Actually is fighting for a better right wing movement by kicking the "alt-lite" fags out

>actually is fighting for a better right wing movement by kicking the "alt-lite" fags out.

>Sometimes says stupid shit a controlled op would never say like saying Jews deserve a homeland in Israel

The fact that people claim he is psy ops is proof of psy ops here on Sup Forums. Beware.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do I have to be part of a "movement"? Can't I just hate niggers on my own?

You don't have to be part of a movement but at least don't try to stop them. You alone behind a computer won't accomplish shit in terms of real impact.

Alt-lite fags are effective stormcucks are not.

Spencer is also practically a communist.

>on my own

Kill yourself, you fucking nigger faggot.

Is this man a genius?

>Invented the alt-right
>WASP, not a drop of Jewish blood
>Rich as fuck (net worth 185 million dollars)
>Made white nationalists look intelligent and cool
>The most popular white nationalist since Hitler (Duke's biggest video had 1M views while his have 3M+)
>Doesn't cause infighting among European groups
>Organises alt-right events and fights the battle IRL
>Destroyed (((alt-lite))) Jewish larpers
>Started NPI (National Policy Institute) to get in government

CIA shill stop making these threads
he's a subverter what they do is build trust and try to make themselves the leader

>alt right

Its all alt-lite as far as I'm concerned.



Spencer was never psyops.

The only reason why people began to notice people like Spencer is because he represents the antithesis of what the left has become.

Same reason why Trump won the election. People voted for Trump because he was the anti-left candidate and as long as he keeps assfucking Obama's legacy his supporters will be satisfied.

Leftist created their own monster by dabbling in identity politics too long and not being so subtle about their anti white views. Now people whom would have never identified or associated themselves with real literal Nazis are unironically supporting them because they seem like the more rational side of the debate.

>David Duke, a full kike hating white supremacist
>b-but he's cia

>Spencer, a somewhat kike hating white nationalist
>b-but he's cia

And Hitler was Rothschild too right?

> Lyrical genius
> God-tier musical taste

>And Hitler was Rothschild too right?
top kek at this newfag not knowing shit.
>Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

The only conspiracy is that he's actually straight, you twat

david duke is legit, CIA spencer is cancer

kek. And Vlad Tepes was a muslim puppet right?

you fucking cia shills are in every thread

Yes officer. ..Uh I mean, fellow Nazi

>Rich as fuck (net worth 185 million dollars)

Stormfags are so gullible and prove over and over again that their IQs are nigger level. Funny!

Forgot to include this

>The American activist has an estimated net worth of $185 million. He owes his fortune to smart stock investments, substantial property holdings, lucrative endorsement deals with CoverGirl cosmetics. He also owns several restaurants (the “Fat Spencer Burger” chain) in Washington, a Football Team (the “Boston Angels”), has launched his own brand of Vodka (Pure Wonderspencer - US), and is tackling the juniors market with a top-selling perfume (With Love from Richard) and a fashion line called “Richard Spencer Seduction”.

Fat Spencer burger

Top kek!


This is what a right wing controlled op looks like. Or at best, Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper at CNN.

Basically people who never disagree with the (((intelligence community))).

>he's actually achieved shit in his life

So he's like Trump.

>not an argument
>moving goalposts
>proving to be completely clueless/retarded
last (You) for you, downy.

he's getting on the news, he's obviously a paid shill hired by (((them))) or he wouldn't be getting msm coverage, he's a traitorous whore, forget him and figure out what the new right is about
I vote for abolition of wage slavery

whatever that means to you

it sounds like this, hey I'm part of Donald Trump's new right and we have decided to create this coalition as an effort to abolish the wage slavery that has eliminated our middle class and destroyed the quality of education offered in our schools


Spencercucks are low IQ and they think being a shortsighted retard is the same as being a brave nazi warrior. Doing stupid things is brave.

good one

>Basically people who never disagree with the (((intelligence community))).
the IC runs televised media, so if you appear on MSM you are part of (((them)))

no way around it

yeah run back to Brock kiddo. nice meme flag too you fucking faggot.

Spenncer is the fucking man. If we were all like him, hell we would be unstoppable

>there are unironic supporters of alt-light

>somebody has a different opinion from me wew

spencerfag bantz everyone.

ameritard btfo. david irving has recently written about this, citing much of sutton's notes. its a very interesting topic.

THIS! Does no one seem to remember when this was happening???

>some faggots shill for x
>therefore i have to believe the opposite

No; weak minded idiot.
Judge him based on himself; not based on the number of shills for or against him.

Hello fellow based Nazis. I really hate [insert movement leader] because of [reason]. I am an oldfag who has been posting on 3chan since 1998 and let me tell you [leader] came out of nowhere and is clearly a plant. During this time I have gassed numerous Jews so I am an expert on social movements. Anyone who has a problem with what I am saying is a disinfo kike shill. Got it?

I feel like I see this comment a lot.
Spencer has quite a loyal army of shills.

>playing by the (((democratic))) system

Go back to r/t_d, faggot.

Paki wants us larping about the jews rather then supporting more sensible immigration policy. Got it.

This is the second time I posted it. A lot must mean something different to you.

Democratic republic is a white invention.

Why don't you go live in a fascist sandnigger state like your ancestors?

>1000 people at a rally
>700 members of this AmRen movement

His family is rich or did be become rich on his own?

the post you quoted actually builds the case for this thread. CTR uses minor disagreements as subversion tactics to take down rising right wing/pro white leaders.

Good thing when we form a government it is impossible to reform it based on what we learn. You are right friendo. Democracy is based.

But Spencer is CIA. Nice try shill

Not going to happen. We cannot win by jewing the system. They will call us racists no matter what we do. We need to shift the Overton Window.

>They will call us racists no matter what we do.

Why do you let it affect you? They called Trump racist and it was pouring water over duck's back. Didn't phase him one bit and he only doubled/tripled down on his policies.

You're a completely delusional idiot if you think you're going to overthrow the american government and form something better.

The founding fathers were all way smarter than you.... and sure as fuck smarter than fucking dicky spencer.
You've got to be joking.

The indirect approach is generally superior when dealing with a strong enemy position both to a frontal assault both in war and politically.

When they counterattack with "racist" that is when you hit them and that is how you shift the Overton window.

Heaven is a monarchy. God intended there to be two republics. Switzerland to prove it can be done and America to serve as a warning to the rest.

A limited franchise state, fascist dictatorship, or constitutional monarchy would be better than what we have now. I'm not joking. Democracy has failed because you can lie to voters or trick them into supporting something that is contrary to their interests.

The long term goal is limiting the franchise but one thing at a time.

Daily reminder the right is not a monolith, there are varied opinions among our ranks. Spencer is no exception. Anytime someone strays from the purity path (((they))) will use that against them, do not fall for it. Never fall for their tricks.

Spencer has single handedly done more for this movement than anyone else, I dont agree with him on everything but I fully support the man. The irony is hes right on Israel, no modern human will support genocide, period. The first step is securing a white state, the rest will follow naturally.



Is there such a thing as a wrong action? How will we know when we crossed that line?