What do jews exactly get out of destroying the west?
What do jews exactly get out of destroying the west?
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They're rooting out all the degenerates and the weak. It's for the better of society and humanity on the whole. We should be thanking them for this, I know I am.
>by making faggots and niggers live off your tax money
nice meme
Ordo ab chao.
I am tired of seeing this same thread 3 times a day.
They hate us so much they can't see clear they hate whites for all that we did to them throughout history.
a host
A dolcile and easily controlled populace that will never rise up or question. So they hand out a few gibs to their low avg iq populace and they control the world forever.
rooting out the weak and giving the degenerates a platform/voice. Yeah ok mayteee
They hate white people, they think we're dead water. An annoyance.
they feel safer among uneducated browns and yellows than with whites
More control. Whites are (((their))) only true obstacle to total global control.
Their tribe becomes the new pharaohs while the gentile nations are subverted and enslaved.
The controlled and compliant servants they were promised by G-d.
>What do jews exactly get out of destroying the west?
Google letter of Bananias.
tl;dr: Jews get Jerusalem, Muslims get Europe.
Now watch this post being shadowbanned.
desu I think it's more about moving Islam from the Middle East (where they are a threat to their "Promised Land") to the West.
A lower IQ society with less competition from the goyim
how old is he ?
When a jew sees a strong healthy white christian male they see a latent nazi
Jews consider white christian society to be an existential threat
muh 6 gorillians
muh never again
Destroying white culture to the point it can no longer produce strong white men is the end game
Look at the degenerate slavs, jews murdered between 20 and 50 million of them, always ensuring the strongest, healthiest, smartest and most energetic would be in the cull
They ended up with a weak, lazy easy to control herd
Doing this in Europe and America is the goal of international jewry
Remember the Pharao and Moses with his hardworking people who where enslaved?
The jews want revenge.
They just want to Inherit the promised Land as they are the chosen people
They are immanentizing the echaton because it is necessary that the apocalypse to occur before the messianic, Utopian age. Its like how Marx supported capitalism because he saw it as a necessary stage to pass through before a communist Utopia could be reached.
They believe there was an ancient society that was essentially socialism, however, there was also a slave class. The goyim are the slaves for the master race of jews. Basically look at ancient egypt or babylon for a model. Kings would be good rabbis. Someone elswe who cares more could explain that the jews split between talmud worship (sacrifices, etc) and another sect, which I forget its name. God wanted the jews to stop worshiping idols but they refused and continued kabbal talmud kikery
Heres the truth: theyre into the nazi thing, really into it.
They plan to be the master race and the only people left who are white in apparenace after they genocide the whites and mix everyone to brown.
Then they change history and say they were always the gods of this world, thus, they are white with blonde hair and blue eyes while humans are brown.
Scarier is with new tech they will literally seem to have godly powers and magic compared to the rest of us, he slave class.
They will use disease, nanobots, everything so we worship them as gods.
Instead of have 300 million middle class American consumers they get a 1.5 billion Chinese middle class consumers.
A dumber populace to rule over.
short term monetary gains and suppression of the majority's political will, especially if it turns anti-Jew
>destroying the west
Aquarius Age: Saturn triumph over mankind
It's literally written on freemasonry books.
the west. duh
How do I redpill people on the Jews?
Specifically Jew-worshipping Neocons?
They consider whites and the west to be their greatest obstacle in establishing a global order, and worldwide indebted, mongrelized slaves. They feel that if they can "remove whites", they will have inherited the Earth, by mongrelizing everyone into having no racial animus, culture or history except a history of being enslaved to Jewish usury.
overcoming their deep seated self-hate -physical flaws and cowardly nature - through money and manipulative subjugation
Make them dependent on others. Then cut off resources. That's the game.
Power overwhelming
That never happened. They didn't have slaves in Egypt. I've known this since I was a wee lad. They paid the workers at the pyramids with onion and other commodities.
Jews are a scapegoat. Most damage is done by the beta white men themselves. Most white men are after money, they are also very beta leftist as fuck and promote degeneracy the most. They cannot control their women and have no authority at all.
Jews are a minority part of them, but Sup Forums blames them for everything, which is very dishonest.
I have two words which will cut through your post: Balfour Declaration.
Irrelevant for them. It's in their holy book and that's what count.
But yeah. These worker were pretty good equipped. Somewhere I once saw, that they even brew beer there and brought there whole family.
they arent
How does that lead to white men being so extremely leftist and liberal?
A mongrel underclass that they can lord over
They get a revenge boner
They're removing their only rivals for power ?
Who would challenge the jews if there is no west / Niggers ? They can't tell head from ass.
Tbh the poo has a point
>1 post by this ID
It's simple group competition. We have already proved to them that we are too dangerous. Read Culture of Critique.
Revenge or victory. jews and whites have been eternal enemies since start of history,they've been shoah'd in Europe for centuries before on a smaller scale.
Kike detected
They promote it directly with media. Just look at America before the jews got total control of media.
In the same way that lobbying got them the Balfour Declaration, lobbying leftist ideals into gouvernments worked tremendously for them.
Check out the Frankfurt School for more specifics on who they are and what they do.
Anyway, through gouvernments they control state education. Common core for example was developed by a jew.
The point of that is that through socialism, it's easier to control the masses than it would be any other way.
Jews still believe they're the chosen people and are destined to rule the earth. They needed Israel to exist so they can rebuild the temple and invite judgement day, they needed puppets to subsidise these efforts and they needed everybody to forget about Christianity. Balfour Declaration, state interference and education systems.
>forgetting high iq asians
Some really good goy that aren't smart enough or organised enough to ever overthrow them
Total domination.
Following their religion?
Killing off whites. But don't worry we shall pay them back in kind. Next time there will be no fucking camps, there will only be massive ovens.
They get to harvest the energy of the suffering of those whose lives are destroyed in the destruction of the west.
lulz, i assume
They get Jewish Supremacy
Revenge for the holocaust, obviously.
Hitler did one thing wrong, but our generation will fix it.
This is exactly what it is.
debt slaves.... duh
low t. jew
Removal of their primary competition for world domination.
Jealousy. Heebs KNOW that white males can do things no other warrior can, in particular when it comes to being very easily organized, like a team player doing whatever it takes under pressure to survive, and that frightens them. Not to mention the jewish inferiority complex they all have on top of that.
Religious fulfillment. Read Isaiah - white people destroyed Babylon when Babylon took white slaves, and so the descendants of Babylon continue to hunt us disguised as the Jews that betrayed the rest of us to them in the first place.
What does the devil get out of destroying the souls of the children of god?
fuck goys
I'm preparing for this because it's what i'v calculated as well just from studying the local populations ability and skills.
More than half of the people are useless fucks who can't even cook their own meals or improvise tool making. They are fucked...
They want to be the superior animal.
Promote the degenerate and erase their history, then only the elites get the truth.
Consumers who don't question, have innovation and feel some false sense of unity. Under the guise of peace, prosperity and free will