/iranbro/ here. we both hate zionists, c-can i join the rallies in vegeta?
/iranbro/ here. we both hate zionists, c-can i join the rallies in vegeta?
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only if you bring persian qts for us to impregnate
Kill yourself mudslime.
>Iran here
You have to go back
Considering we weren't always at odds with Iran and fuck the chosen ones, why the fuck not. I'd rather Muslims were Shia instead of Sunni, much less crazy bullshit. Not totally civilized, but a marked improvement.
White men need to continue a show of homogeneous cultural force. The world needs to remember why they respect us.
Wrong board, bro. Here we like zionists and hate the International Eternal Jew.
You nuke Israel first, then we'll talk.
>much less crazy bullshit
They're both worse than each other buddy.
Pic related shia chimping out or some shit
Look up shia blood rituals... Shia are inhuman fucking scum
Only zoroastrian Iran are true Iran
Remember,jews and iranians was friends
Why are Persian women so crazy, lad?
hates mudslimes more than zionists
enjoy your african refugees, schlomo
There's no place for your wicked ways in civilized world.
You're anything but a nationalist, you faggots chose sand nigger/Jew religion over the based Iranian identity
Just go faggot. Persians can pass for white most times.
Have you apostised from Islam?
Do you disavow Islam?
Can you talk a good LARP game about muh Aryans and convulted racial theories that give you an entry ticket into the White group identity?
If yes to all thee you may have an outside chance. But why don't you join a Persian association? That's your ethno-nationalist group. The Alt-Right is ours, you don't belong in it.
Persia is white.
No one would consider Finns to be non-white right? But the fact is that Finns are further away from Scandinavians than Syrians are, genetically of course. Persians are even closer to most modern Europeans than any Mexican or Finn could ever hope to be. Who gives a fuck about religion and culture? RACE is the key, RACE is the problem, RACE is the solution.
My understanding is that Finns are white but they are not Indo-European. Similar to Basques.
They are more Mongolian than Caucasian.
Go home, faggot
That very well may be. They are still European though and "white" has a different meaning than Caucasian or Aryan.
>Persians enjoying islam
Historically illiterate/10
I have no idea why you think think this is for whites only. We are not violent. Also If you care about White issues they would love for you to join.
Also, we aren't going to 'gas' you if we get our way. Beyond confusing on why some of you think this.
>pic related
>I have no idea why you think think this is for whites only.
The foundation of any European/white/Aryan political movement must be the birth of an ethno-state.
>Here we like zionists
kill yourself faggot. nobody on here likes kikery of any form; well except maybe you schlomo
>and "white" has a different meaning than Caucasian or Aryan.
only to you fucking yanks, so you can include based rubeinsteins and other eternal jews as "white".
Andalusian paradise is a myth. Isn't that quote from "Table Talk" anyways?
Jews aren't white. Do you consider Basques white? They certainly aren't Aryan.
>Iran Supports Russia
>Fights Israel and Saudis
>Shiite Muslim
>Great Culture and People
I think you are good enough lad.
Please keep in mind that islam / arabs were very "mysterious" for europeans back in the 40s..
When people thought about middle east / arab or islam they thought about the stuff you hear in kid stories and legend shits.
The world was very different.
If Hitler was alive today with everything that is happening, do you really think he would be pro islam ?
Bulgaria-Jew always out in force to defend Israel. You're not fooling anyone you dirty kike
Arabs and Persians will be the last allies the white people have against the powers that surrounds them both. Put aside the differences and fight with sword and saber, with bible and qur'an against the demons that tries to destroy all Caucasian life on this planet.
Listen, we'll get them to Israel, you do the rest.
are arab natsoc christians who support assad allowed
I have an Assad flag and some palestine (jew-hating) flags in my cupboard, would i be allowed to bring it along?
my dad killed an iranian, ama
I would welcome you as a brother but I wont deny that there are many national socialists and especially regular "nationalists" who don't know shit about geo-politics, alliances, culture and history. However most of those people are keyboard warriors and in real life they won't say shit so go there and shake hand with the person in charge, let them know that you support their cause and that you have your own reason for standing by their side, and if they have an IQ above 50 they'll be happy to have you by their side.
Why did he do that?
iran-iraq war. its funny his best friend is also an iranian. i dont think many people know he killed in the war, i told my sister and she didn't believe me.
actually i'm not sure if it was an iranian or a kurd, something like that.
The Iran/Iraq was was really tragic since both sides were right in their actions. Saddam wanted to crush sectarianism within the country and build a ba'athist state where everyone could be happy just like the western world at the time, and Iran had just had a revolution where the american puppets where overthrown.
>Asians are Whites' best allies! Their women are qt3.14's and they obey the law!
>No, Indians are Whites' best allies! Unlike Asians they have souls and Indo-European culture!
>No, "Latinos" are Whites' best allies because they're Christian and at least 1/8!
>No, Muslims are Whites' best allies because they hate Zionists!
the shah actually wasn't that bad. He was an american puppet yes, but in 1975, he made a deal with saddam and started to move towards the OPEC axis and break away from full western dependence. That's why the british overthrew him, I still think the 1979 "revolution" was engineered by the British.
The shah was a brutal dictator, but he was also a nationalist, I think he genuinely wanted to modernise and develop his country.
Pinoys do the same thing
we're not asking you to love us, we just ask that you don't stand in our way in our war against the jew.
Ask yourself a question, when was the last time you saw an Arab hate Japan or China? Japan or China never take in any Arab refugees or Arab migrants, they are arguably xenophobic against all, including Arabs. Why don't Arabs hate them like they hate the west?
It's because the west aides the Jew in the Jew's treachery against our land. In our fight against the Jew, the white man stands alongside our enemy. That's why we hate you.
If you stopped supporting the Jew, we wouldn't care if you enforced a completely racial state and barred Arab immigration, as long as you don't attack us or aide our enemy.
Here? No. And you wouldn't want to be were you a non-hypocritical natsoc. As an ally, why the hell not+
In vegeta you say?
The Persian people of Iran and many Arabs in MENA are white. In the US you would consider them whites and you wouldn't see a difference between someone from France, Spain, Syria, Italy, Lebanon, Croatia, Iraq, Greece and Iran.
I don't know enough about it to argue against you. But there is no doubt that Khomeini brought new life into Iran as well as into the Arab world.
Considering that you already control 99.6% of the ME, I have a hard time believing that Israel has anything to do with it. If you got rid of Israel, next you would want the Balkans, or northwestern China, or... chip, chip, chipping away.
This is true. We've already seen that when the white man fights against the jew then the arabs and also many other peoples of the world will rally behind him. Hitler broke free from the chains of zionism and the world stood behind him in a common fight against the enemies of mankind.