Why does the European government want us to drive cars like pic related so bad? They're ugly, small, no fun at all and they don't have any power either.
Why does the European government want us to drive cars like pic related so bad? They're ugly, small...
Who slipped the red pills into Gijs' water?
>doesn't need much gas
>cheap in the long run
>is better for nature
>can find a parking lot everywhere with it
Yeah but you look like an imbecile driving it. Seriously. There's no fun at all in driving these, they have no power and you sit too low. The people who drive those cars are the kind of people that stay at 85kph in the right most lane (both hands firmly on the steering wheel), and then not notice it when you try to merge onto the highway.
who cares what you look like init, as long as it drives from A to B its alright.
for citys small cars are perfect.
Well look even our lorries are cucked. Instead of the long hood American BIG RIGS like Kenworths and Peterbilts, we get these flat nosed ones. Why is everything small and stupid here?
>as long as it drives from A to B its alright
What a stupid way to think. Life is also just going from being born to dying, who says you can't have a little fun in the meantime?
what fun is there in searching parking lots in the city with a 4 meter long car?
what fun is it paying high taxes and insurance?
no matter what car, its always better than public transport or walking.
>what fun is there in searching parking lots in the city with a 4 meter long car?
>what fun is it paying high taxes and insurance?
I'd rather that than drive a stupid car!
Cuck cars for cucks.
a fool and his money are easily seperated
The need for external validation is a weakness and common amongst leftists. Fuck off back to plebbit.
>driving a big flashy car is fun!
I wish I could be as easily amused as you are.
The EU elite wants to ban cars altogether on the long term. Only the elite will have the privilege of a personnal car while the slave citizen will be forced to share a self driving electric car with other slave citizens, only to commute to work, fir which they will be heavily taxed. Max speed allowed will be 30km/h, even on the highway, and cars will be banned inside cities. Most people will have to resort to walking or riding a bike, for which you'll need a costly driving license, helmet, gloves and jackets and all the equipment and regulations currently found on motorcycles.
Mark my words
false. smaller cars have way better maneuverability making them more fun to drive on the day to day. much faster acceleration as the literal driving of the car is way better. way better parking and way better gas. driving big trucks for no reason makes you a retard
I can somewhat agree with you about small cars.
But European trucks are vastly superior to American trucks.
American trucks are made to be as cheap as possible, using outdated tech and design.
European trucks are all about quality.
How is this about validation? Some things just look stupid and idiotic and these tiny cars are one of them.
a car fit for a commie
>they don't have any power either
What? Electric cars completely demolish gasoline cars in acceleration and top speed.
This is exactly what I'm afraid of. Now our German friend here would be perfectly content with such a future.
Who /W201/
Pic related is the ideal car of today. Not even memeing. It just needs a proper IC engine, true doors and a sub 5000eu price.
To be honest I never knew this, I just think the classic American rigs look much better than our European ones.
unironically this
no I would not be fine with that future.
but fat trucks are unneeded here.
American trucks just look more feminine.
That's why you like them.
European trucks are masculine.
But why would they want this? Because it certainly seems like the situation we're heading towards.
they don't.
>implying any politican would want to get rid of his A7 S line
>implying citys want retards to stop speeding
>muh fun is more important than practicality
If we lived in a social-darwinist society, you're the type of whiny retard who would die first.
How is this feminine?
>no fun allowed
> sit too low
Are you a woman?
gosh, i don't know, why would a pack of self-loathing, power-hungry narcissists over other human beings ability to travel freely?
>implying that model isn't 10x more profitable for the power elite and makes it 100x more difficult for the plebs to ever free themselves
>Cars are bad for the enviroments goy, take the bus like all the other subhumans
>Cars should reserved only for important suff, like getting european bureaucrats to work
I'm not, I just like to sit straight in a car. Can't do that in most of these cuckmobiles.
Legit electric cars would be fine if they weren't so hideous.
>implying that model isn't 10x more profitable
no it is not more profitable, would slow down traffic too much and cripple economy.
go back to turkistan, roach, and grow up
this board is for adults
You're right, it looks more jewish.
Honestly this couldn't be more far from the truth.
he's probably wrong about the speed limit, there's no reason to enforce such a low speed limit when you can't fine people for speeding.
obviously commercial vehicles would be regulated differently.
This tbqh, our durkhas could never have pulled off a Nice attack with an American truck, only the Euro ones have all-limb drive and tires capable of withstanding sharp, split bones.
and the slow shit cars would still block everything.
it just wouldn't work bruh.
also pic related shit is already annoying enough
>a single seat golf cart
>perfect car for today
are you a virgin or a cuck?
Christ on a cross that thing is ugly.
Give me some spare parts and an engine and i'll just build a sandrail instead.
the perfect car is pic related, no cup holders tho
like i said, the 30mph speed limit is probably the only thing the french guy is wrong about.
hillary clinton has stated, as recently as 2016, that she supports lowering the speed limit in america to 55mph, citing (((global warming))).
you live under the sea faggot.
What kind of car do you want to ride?
Something traditional like say a Mercedes 200 sits just as low as the "cuckmobiles".
High seating = SUV. Not exactly well designed for taking corners fast, nor driven by competent drivers.
Who says I have a problem with SUVs?
in citys you can't drive much faster anyway than 80km/h, shit is way too clogged most of the times.
most autobahn segements in germany are also locked to 120km/h. only very few segments are free from speed limit.
It's a two seater, and it's the perfect car for commuting/city driving.
