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One for the Cathobongs. First time mass has been said in the ruins of Fife Cathedral destroyed during the reformation

Also, Cardinal Burke will be saying a pontifical mass on Sep 2 in Glasgow


Did that priest who was doing the AMAs ever come back?

With this flood of new garbage threads I guess it's nice to see a more usual shitpost thread. But this is is still a shitposting thread, fuck off.

I've hidden like 30 threads about this stupid unite the right rally.

theres so much suffering in this world, why would God allow that?

tfw when I die it will just be me and with all the Mexicans and irish

If they like torchlit procession so much, they should join the Church

Why wouldn't he allow that? None of the suffering in this life is eternal. If he wanted to test the faith of people & see if they really believed & were thus worthy of eternal salvation, it seems logical that he wouldn't give them an easy ride

Man creates his own suffering. There is a difference between evil and tragedy.

I used to be a catholic until my priest touched me in my naughty place.

The Pope wants you to do this questionaire Catholads. You can be sure liberals who probably don't even attend mass will be doing it

I'm at 26. Thought I'd hidden this thread too. I used to not hide threads on principle but when you retards flood with shit threads i started hiding them.
>If he wanted to test the faith of people & see if they really believed & were thus worthy of eternal salvation
Why would he want to do that? Why is such testing necessary? Doesn't he know how the test will go already? If he wanted his creations to be with him why didn't he just make it so?
From what he would have done to us because of how he made us? That's some real saving there. It's like setting a house on fire then pulling the occupants out. Did you save them or just get them out of the situation you forced them into?

I moved to a more Catholic neighborhood recently. Feels good to see so many cars with rosaries and little Marian shrines in front of houses

Do you not have religious education in Romania? It's all basic stuff

>Why would he do that?
Because the reward is so great. He wants his creation with him, but not those who are unworthy of being with him. A parent can love their child, yet still tell the cops if they feel their child is a danger to others

>Situation you forced them into
God didn't make us sinners. There's a thing called original sin. We are culpable for our sinful nature


Eastern Catholic here in full communion with Rome, anyone else fasting before the feast of the Dormition/Assumption of the holy Theotokos?


¿Hablas español?


hey maldraw hows it going?

We wrote that, Protesatans stole it and twist it to align with their false gospel. Anyway, you seem like you're LARPing.

No m8, not many Hispanics here

I thought he was Buddhist

He was here a few days ago. In this thread

>I used to be a catholic until my priest touched me in my naughty place.
Nice myth.

Fun fact: During the last 70-90 years, there is only one case that MAY have been kiddy diddling. Everything else is literally fucking nothing, just people wanting to make a quick buck.

No hes a christcuck and its pretty obvious he started most of these chirstcuck shit just to slide threads on Sup Forums

uhhhhhh God wrote the bible

>not those who are unworthy of being with him
Then why create such? Why create things you're going test knowing their going to fail? Why doesn't he just make what would please him?
>God didn't make us sinners
Yes, he did. He made everything, nothing happens except through his will. Are you stupid?
>We are culpable for our sinful nature
No, we're just how he made us. This is how he wanted us to be and the things we do are only the things he wants us to. If he wanted us different we would be.

Brit friend, please stop fighting it. This is a Catholic country once again

Roman Catholics have overtaken Anglicans as the country's dominant religious group. More people attend Mass every Sunday than worship with the Church of England, figures seen by The Sunday Telegraph show.

Yep, you're LARPing.

So, you moved to a spic neighborhood, spic lover?
And good job being a dumbass who thinks flags mean something. You absolute retard.

Aside from making those comics I don't think he's had much interaction with us. Also these threads were started long before he was around, by Skullcross if IIRC

I have no real problem with catholicism but the liberal catholicism that dominates the catholic church in England is cancer.
go worship Mary

>if IIRC

No, lots of large White families here, haven't seen many non-Whites so far

Leaving most important brit related/catholic video of all time, have fun.

This thread went downhill fast. Shame on you.

We do not worship her. We give Hyperdulia to Mary, which is the highest act of veneration possible. However, we only give Latria to God, which is worship & adoration given to God and God alone.

