Are dogs our greatest ally?
Are dogs our greatest ally?
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I love my doggo
Muslims hate dogs.
'ruff said
Yes. Also I want to punch the baby in the face.
Do Americans really do this?
Dogos are great. All the subhuman races don't love dogos. Cats are for women and faggots.
Yes, my Lithuanian, eh, friend.
Why Are Dogs Racist? Canine Experts Speak - Gawker
Racist Dogs: Why Do Some Dogs Seem Not To Like Dark Skinned ...
My former dog, an english bulldog barked at niggers and the dog in pic related got rid of two sand niggers from my neighborhood.
For some reason its face pissed me off. Most babies do not do this.
My dog just died
A german wirehaired pointer
It was the best dog
F :"(
You're lucky you don't have ATF
Mine is.
When a gipsy is near my back, the dog won´t stop staring at him.
He would protect me and kind of knows who is into some shit.
perfect dog:
he protec
he attac
but most importantly
he get ball bacc
They haven´t dare to aproach me yet.
Yes, my first dog was a Golden Retriever and he was a saint. Except those times when shitkins would pass near our home, he just wouldnt stop barking at them
Muslims hate dogs for some Autistic reason, only low test and women like cats. Pic is my comfy doggo. He will have bad dreams a unless you reply "sleet tight doggo"
We got the most badass dogs out there, they small (and cute), but if you get yo bitch ass hands near them they'll snap yo shit deadass.
>inb4 chink dog skinning/doggo gore
My mum knew a dog who would growl and bark at black people when she used to work in a pub in England. She thought the dog was abused as a pup so barks at niggers as an adult.
haha must be a common thing then wtf
Yes except for pitbulls.
I learned I am allergic to dogs. I break out when I touch one. Is there anything I can do to overcome this?
Dog rubbing his dirty asshole on the baby's hand, baby shoves hand in mouth later. So unsanitary.
Sleep tight doggo.
both really good dogs
Spot the subhuman fucking nigger
How many dogs have bitten your disease filth ridden body, monkeyman?
Dogs are absolutely man's best friend.
i love my doggo
Idk man I'm a literal kike and I love dogs.
so you call yourself subhuman? I thought jews had a little more pride than that
look at the mean pitbull!
Oh, hey there, 'murica.
You sound pissed off today.
Did Jamal fuck your wife again?
Dogs getting white hair lads
Nice brindle coat!
Got a friend who got drunk one night in worst korea. The group decided to do a commando raid on the local dog meat farm. The dog they liberated was the best guard dog vs asians. Friggin loved all white people
Pic related
sleet tight doggo
that is one of the most majestic but terrifying dogs i have ever seen.
Doggo had good dreams doggo has blessed your day.
I love dogs and always had German Sheperds but now I have to live with the GF's stupid little chihuahua. I mean the little fuck apparently can't distingish my shoes from his shitting box. Fuck.
In the western world dogs are given shots so they don't get worms.
unironically kill it or something so you can get a real dog
I grew up with a lab that had grey hair around 7, and it lived to be 17. You're good senpai
yes unless the owner is a nigger
Skip work one day (fake sick) and drive it a couple hours away (across state lines is best) and take it to a shelter. Call your gf midway and say the dog got loose when you left to do some work at the office/get meds/whatever. Make sure you arrive home before she does. Make a show of looking around for the dog. Wait a few months then suggest a real dog. Sleep easy knowing you are free of kickdog without having murdered it.
>Suzi Schaefers, "Colorado's Own Dog Whisperer," Canine Psychology Center:
>Dogs are not 'racist'! They do not purposely 'hate' other races like humans do, potentially killing them just because of what they look like. Dogs do, however, react to the immense differences in the human races. Just like a great many of the dogs I work with are aggressive only to men, but love women; sometimes the other way around. Also, each of the races of humans literally smell, act and look differently from one another and the energy we give off is almost always different from one another.
Believe me, the idea certainly crossed my mind.
This might be crazy enough to work. In fact I know a couple of guys working lonely shifts in a nearby mine who could use the extra company.
Is it the same for hair and fur? Uncles allergic to hairy dogs so he has furry ones.
No, isreal is.
beauiful little guy. Looks like my boy who died last year :(
if thats true thats fucking awesome
My dogs all bark at niggers and minorities. I think they can sense I hate subhumans so they're naturally protective.
Cats are alright but they're usually for beta males and women.
It is a national past time here to punch babies in face. Only way to become strong man.
t. 90 pound 15 year old
Sleep tight doggo
it's funny that chihuahuas actually look Mexican. They're cute but can be really annoying.
Dogs are the true saviors of the white race.
>some fine bitches in this thread.
Human Males BTFO
Reminder that an increasing number of women are now flocking to dogs
Pic related, it's me and my gf
I love my dog, mainly husky, german shepard, collie, and golden retriever mix. Whenever everyone in my house is sleeping he'll sit at the top of the stairs facing the doors, hes the perfect guard dog. Hates men with hats and minorities, perfect pupper. Hes pretty old though so hes probably gonna die soon :(
good job doggo.
she loyal for life.
Yep, I have had Boxers all my life and they are some really loving dogs. I do also have a malipoodle to keep my boxer comapny when I am gone.
My smaller dog, who I am certain is mentally retarded, Actually barks at niggers and gives the boxer head all the time, I am not sure why she does either of these things, because a nigger has never beaten her and she is fixed.
She's not that little though :D I don't know her breed because she's from a rescue center, but I think she's half german shepard and irish wolfhound. A good dog she also is, as this case proofed too.
my favorite.
> Have 3 dogs
> Beagle, Border Collie, Chihuahua
> Chihuahua shits and pisses on rugs, blankets, clothes, etc.
> Causes nearly all barking in the house
> Dog gets to go everywhere with us because she's small
> Shits and pisses in other peoples' homes
> Neurotic, barks at me whenever I walk by, nips at me like a cunt on occasion
> Refuses to go outside
> Probably going to outlive the other dogs and even the cats because small dogs consume the life force of other living creatures around them
The little shit is finally gling blind and i can say I feel no empathy. If this dog didn't exist they would certainly be my greatest ally.
Sleep tight good doggo
Checked. Good job dogposter. Dont goto canada theyll throw you in a kennel and fucking rape you daily.
>In fact I know a couple of guys working lonely shifts in a nearby mine who could use the extra company.
is this normal in chile?
They can be. They can also be genetically defective terrorist breeds.
don't fucking say dead ass you fucking faggot
Dogs are the best
if trained properly.
>hates hats
youre suppose to teach them to hate hoods dumbass.
I don't think it is. It's just that this specific mine is kind of far away from its "relave" (ts?) treatment pool, so they're basically in charge of supervising the correct flow of it across all that distance.
>not boarding other people's dogs on weekends for a new doggo to play with every week
Poor form lads
she looka like a messikin
>Hates men with hats
Pupper has good taste in music.
yes except these rats
Get that gay neckerchief off the dog
Even dogs don't like these
Never trust the 4 legged jew
its ok abdul.
i know you hate america.
Unironically yes. Dogs love white men, even in these shit ass days. They're always there, even when we're babies like in the OP
>tfw white men have bond with dogs that literally nobody else does
it's a good feel
My dog only likes whites and asians
I'd say so. But I'd really like a moat around my house if my attack dogs don't maim intruders.
I have no idea what you anons are talking about.
No need to talk shit to yourself. Burn a Talmud and call yourself Judean and you'll be fine
Goes a long way if you don't eat them or allahubackbar them.