Cars are obsolete
Are you talking about head space or floor height?
Because when you say "sits low" most people understand that as having a floor close to the ground.
yeah it's great for me and my platonic life-partner to pick up organic vegan cat food from a co-op in brooklyn
You are trying to justify your preference for SUVs with bullshit arguments.
SUVs are not traditional, they are not driven by drivers who appreciate speed (nor the feeling of speed) and they are not driven by competent drivers.
Both really, I have a very long torso so I want to have enough headspace. On the other hand I also like the high seating of an SUV because it gives you an overall better overview of the traffic in front of you (I can look way ahead of me and notice traffic slowing down sooner). But anyway, that's just personal preference. The point is that there should be cars for everyone's preference, and with cars looking more and more the same due to regulations and road taxes, this is disappearing.
IT WOUDLNT HAPPEN TOO MUCH MONEY INVOLVED IN CAR PRODUCTION ALSO how would people even work then, it would cause to big chimpouts
lets talk around reality, now banning petrol cars is more realistic but that is still multiple decades away, also the gasjew will not allow it
>Why does the European government want us to drive cars like pic related so bad?
The left's goal is not to force you to drive a small car, its goal is to take cars away from the bottom half of the population at least.
What's that got to do with anything?
You don't understand. In a few years our choice will be between a cuckmobile and walking. Muh v8 doesn't work when gas is 2 eu/liter and you make 5eu/hr (if you are lucky enough to have a job).
They literally paint a black X on the car and expect people to buy it.
Because they want us to be ugly, small and have no power?
gas in america is like 2 bucks a gallon my truck gets like 10 mpg
they should just do the following
>forbid woman to drive
>forbid young people to drive high powered cars
>forbid old people to drive
this would actually make the roads safer for everyone.
>tfw you love small and fast shitboxes
>Yeah but you look like an imbecile driving it. Seriously. There's no fun at all in driving these, they have no power and you sit too low. The people who drive those cars are the kind of people that stay at 85kph in the right most lane (both hands firmly on the steering wheel), and then not notice it when you try to merge onto the highway.
Don't spew bullshit if you don't want to be called on it.
That is really good, a single liter of diesel here goes for something like €1,30 or so.
Nobody is telling you what to drive.
It's you who insists everybody should be driving SUV's because you happen to like them.
You could drive a fucking pickup truck for all we care.
my first car was a clio mk2, I fucking loved throwing that thing about
I honestly don't see where you're coming from. I like SUVs, and the government is trying to phase them out. I never have ANY problem with other SUV drivers (or van drivers for that matter) on the road.
yeah your corrupt leaders want your every movement to be tracked and controlled under the guise of preventing climate change or whatever the fuck they're calling it in 10 years, our corrupt leaders just want the rest of the world paying for oil with loans they have to take out from them or something.
two totally different agendas.
>Nobody is telling you what to drive.
IN FACT they are! Gas prices, road taxes, all of these are trying to get you to buy their small, shitty cars. It's all the government wants you to drive. Small cars and Teslas, really that's all we can choose from if it was up to them.
>85 HP
My family has clio mk3 and I love it, engine has potato power but corners are fun.
Fucking cucked Europeans
Enjoy your hatchbacks
They're trying to phase out diesels because the ability of diesels not to completely fuck up air quality turned out to be a fairy tale.
They should get rid of the fucking two stroke scooters first though.
I'll bet you're going to complain about electric SUV's once they hot the market.
you really think all electric cars will be cuckmobiles?That's a fucking toyota, of course it looks like shit
Honestly I'm just pissed because I had to sell my old diesel SUV because of the green zone in my city.
This isn't the 90's where 100hp wasn't bad on a vehicle weighing roughly 2k poons. This is almost 2020 where a 100hp vehicle weighs close to 3k poons and has enough granny electronics to stop you from even thinking about fun.
>They should get rid of the fucking two stroke scooters first though.
Fairly sure they already stopped making them?
btw the biggest problem by far are these types of vans.
Despite making up just a few % of total traffic they cause more toxic air pollution than all other vehicles combines.
You think people drive vans for fun? They need it for their job.
So buy a new SUV that doesn't cause everyone in your neighborhood (including yourself) to get cancer.
>chad vs. virgin
Because the EU's end goal is complete subjugation of the people under the guise of safety. It's the reason you can't buy kitchen knives in Britain, why you don't have guns, and why you have thought police arresting people for online comments.
Just saying they should ban them first.
Just as with your outdated SUV.
Let them upgrade to modern diesels at least, but electric would be best.
can any mech engineer/physicist explain to me what gives? Why is the nose different?
Air pollution is a serious issue.
People living near big roads live on average 2 years shorter.
Amerifat education
Why would you drive at all?
It's just waste of money and time.
I can use public transport or uber anytime.
Myself, I am 38 and don't even have a driving license.
203 inches, v8, 15 mpg, icon of American excessivism
C U C K E D by burgerland
American cars are tacky as fuck and designed for nogs
Rebadged Ford
Once you hit 75, life isn't even worth living anymore.
yeah I had the 1.2, was quite nippy desu. Agree about the corners though
They don't want you to drive at all. That's why they make it so expensive with taxes. They want you to keep using (((public transportation))) so you stay used to the idea of being herded like cattle.
The flat nosed trucks are perfect for Europe, where the driving distances aren't that long. Also a shorter truck is cheaper to move with a ferry, as it doesn't take as much space.
>Escalade is an icon for America
Obnoxious nigmobile is an icon of America, checks out.