Sup Forums will defend this
Crops are rotting thanks to Trump banning illegal Mexicans
*Blocks your path*
Those farmworkers would almost certainly be paid below min wage. Are libs okay with this?
Raise the wage so white people actually get those jobs
sure, it'll inflate the prices of food slightly but it's worth the immigration situation being resolved
>lived in Commienornia
>couldn't find a job
>applied to harvest crops
Oh, so now you want me to work for you? Too late. I'm just going to sit back and watch the west burn.
no cheap mexicans anymore therefore automation is required therefore jobs, innovashun etc..
Not an argument. Americans aren't willing to do the jobs of Mexicans because they are lazy.
Demand creates supply. Pay more than $1/hr
stay mad cunt.
abolish the minimum wage and let people work at whatever they are willing to pay and problem solved
>omg why dont any white people want to work for .50 cents an hour?
Why can't you ship mexicans in during harvest season and then send them back? that's what we do with moroccans
this is the racists strategy to raise wages
and if it works, anti-racists BTFO
See this is how wages are determined in a real free market system-- by what you can pay citizens to get them to want to do it. This isn't a problem actually and the fact that liberals treat it like one is highly indicative of their lack of understanding on economic principals.
California displaced those white men.
They're not going to come back and work below minimum wage now that your slaves are being taken from you.
>Move across the country to take a seasonal job
Sounds like a smart idea.
"Stop stealing jobs we don't want!!" - white trash rednecks
>an infograph with the word 'til
why do liberals like human trafficking and modern day slavery?
This has already been debunked as fake news, why does it keep popping up?
>want equal pay
>doesn't want equal work
>Hey white man why are you making more than me for 8 hours in the field while i do nothing?!
We have work visas that are for exacty that purpose.
Cool, have them repost that job by offering a living wage and see how many applicants you get.
You complete bucket of retard.
>we need these slav- I-I mean undocumented workers goyim
one of the very few agendas liberals can push these days
>kids and teens used to pick fruit and vegetables
>kids and teens become adults, get better jobs, then have kids
>these kids now pick fruit and vegetables
This is how it worked for a few generations. Why wouldn't this work again? Oh yeah, "we entitled" generation now.
thats what those farms get for building their staff full of illegals, to be honest the employer should be in jail for human exploitation
also side note trump didn't ban illegals what a fuckin retarded thing to say their called illegal for a reason.
Farmers employing illegals are criminal and deserve a greater punishment.
This. It would be ingenious, and it would cost just enough for people to think this is not cost effective and start developing automation for this job, later making this process unnecessary
Because, much like the niggers they virtue signal for, they have no idea how to automate the process.
This. the farmers know damn well that they're doing for cheap labor. they don't want to hire Americans because then they'd have to pay a fair salary
I don't understand. Is the left ok with exploiting illegal immigrants for labor or not? Or are they only when it helps their cause?
So this might push someone to make a machine that does this work? Holy smukes
of course they are, they love slave labor. How else can they get avacado toast?
Didn't that turn out to be based on 2015 numbers?
No it will bring the prices to where they should be, until innovate a new way to harvest that lower prices.
businesses that rely on illegal labor are getting what they deserve.
Worst case scenario California can just get food from Mexico. Those Mexicans can then stay in Mexico and make money there instead.
So in other words, why don't you want to help the Mexican agricultural industry, you bigot?
How is this happening so close to mexico when here in Michigan all the seasonal workers arrived no problem?
I do maintenance on their refrigeration systems and other things.
>someone please come and pick our crops for slave wages.
Why is it California is the only state having this issue?
Crops are supposed to be tended to by legal seasonal migrants.
Are you saying these farms were using... illegal labor?
>jobs are available
yeah no shit they probably got filled as soon as applications were opened
>how else can they get their cheap chinese made goods
You're right I will, California is filled with backwards thinking idiots so I don't really feel bad for them. There are literally hundreds of thousands of able bodied men the could work those jobs but they're lazy fucks that don't do anything and due to Californias sht agriculture laws, there is almost zero incentive to hold said i
Because California produces all the food.
Why work when you can do the same thing doing nothing? Socialism is the problem. Showing eveyone that unemployment is voluntary will end the image that welfare is for the poor and not the lazy.
pretty much. Florida is good for fruits like Oranges etc but only certain times of the year
Didnt realize the world ran on almonds.
How about we legalize all immigrant and make the process to citizenship easier?
Maybe it will cause large corporate farms to fail and allow smaller family farms to be profitable again, but that's something likes like you don't want
We're just encouraging California to secede so they can get immediately taken over by Mexican gangs while we laugh at them.
