zero women
Zero women
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*blocks your path*
their wives are at home taking care of their children.
taking care of the children at home
also fuck off shill
We got our based titty girl quadroon
There were plenty of women just not in the front leading the whole thing.
Why would you bring women to a place where a fight is likely to happen?
>z-zero women!!
>t-they're all neckbeard losers!!!
>t-there weren't even that many of them
>C-Colbert made fun of them on Youtube
Here are the women
She even has a kid
the right doesn't put girls on their front line demonstration like you putrid lefty demons do. If you keep putting your (((women))) on the front, they're going to get the same treatment you do
but i see 2
They were busy.
I count two so far, which are 3/10. Not really something to be Aryan proud of.
There's 2 right there. Not that there needs to be any though.
They're in the kitchen where they should be.
That is lefty bullshit.
Also, white men is who the left, almost solely, demonizes.
When you expect antifags to attack you shouldn't take women with you.
"gay" is now an antifa-approved insult again
i though sjws were pro gay, why do they flip flop.
women are cowards
and largely brainwashed by cultural marxists in their useless *studies college degrees
>muh blue haired feminazis
so brave
Turn leftist rage against Charlottesville antifa by posting that they are White supremacists.
Man you just reminded me I can't wait to see what video he makes about this, it's going to be great
The one woman who was there was by mistake and probably scared out of her wits the whole time.
they look like dudes
starting to think this movement is unsustainable
fucking BASED
How many kilos is in that picture?
No they don't, you low-test faggot.
Fuck off /leftypol/. For your information there were lots of women there, but you only see what you want to see or rather what the (((media))) wants you to see.
Shut the fuck up commie shill. Here's another blonde woman (who is normal sized unlike leftist hamplanets) telling antifa that they sound like niggers
Women get involved in the movement
>You're all just thirsty beta orbiters
Women don't get involved
>Woah what a sausage-fest, losers
is the guy that organised this shitshow the media now?
>Women's march happens
>Then this happens
>The Far Right is almost exclusively men
>The Far Left is almost exclusively women
>TFW the long awaited civil war comes,but it's not whites vs blacks, it's men vs women
>Neither side is willing to abandon their politics, and so must be fought to near total elimination
>After killing almost all of the women in the country, the remaining men quickly wipe each other out in fights over who gets the few women left.
>Jews march in and take total control over the crippled country
>It turns out the Donald Trump, the rise of white nationalism, and the conservative resurgence were all part of the Jewish plot after all.
How's it feel to be manipulated Sup Forums?
I see two really ugly ones
Let this faggot know we are onto his ploy.
>tfw anti-Semitism is a Jewish conspiracy
Turn leftist rage against Charlottesville antifa by posting that they are White supremacists.
nice moustaches
Get the Luger
does it look like a kitchen?
>tiki torches
This whole this was kinda gay just for lack of class.
Video related
Women don't belong on the battlefield.
Because letting them vote was a mistake
>>tfw anti-Semitism is a Jewish conspiracy
And why not? Conspiracy theorists think that the Jews are the ones behind the immigration of thousands of Jew-hating Muslims. Is it really impossible to believe Jews are manipulating your political beliefs as well?
Just as it should be.
Women have no place in politics.
There are multiple visible in the photo you posted retard
By the Jews quite pleasurable, by you not so much.
its like poetry
is she the mascot?
This isn't a march against women, idiot.
How does it feel to be so simple-minded? Keep typing from that script, shill. No one's fooled.
Like, omg, i can't even right now. Did you just assume their genders!?
>Zero women
Literally a woman in the pic
Gonna be men who make America white again anyway so why does it matter?
1488 my brother. the beauty of these women must never perish.
It's just shitposting,
>hurr durr le virgins
You realize that no one who has anything good going on their lives goes to events like this. This is the march for disaffected white betas who need someone to blame for their life failures.
>women in politics
There were a few females there showing support, I see nothing wrong with that.
Women are only good for propaganda purposes/optics.
The most powerful force in the world is men organizing and allowing women to be a part of that completely changes the group dynamics.
as it should be
women have no place in politics
>antifa marches at 2:30pm on a weekday while everyone else is at work
>Strong white men plan ahead, make arrangements with their families, and attend a march on a Saturday night
Yeah, it's totally the normal, conservative white guys that have nothing going on with their lives. Kek
Only Antifa puts women up front, as shields.
semites do it too
You realize that your digits don't mask your pathetically obvious subverting efforts and you're still headed for the oven.
shes not even white lmao
Because they are childish, self destructive easily manipulated sheep.
Only good for breeding.
More Men need to Realise This.
No ones going to kill all the women in the USA. White men just need a show of force to make women stop viewing them as boring white guys who get pushed around by Tyrone and let their borders get overrun. Gassing the kikes would help too.
and you wonder why the world is fucked today
Yes women were told to stay home this is a potential violent gathering my husband is there along side Chris Cantwell and all the other True men that are there to defend whites... They kicked ANTIFA off the Jefferson monument and got there asses handed to them they greatly underestimated our numbers.. I am proud of my husband and thank all the other men who showed up
>American "women"
So the left has chosen the "lol nerds" line of attack I see. High quality stuff.
Make a vice article about the gender gap in the white supremacist movement.
Umm, assume others gender much?
Two terms
Two genders
Two scoops
Too bad
Lmao. These are the people she thinks will defeat the "nahdzi's". When SHTF make sure to find these people and take care of them.
Here's the thing. I may agree that the destruction of Southern history is bad (Especially the demonetization of Robert E Lee, who was a great man.), but at some point it really is just a march of racists.
Wish they weren't this fucking overt about the white nationalism angle, because while I still know for sure I'm ultimately going to be defending them, it's really validating a lot of the leftist cuntery. They can easily point to this and use it as an excuse that all their Nazi sandbagging is legit.
This is scaring the fuck out of black people. Stop!
Doesn't matter. Have you seen those hips and chesticles? She'll do.
there actually were women there as seen on streams, and there were plenty freshly wife'd hotties at the smaller protests previously
the entire narrative of shaming is crumbling around them while the fire rises
hail victory
Sorry we don't send our women to fight our battles for us because we're not cowards. :^)
Don't be an islamophobe, OP
>zero women
They'll call you Nazi whatever you do.
How many big name celebrities attended these sorts of marches? How many of the 1%? How many CEOs sponsor this? It's all people with failed aspirations who blame the Jews for their their bruised egos.
I bet you will only see the tits in this vid though.
Shut the fuck up you civic nationalist cick. The time for mincing words is over. This is just the start and today's March is gonna be bigger and it only grows from here. You might as well join those limp dicked antifa cucks because you aren't distinguishable from them while crying for us to hide our Nationalism. Go back where you came from shill, no one is buying what you're peddling here.