I'm finding it hard to get over my natural dislike of Catholicism due to my disdain for Poles and the Irish and my favouritism towards the English and other Germanics, i.e. Protestants. Theologically I consider myself quite Catholic since I'm Anglican (basically Anglo-Catholic) but I have serious hesitations towards the Catholic Church itself.

Feels bad 2bh, I really wish I could make the change to Catholicism but I just can't stand so many of the things I mentally associate it with.

It started out as a shitthread, like all these daipy shitposting threads are. It couldnt get worse.
>we worship her
>but we say we don't so that means we don't
Okay, makes as much sense as any other religious crap.

There's a wonderful Anglo-Catholic tradition out there too user. The Oxford Movement, Cardinal Newman, Chesterton, Tolkien.. recently with the Walsingham Ordinate

Now you're just being retarded, you lack any coherent theological understanding. You offer up no argument, you are what we call a texas sharpshooter.

In 1309 AD, the seat of the papacy was moved from Rome to Avignon (France). In total, 7 Popes were seated in Avignon until 1377 AD when the seat was moved back to Rome. The entire justification for papal supremacy is based on the claim that there is an unbroken line of Bishops of Rome from St. Peter... except that line was broken during the Avignon Papacy over 700 years ago. The Papist Church is a false church.

Why do Latinos seem to be pretty religious with all their Tattoos that are Bible inspired but at the same time they tend to do commit many crimes?
Doesn't it contradict itself?

I am here to profess my love and unceasing devotion to our Blessed Mother, the Mother of all Christians, Mary

I love Our Lady more than words can express and will resolve from this day forth to always serve her. My own wants, vanities, and delusions mean NOTHING and I pray that Mary my mother may occupy every inch of my soul and edge out these foul human vices and fill that space with her own holiness, her own perfect humility, her own serene peace, her own perfect union with her Son our Blessed Lord, of whom every blade of grass, every grain of sand and every wisp of breath in the cold air proclaims the presence and the glory.

Accept the goodness of Our Lady into your heart, take her as your personal confidant, express your love for Christ through her and keep a sense of her presence and blessing with you all day, every day during our sojourn on this earth and you shall never, ever fail or stumble.

Know Mary, know peace.

No Mary, no peace.

Make the right choice, my brothers and sisters, whatever your denomination may be. Our Lady is waiting for you. She has always been waiting for you.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Pray for us, oh Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

No, Jesus came specifically to save people like that. They are the ones who need him the most, you see.

Your future King and Supreme Governor of the Anglican Church is secretly Orthodox. Come home to the true Church of Jesus Christ!

Shouldn't be too difficult in 40-50 years. There'll be no CofE or Lutheranism. The actual beliebing Anglicans are leaving & joining the Ordinariate


old boomer here

I don't think you've been paying attention to the changes in the Catholic Church in England. It's much more traditional than it was. The Latin Mass is returning all over & attracting young congregations

There was an FSSP Mass in Canterbury Cathedral a few years back.

I'm trying, but dairy is like 30% of my diet, so it's hard. I did cut sugar and caffine to make up for it.

They have a permanent residence in Warrington now. Other traditional orders are spread throughout the country.

There's a full list of latin masses here

Yeah it's difficult but I just try not to think about it all too much.


I feel like I am not worthy to attend mass

Stop molesting children

Listen guys. We need to get rid of this filthy commie piece of shit pope. He's the antichrist and everybody fuxking knows it. If we don't start doing something about this cocksucker pope. Ima get the devil to do something about it.

Good read. Hope he comes back

In our natural state, none of us are worthy user. Yet, it is through attending mass that we become worthy.

Pic related

I will try to attend mass this Sunday.

After reading the responses of the priest in the other thread I've finally deleted all my porn.

Glad to hear both of those things user. This 1hr talk is very good at explaining how porn & the encouragement of lust in general is used to control you

$4Billion in child sex abuse settlements

Orgy & drugs in the office designated to investigate clerical sexual abuse.

I know this feel, except I was raised in the Catholic Church in America so instead replace Poles and Irish with Mexicans and Filipinos. It feels like a strange fluke for me to have been born into this Church being an old stock Yankee.

Anyone got all the links of fatheranon's AMA's? I'm excited for the next installment. His AMA's are a beacon in a sea of degeneracy

already watched it. great video btw

what did we do?