>Democrats condone slavery and inhuman work conditions
Checks out
you mean nuts and rice for international trade? or do you mean your precious avacado toast?
what do you love more, slavery or your avacado toast?
White feminists are drastically underrepresented in farm work. Why don't they exercise their equal rights and go work?
We can just send the Mexicans to you is that cool?
no thank you, I'll stick to my local farms.
Fake country calling for faster naturalization.
Moab molenbeek faggot.
Except I did want this job. I applied for it back in 2010.
I didn't get it because I wanted minimum wage.
How about you fuck off?
obongoleaf tier bait
any time a leftist says california has a big ole gdp make sure to remind them it's based almost entirely off of slave labor, and if california were to secede they would become a country like thailand or vietnam
How about we eradicate all retarded communists jews like you and lower demands for food? Also fuck california for promoting liberal agendas and dodging the taxes that pay for them.
You can do that legally, the farms just don't want to pay extra.
they wouldnt sell anyways. it was all over the news a few years ago. produce rotting in grocery stores because it was overpriced and nobody would buy it. we get most of our food from canada and mexico now days
we dont even actually sell most of the crops that are produced
You love slavery
I would actually work fields if it was an available job where I live
Our current system is quasi-slavery, with mexicans being paid below market wages and being afraid of being deported.
Niggers are the ones who need jobs.
They aren't going to do it because selling drugs is easier.
Should really just legalize them and make it so that you have to have a college degree to sell them.
That's how the Bracero Program worked from 1941 to 1965.
It was mutually beneficial.
trips of truth. all fruits and veggies i like and get are from a local farm they grow themselves. besides Bananas which say on a sticker usually come from Brazil etc not Commiefornia
force the fly over states to take jobs instead of welfare. The problem is we have pseudo republicans that say they want to take these jobs but never will. I run a farm and I have republican friends that bitch about immigration but won't work for 10 dollars an hour.
>Tell them this shit that isn't true so you look like a fucking retard.
Okay buddy.
Hahaha look at his response you fucking retard. You DO want slave labour. You fucking bitch.
So we build better harvesting machinery. Pretty sure it will be way more efficient and it doesn't shit in the produce.
how about you legalize all africans and give them plane tickets to get into your country easier?
Let them. One of 3 things will happen.
1.) They fucking rot
2.) Prices go up a bit and they hire American at a decent wage
3.) More farmers unite to cut out the middle men and with the extra saving hire American and decent wages.
My vote is on No. 2, which I am fine with.
No thanks bitch. I make $100k sitting in a lab watching monitors while shit posting.
Day of the leaf blower can't come soon enough
that is fucked man, chill out with this racist shit damn.
mother fucker who pays for that shit? goddamn fuck this board my margins aren't great.
ya WE will just build that shit. no faggot, producers build shit you sit there and shitpost.
kill yourself
Yes but farmers cheated the system all the time by hiring illegal wetbacks for sub minimum wage.
shut your fucking mouth you fucking worthless, putrid nigger scum
Make me faggot.
It's almost as if the companies have a vested interest in deliberately not hiring legal workers to replace the illegals and allowing the food to rot so that the libs ensure that the BEANS MUST FLOW...
>the left calls themselves the resistance
Brain dead leaf needs to read entry level economics books. Those jobs aren't going unfilled because there aren't people willing to do them. The employer has to be willing to pay them.
Number 2 is the reason whites don't try to get employed there. They pay horrifically low wages. Far lower than minimum.
>democrats in 1865: crops are rotting because our slave labor was taken away from us!
>democrats in 2027: crops are rotting because our slave labor was taken away from us!
Well, at least they are consistent.
You seem perturbed.
Perhaps your butt frustration could be relieved by calmly applying some icyhot to your butthole.
>make whites minority in cali
>complain when there aren't enough of them
When will white nationalists realize that these jobs cannot be automated? That they require human labor? And as long as they require human labor, Mexicans will come here and do it if whites don't? There are plenty of these jobs in Oregon that start at nearly 13/hour. They provide housing. White replacement ends where not white replacement begins.
You're cheap. If you can make more money moving packages at a factory than maybe you should analyze your own business practices.
I would love to put this spoiled cunt to work in the fields, let her see what happens to to her kind in the camps after sundown. She can use the sub-min wage paycheck to try to find herself a lawyer after the county prosecutor refuses to try any of her rapists.
The stupidity of liberals and their inability to understand the basics of illegal aliens amazes me.
Gonna need an actual source on that claim.
>Crops are rotting thanks to Trump banning illegal Mexicans