail with commies and post commies in tv telling that you are a demon and shoul be jailed forever and ever.
We do something vaguely similar already, but not for city-states. Look up "regioni a statuto speciale"
Good luck with that, it'll be a cold day in hell before catholic girls marry a sw*de
>not visiting one of the greatest cities in the history of humanity
Is Veneto a based place?
most of the regulations are retarded nonetheless, EU or not
like how the fuck am I supposed to get a suppressor besides stealing one if ownership is legal?
Other than some industrial sprawl, it's paradise
>>Corsica was ceded to France because of muh Genoese debts the year Napoleon I was born there
Yeah that's dumb, we just never had a tradition of gun ownership so nobody ever bothered making laws that made sense
I'm italian american on my mom's side.
do you all look down on me as a poser for learning italian?
I speak Spanish already
How bad is the Muslim invasion?
Are you going to be able to save your country?
Thinking of moving over there. Is there anywhere that's not shit (compared to London) ?
>nobody ever bothered making laws that had sense
that's still no reason to make up retarded shit, but then agaim you can't really expect anything from (((politicians)))
depends, how nigger are you?
half hispanic, half italian
my mom's maiden name is italian but i have no idea how to track down family.
Literally second reply to that post
Corsican are still very very much Italians. Secession movements just recently halted and they would strike big with terrorism acts.
Now there are no more Italians in dalmatia because of mass migration and slaughter by you fucking slavic commies. But I still want my fucking land back
This is fucking Salvini/Casa Pound propaganda, fucking lmao. The only real problem is that you get thrown in a really long legislative iter and so you end up spending loads of money on ((((lawyers))))
The only thing that is controversial is when you shoot a thief that is already running away
Pretty much like Lombardy and Piedmont, just that now they are all going retarded because they want to declare independence and reform the Venetian Republic. Too bad our constitution forbids any independence movement
>La Repubblica Italiana, una e indivisible [...]
If you act like some "OH ITALIAN BROTHER I AM ONE OF YOUR OWN, MY MOTHER IS ITALIAN-AMERICAN, PROBABLY MY GREAT GREAT GRAND MOTHER WAS SICILIAN OR SOMETHING, SEE? I AM ITALIAN AS MUCH AS YOU ARE", then obviously yes. But if you act like a normal being like "I want to learn Italian because one of my ancestor was Italian", then it's ok
Yes, it's not as bad as the media tells you. Most of them end up as basically slaves of the mafia in sicilian/Calabrian farms
The countrisied, most of north Italy (avoid big cities like Milan though). Probably somewhere in Veneto or in the north of Lombardy is your best bet
What's her maiden name? Unless it ends with an i don't bother showing your face north of Rome
Did I spot a Venetian snow nigger?
Spero bene, terronazzo. Vicenza 4 life
Is Rome safe? Im visiting on holiday shortly and don't want to get my expensive camera stolen and shit.
Are there hordes of migrants on the streets?
Thanks for the suggestions
muh heritage isn't as big as it is in burgerland, you're mostly fine on that side, also being willing to learn our culture is always appreciated
>half spic
nevermind, you can crash on Milan if you want
>don't bother showing your face north of Rome
but that's exactly where the multikult is
I've done some basic googling but I don't have enough information to follow any trees
Lol, sono Lombardo
Waiting for dat referendum
Anyway, why do you want to secede? You know it won't happen because it's against the constitution? Why instead don't you just pursue what we are pursuing, economic independence? We are brothers. Thousands of our brothers died so that we could all live together as a nation. Why do you want to secede instead of improving the situation? You literally are nothing better than a Nigerian fleeing his country
Buoni i gatti?
Yes, in Rome and in Milan they're everywhere, though they're everywhere just there
Piedmont too and maybe Sardinia, though that's a country on it's own as the government doesn't give a shit about them and the only real city is probably Cagliari where the major dock is. It's pretty based, though it's infrastructure are completely garbage tier
In rome be careful of gipsies, expecially the little girls.
They will try to rob you in subway and police don't give a shit (they can't do anything thanks commies).
well I was looking forward to seeing the historical sights, but not if they've covered in shitskins.
How far we have all fallen.
Yeah it's fine, tourist central. Stick to the standard attractions and you won't even have to know any Italian to get by.
Does that include transplants from Austria, Switzerland, etc? Never seen that before
Whatever, not the end of the world. Just go to Milan and become another guy with an american accent.
Ebin. Secessionists are retards going REEEE muh taxes out benefits in REEEE. That being said, I'm all in favor of balcanization of Europe. The blood and soil roots of the continent are being lost, and political fractionation is a good way of getting it back. And push come to shove, do you really think Veneto and Lombardia wouldn't immediately become allies?
Deliziosi, se lavati nell'aceto per togliere il selvatico
>mass migration and slaughter by you fucking slavic commies. But I still want my fucking land back
'Still the crusaders found themselves only able to pay 51,000 marks to the Venetians. In response, the Venetians indicated that they would accept the invasion of Zara (now Zadar, Croatia), a Catholic city on the coast of the Adriatic, as well as nearby Trieste, in lieu of payment for the time being.'
'The Venetian fleet led by Doge Enrico Dandolo left harbor on 1 October towards Istria and imposed Venetian supremacy over Trieste, Muggia and Pula.'
'Zadar fell on 24 November 1202, and the incident foreshadowed the Siege of Constantinople later in the campaign.'
>800 YEARS of fucking Italian domination
>b-but those people fleeing en masse to Italy who lived here till yesterday are slavic
Kys ottoman rape baby
Why don't you say thanks to venetian to didn't let you be the savages that you are?
YEARS of fucking Italian domination
yeah, while we were busy with Turks
>Why don't you say thanks
'Domagoj helped the Franks, as their vassal, to seize Bari from the Emirate of Bari in February 871. Ships from Dubrovnik also participated in the attack. Although the Arabs were still dangerous with their raids in the Adriatic, the Venetians were the main enemy of Domagoj ... Venetians renewed their attacks on Croats.'
'The Italians have a reputation that if they are fit for anything, it is only to stab you in the back'