Did something happen or about to happen? Or are the shills attacking cause of the protest that happened that all the libfucks are calling a Nazi rally?
A lot of shills here, did something happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
>nazi rally
There were people there saluting hitler, how is that not a nazi rally
typical reaction to it you faggot
>a Nazi rall
well they did everything possible to make it appear to be a Nazi rally except maybe beat up some Jews.
nazis don't exist
these hitler saluters are just retards
The rally is being staged by the (((media))) and the shills are the same old TRS fags that came here the last time Spencer humiliated the movement. The media is already way out in front of this story - even in front of Sup Forums - when was the last time that happened?
The only way the old media churns out shit this fast is when it's prewritten and planned
The Mittani and the other autismal snowflakes running faggot ops for the Dems out of SA are 2spooped
They're right, too
Because the whole thing is fake
the left got absolutely blown the fuck out and are monumentally ass hurt about it.
At this point I'm convinced that it's a CIA infiltrated psyop. Marching single file with blazing torches and actually doing the Nazi salute detracts from the message because anyone who was on the fence about the movement or was starting to become redpilled will just look at it and immediately associate it with Nazism and get the wrong idea. It's basically a PR disaster that threatens to ruin the base that wants the SJW nonsense to go away but who doesn't want to go full 1488. It also provides incredibly potent fuel for the media to associate any alt rights with Hitler, who may have done nothing wrong, but is the kind of message the masses will readily consume and subsequently ignore.
Apparently it was a great success, if the left lost its mind over it.
If I were doing a thesis on cognitive dissonance I'd start here. Anything that doesn't perfectly fit your world view is fake. Does your mom tap on the door when she leaves a fresh plate of tendies or does she email the notice like Adam Lanza's mom?
lmao fuck off you stupid cunt they have been calling anything right of Stalin Nazi for years. Do you think a couple of randoms throwing salutes will do shit? No.
THIS finally an user with some sense
they've been trying to establish where we draw the line or they've been trying to draw the line themselves.
>doesn't realise anything goes on Sup Forums
for u
Haven't seen this intense shilling since election day. That means the rally was an even bigger success than we can imagine.
>Marching single file with blazing torches and actually doing the Nazi salute detracts from the message because anyone who was on the fence about the movement or was starting to become redpilled will just look at it and immediately associate it with Nazism
No, yeah, that's the point. People are sick of Nazi salutes and hurtful expressions being jail-worthy while radical islamists traffick children and murder with impugnity
delusion is a hell of a drug, thanks for solidifying the jewish agenda
I would if I could but where I am is such a leftest hell hole. As an idea where I live I am a 4 hour drive by Toronto.
I can see the rally having some plants to make us look bad. Hell we already got some with online movements and with false flags that happen. As for the people who did the Nazi salutes it can easily just be seen as a "fuck you" to political correctness and how people are jailed over it.
So what are you some centristfagg cunt that holds no convictions!?You either go hard right or hard left there is no in between the war has two sides.
Eastern Germans and slavs march with torches all the time, nice non meme.
>Or are the shills attacking cause of the protest that happened that all the libfucks are calling a Nazi rally?
Yes. Major ddos attack against alt-right websites. Google removed a ton of search results for "unite the right". This very thread is full of shills. Check the catalog.
Richard Spencer's faggot group of "alt-right" losers don't represent everyone who voted for Trump.
The whole 'protest/march' thing is just an effort to radicalise those involved. Now they're becoming as extremist as those on the opposite side of the spectrum.
M8 it's different to the clashes with BLM and Antifa. The way it's being blasted all over media, it just feels off.
user I get you.
>cognitive dissonance
Yeah maybe. Being on Sup Forums for many years has made me question everything. If you were here long enough, you would feel the same way.
this is america you brit cuck you think burgers in the mass majority are culturally aware of shit like that
>liberals acting like Trump had anything to do with this
>did something happen?
Yes the left lost the debate and are now reduced to shitposting misinformation here
Well considering we house the most extreme of opions in terms of politics they probably assume that if they just bitch enough on our site sone of us will turn
Roman salute, eat shit
so what if they aren't. the long ass line of torches has put a psychological mark in them whether it be good or bad, that's the whole point of them.
The movement is fucked. They have different ideals. They are trying to come together as one. They are destined to fail miserably. Trump won't even support their cause.
I know that and you know that, the point is trying to redpill or at least keep the masses away from leftist ideology. I'm watching the live rally going on now and some of these idiots are joking about the race war meme, out loud shouting it in groups race war now, don't give the media the fucking ammo they need. Its just stupid being facetious like that, it goes over most normies heads and the media knows it.
They will go to hell when the day comes
Heaven will be the best after the rapture:
>No muslims
>No atheists
>No commies
>No fags
>No trannies
Theyre JIDF kikes and /leftypol/ chimping out over the YUGE success of Unite the Right.
Its bigger than anyone even imagined. Truly an impressive day.
>a crowd
>a crowd
wtf I hate the right to peaceful assembly now
This this and this.
>don't give the media the fucking ammo they need
Stop being kekisteni KEKS and get with the program you fucking idiots.
This stream is following Spencer around
No such thing as bad publicity.
>trumps America
>Not even using a trump rally
This is why the left can't meme
>Nazi salutes
>saying shit like "blood and soil"
>"we're not nazis!"
What did he mean by this?
whose memeing? if anything this is just a meme platform for the useful leftist idiots to spread on social media to keep themselves ignorant to the cause.
A lot of people don't understand this. The media calls you racist over something you did or do so you stop doing that thing. So to try and keep a good image to don't do that thing anymore then you get called another racist again over something else. They slowly whittle you down to nothing or until you become like them to gain acceptance.
Some OC, lets meme this stop arguing with shills.
Nazi jew shills everythere
Yeah I guess it's beneficial for us
>weak should fear.
But you are weak
That salute isn't Nazi in origin you ignorant spineless cuck.
Neogaf and leftypol have been here ever since the 2016 U.S. election, trying their best to subvert right-wing thought. These LARPing faggots don't really stand a chance, though. In the end, genuine political beliefs will last, while virtue-signalling melodrama will just fade away when it stops earning them the attention and pats on the back that they think they deserve.
The Nazi salute makes it pretty obvious this is controlled opposition of some kind.
I still can't figure is Spencer knows it or is just some useful MK ultrad dupe.
Jew nazi black nog arab chink shills everywhere
>genuine political beliefs
Such as? Trump may have made some good immigration changes but you're still going to get outbred by the fucking brown hordes within a few decades you retard. At least the guys in Charlottesville are actually trying to do something about it.
This, they could be choir boys and the media will still call them Nazis, so who gives a fuck what the media has to say.
white people fighting back instead of letting themselves be shamed into extinction is their biggest fear
replace with sam hyde lol
>such as?
any political beliefs, really. Anything that you honestly believe and are willing to defend will last, but if it's something that you just do because of a bandwagon trend, to get likes on social media, to signal to others that you're a "good, progressive, tolerant person", well that shit won't last in an ever-changing political climate. When you stop getting everyone's approval and more people start to actually challenge, and even make fun of you, then if your political beliefs are just bandwagon bullshit, they won't last. You'll drop them immediately because they no longer give you the approval you think you deserve.