I think the Brits should give it back to the argies.
>Inb4 muh votes
Holding a referendum after genociding the natives and replacing the land with your own people is not a legitimate form of claim.
How do we solve the Falkland/Malvinas territorial issue pol?
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally no one gives a shit
>Holding a referendum after genociding the natives and replacing the land with your own people is not a legitimate form of claim.
Who else is going to vote?
>genociding the natives
muh 6 million penguins
every fucking day with this thread and your shitty flag hidden fuck off.
>How do we solve
It's simple, we take the argentina
I'm pretty sure the issue has been solved already, but they're welcome to try again.
I'm down for an argy bargie.
Falklands War 2: Electric boogaloo
try and take it nigger
It's British, that's that.
The islands are now more fortified than when the Argentines invaded, the people want to be British.
The rest of the world could decide and vote. The majority, including the Commonwealth and even Portugal, understands that the island is truly Argentine clay. Or it could at least be split like how based Corbyn proposes.
Spaniards got Argentina, we got the Falklands.
Now fuck off
I think I read somewhere that the Falklands are actually private owned, so the Brit gov have no power to give 'em back, even if they wanted to.
Second, There still maybe oil in the region.
Third, Operation HighJump. Keep a base near the South Pole.
that's as retarded as saying "let's give hawaii back to japan"
fucking kill yourself op
But Hawaii has never been owned by the Japanese you dumb English cunt.
Why are britbongs so triggered by pieces of rocks?
Were there ever true natives on those islands?
Because that is the only thing that they are proud of their pathetic country that is falling apart.
>People in the Falklands voted to remain British and are mostly of British heritage
>Let's give it to some filthy Argies because the Spaniards one time occupied that empty rock
The islands were uninhabited when the Euros arrived
They say the same of every place when they had time to dispose of the bodies.
An actual example would have been giving Alaska back to the Russians, which is as retarded as the Falklands debate.
It was all a "coincidence"
But I actually don't care if that shithole gets returned back to the Russians.
It was solved in 1982
It's funny because if the UK actually had decided to do this Argentina would be a first world country by now.
just nuke us... end my pain
Why you guys even want this small island?
I was there last year, half their population is chilean
Split it in half, already done.
Give one part to to england, and the other part to argentina.
las malvinas son argentinas
That would be the best solution. I think both countries would be happy with the decision, but I still think UK is owner of them now, they win the "war" after all.
Post with your actual flag.
You have good taste in anime I give you that
Can't give it "back", when it was British before Argentina ever existed. Plus, they'd only fuck it up.
Every place???
Can you think of any actual examples?
Argentina is going to suffer extreme butthurt when BP starts developing the Faulkland's oil & Natural gas assets, valued at billions if not trillions of £
Well history says england is the owner so yea, they should keep it.
Fuck you.
We're keeping it you faggot.
What are you gonna do about it pussy boy?
Argentina's claim is too weak unfortunately, plus they lost the war. Nowadays las Malvinas are just a way for argie politicians to tap on nationalism and get votes.
it's complex, it was originally owned by Spain, later they sold it to Britain or something like that, but yeah, they have the right to have it.
well if they literally bought it then its defiantly theirs.
This whole falkand war thing is starting to look even worse than the natives regretting selling us their land
yeah, it's kinda like that, after all after the liberation of Argentina of the Spain empire, all land owned by Spain were now owned by Argentina and the other nations, so as I said it's complex
The crime of the eternal anglo will be evident in the history book in a few centuries.
Literally every geopolitical problem of our time and the recent past came from the eternal anglo's schemes.
So going by this chart we give them back to you, you have to give them back to Spain who then give them back to us and then we give them to France.
The Falklands are just off the coast of Cornwall, I dunno why people get so bothered, its only a couple of sheep farms anyway
Really nice houses
>give it back
So where is our part of africa en.m.wikipedia.org