I voted for Hillary. Ask me anything.
What's it like being an ultra high IQ city person?
How much for a brain surgery?
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Hillary. All the city people voted Trump
Can you post a pic of your cry face from election night?
I missed you.
It's hard because I live in rural southeast Texas. My county went over 70 percent for Drumpf.
Do you regret having slept with men?
Does black people cum taste different?
Was she really too smart to win?
I would but I don't have one. I was crying though.
not at all
I don't think so.
Not surprised. Can you post a cry face from today?
Where on the spectrum do you fall?
I can't cry on cue.
I don't have autism. I have bipolar disorder, PTSD, gad, and gender identity disorder.
How is your AIDS coming along?
I'm sure something will happen today to make you shed some tears. Please come back and post a pic of it
Well I'm on medication now so I'm crying a lot less these days. It's possible though.
I don't have HIV/AIDS.
Why haven't you contracted anal cancer and dropped dead yet?
Stop your meds. Let your true emotions and personality shine like a ray of light piercing the clouds.
Gotta vote against Trump (or Pence) in four years. I can't die yet.
Why do you think anyone cares?
I just think Sup Forums could use a differing worldview.
you can probably guess that i voted for and don't really see that big of a deal with Trump, but can i hug you?
Kinda a waste of a vote don't you think?
How long did it take you to realize something fucked up was going on based on media and high profile Deomcrats shredding their "when they go low, we go high" motto to double down on calling trump voters ignorant, racist, misogynist, ableist, istist while also penning spiritually advanced op-eds like "white people's lifespans in the midwest are decreasing. Good, let them die." How long did it take for the entire facade to shatter?
Took me 2-3 months . I voted for Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general, I'll never vote for a D again. Fuckin wild, man.
Sieg Heil.
what did you do so wrong with your life that you spend your time larping on Sup Forums?
This slide thread could've been more interesting...
congrats on winning
Meds are a social construct to keep you down. Stop taking them.
The only wasted votes were for ALEPPO and Jill Stein.
Republicans are the ones who say "let them die".
Thanks lol
Why do you suck so much?
Why did you vote for a candidate who kills more people every year than sharks?
Because I don't believe that tinfoil nonsense like the Clinton body count. Putin has actually murdered journalists and political dissidents.